

【作者】 吴江

【导师】 索桂芳;

【作者基本信息】 河北师范大学 , 教育学原理, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 为了适应时代要求与社会发展需要,深化教育改革,推进素质教育,是当前我国教育改革的重中之重。高中语文教学在基础教育中具有特殊的作用,然而传统的高中语文教学却存在诸多问题。如何改进高中语文教学呢?我认为,语文教学模式的改革是一个重要途径。本研究的主要目的是在总结已有研究成果的基础上,构建一种体现先进教育理念、与高中语文教学实践紧密结合、便于操作的“高中语文一体两翼三维教学模式”,以提高高中语文教学质量。全文共分七个部分。第一部分主要介绍选题的原由,相关研究成果的综述,本研究的目的、意义及研究方法。第二部分分析了“高中语文一体两翼三维教学模式”的内涵,即以培养学生语文综合素质为出发点,以充分发挥学生的积极性、主动性和创造性为前提,以创设民主、宽松、合作、竞争的教学氛围为条件,以教师激励和指导学生自主学习为手段,以精心设计的多种学生主体学习活动为形式,以学校课堂和学生的社会生活为主要阵地,既重基本知识、基本技能的传授,又重学生的动手操作能力、应用能力及情感体验、良好个性的培养,以达到培养学生语文综合能力,实现个体和谐发展的一种高中语文教学模式。第三部分,结合国内外先进的教育理念,吸收其中可以为我所用的理论、经验及做法,介绍了高中语文一体两翼三维教学模式提出的理论基础。具体分为教学模式的理论、主体性教育理论、建构主义理论、非指导性教学理论、高中语文新课程标准。第四部分,介绍了该模式在具体实施过程中的6个阶段,即“导入启动——确定选题——设计方案——展开深化——交流成果——反思评价”,以及每个阶段在实施过程中所要注意的问题。第五部分,总结该模式在实施过程中应注意到的师生角色问题和运用的教学策略。教学策略指在实施教学的过程中力求做到“六个统一”,即“学习内容的工具性与人文性的统一、学习空间的开放性与情境性的统一、学习内容的统一性与选择性的统一、学习过程的全面性与差异性的统一、学习氛围的合作性与竞争性的统一和学习成果的预设性与生成性的统一”。第六部分展示了在高中语文一体两翼三维教学模式指导下进行的高中语文课文《虞美人》的教学实例。第七部分总结了高中语文一体两翼三维教学模式的实践效果。

【Abstract】 In order to keep up with the development of modern time and the society, it is critical for us to strengthen the educational reform and advance quality-oriented education at present. Chinese teaching in high school takes on special responsibilities in fundamental education. Traditional Chinese teaching in high school has lots of problems. How to improve Chinese teaching in high school? I believed that the reform of Chinese language teaching model is an important way of the reform of the Chinese teaching. On the basis of summarizing the previous research achievement, this paper mainly presents that we should, in close integration with high school Chinese teaching practice, set up a high school Chinese teaching model that can be easily handled to reflect the advanced educational ideas. That is the main purpose of this paper.The paper altogether includes seven parts. First part of the paper introduces the reason of selecting the topic, general summary of the correlative research achievements and also the goal, significance and methods of the research in this paper.In the second part the author analyze and explain the meanings of " three-dimensional teaching mode with integrative both wings based on one subject " for Chinese teaching in high school. They are: developing the students’Chinese comprehensive qualities is starting point; giving full play to students’ enthusiasm, the initiative and creativity is prerequisite; founding democratic, loose, cooperative and competitive learning atmosphere is a condition; teachers’encouraging and guiding and students’learning independently are used as the method; elaborately designing various learning activities in which students are regarded as the subject of learning; classrooms and students’ social lives are the main position; teachers should pay attention to the instruction of basic knowledge and basic skill as well as the students’ability of practical operation, the ability of application, emotional experience and individual character development so as to develop student’s Chinese integrative capability and make the individual develop harmoniously.The third part of this text, combining domestic and international advanced education idea and absorbing the useful theories, experience and methods, presents the theoretical foundation for the theory of“three-dimensional teaching mode with integrative both wings based on one subject”of Chinese for high school students. It includes subjective education theory, non-guiding teaching theory, structuralism theory.Part four the author mentions specifically the six stages of this mode in the course of implementing, they are introduce and start ---Confirm the selected subject ---Design plan -----Deepen and expand---Exchange the achievement ---reflect and evaluate and also the aspects that should be paid attention to in the course of implementing at each period of stage.In Part five , the author summarizes that teachers should pay attention to the roles of teachers and students and teaching strategy used in the course of implementing the teaching mode. The teaching strategy here means that teachers should make every effort to accomplish " six unification " during the process of teaching. They are " the unity of learning content as both tool and humanity, the unity of opening learning space and situational learning space, the unity of unified learning content and alternative learning content, the unity of comprehensive and different characteristic of learning process, the unity of cooperative and competitive learning atmosphere and the unity of planed and produced characteristic of learning achievement.Part six the author shows the teaching example of“Beauty Yu”in Chinese text for high school under the guidance of“three-dimensional teaching mode of integrative both wings based on one subject”.In part seven the author summarizes the practical achievement of the“three-dimensional teaching mode with integrative both wings based on one subject”for Chinese teaching at high school.

  • 【分类号】G633.3
  • 【下载频次】302

