

【作者】 吴艳霞

【导师】 邢玉香;

【作者基本信息】 河北师范大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 自我概念是人对自己以及自己与周围环境关系的认识。包括对自己身体、心理、社会特征等方面的认识。目前国内一些体育工作者和心理咨询师已经认识到不同运动项目对运动员自我概念的影响,但不同运动项目蕴涵的心理教育、心理健康因素不尽相同。本文对不同项目的运动员进行研究,目的是为了较客观的反应出不同运动项目对运动员自我概念的影响,为体育教师、心理咨询和治疗工作者提供理论依据,并为进一步探讨运动项目的心理建设功能提供心理学依据。本研究主要运用文献资料法、问卷测量法、数理统计法和比较法进行研究。从石家庄、沧州、唐山、邯郸、廊坊、秦皇岛、承德、张家口、邢台、保定10所业体校抽取篮球、排球、足球、乒乓球、田径、体操和武术运动项目中,年龄在16-18岁之间,业余训练时间5年以上,中考数学、语文和外语3门平均分数在70-85分(满分150分)之间的运动员各60名。本研究进行了父母教养方式评价量表测试,对家庭教养方式、中考成绩、家庭收入进行同质检验。每个项目确定50人作为研究对象。在严格控制研究对象条件的前提下,本研究运用田纳西自我概念量表,对不同运动项目的研究对象进行比较研究。应用SPSS11.5软件进行处理。研究表明:篮球、排球、足球、乒乓球、田径、体操和武术项目对运动员的自我概念的不同维度影响程度不同,存在差异。在自我概念的道德伦理自我、心理自我、家庭自我、社会自我维度上直接对抗性运动项目(篮球、足球等)的运动员优于间接对抗性运动项目(排球、乒乓球等)的运动员,开放性运动项目的运动员(排球等)优于闭锁性运动项目(田径等)的运动员,集体项目(篮球、排球、足球等)的运动员优于个人项目(田径的100米跑、体操的吊环等)的运动员。在自我概念的自我批评和自我行动维度上间接对抗性运动项目的运动员优于直接对抗性项目的运动员,闭锁性运动项目的运动员优于开放性运动项目的运动员,个人运动项目的运动员优于集体运动项目的运动员。在体育教学与训练中如何使不同运动项目运动员自我概念的不同维度之间互相取长补短,形成良好自我概念,进而促进个性心理品质全面发展、运动成绩的全面提高,还有待今后进一步研究。

【Abstract】 The self-concept is the consciousness of about their own and their relations with the surrounding environment,including those of their physical, mental, social characteristics and so on. At present some domestic sport workers and psychological counseling workers have ready realized the influence of different movement project on the athlete self-concept. But different movement project contains the psychological education and the psychologically healthy factors are very different. The article is about athletes of different projects carries on the meter test. The goal is for the more objective response the influence of different projects on the athlete self-concept. Provides the theory basis for the PE teacher, the psychological consultation and the treatment worker, and provides the psychology basis for further discusses on the movement project the psychological construction function.This investigation applied four research methods: literature research, questionnaire survey and mathematical statistics and comparative research. based on Shijiazhuang、Cangzhou、Tangshan、Handan、Langfang、Qinhuangdao、Chengde、Zhangjiakou、Xingtai、Baoding ten Amateur sports schools taken basketball, volleyball, football, table tennis, track and field, gymnastics and martial arts sports. Between 16-18 years old, amateur training for more than 5 years, the middle school exams in mathematics, Chinese Languages, English language three courses and the average score between 75-80 (out of 150) and the 60 athletes.we used parenting assessment scale, middle exams, and family income of homogeneity test. Each item identified 50 people as the object for research. Under strict control research objective condition premise. Use Tennessee self-concept scale. Conduct a compare of different sports. Aimed at found the effects of different sports to Self-concept. Carries on processing using SPSS11.5 software.The research indicated that, the basketball, the volleyball, the soccer, the table tennis, the track and field, gymnastics and the martial arts sports are difference to athlete’s self-concept different dimension influence, existence difference. In self-concept moral ethics、self-psychology、self-family、self-in social、self-dimension,the direct resistance movement project (basketball, soccer and so on) athlete surpasses the indirect resistance movement project (volleyball,table tennis and so on)athlete, The opening movement project athlete (volleyball and so on) surpasses the closed movement project (track and field and so on) athlete, collective project (basketball, volleyball, soccer and so on) athlete surpasses the individual event ( track and field 100 meters runs, gymnastics suspension loop and so on) athlete. The indirect resistance movement project athlete surpasses the direct resistance project which in the self-concept and the self-motion dimension, the closed movement project athlete surpasses the opening movement project the athlete, individual movement project athlete surpasses the collective motion project athlete.This investigation suggested we need further study how to guid the different dimensions of different athletes from different sports learning from others’s strong points to offset one’s weakness and in order to promote individual self-conception development and sports performance improvement in future.

【关键词】 自我概念运动项目运动员
【Key words】 Self-conceptMovement projectAthlete
  • 【分类号】G804.8
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】380

