

【作者】 王宝琴

【导师】 王军;

【作者基本信息】 河北师范大学 , 国际政治, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 在一个国家的现代经济生活中,个人信用制度是必不可少的,它是整个市场经济运行的基础。美国具有完善的个人信用制度,并以此为基础,形成了庞大的信用交易规模。本文介绍了“美国式”个人信用制度的历史演变及其内容。并对其特征、影响因素和“美国式”个人信用制度的作用、局限性进行了系统分析。最后借鉴其经验,对我国个人信用制度的建设提出了几点建议。全文可分为四个部分:第一部分:“美国式”个人信用制度的历史演变及其影响因素在引言部分对信用、制度、个人信用制度的概念和“美国式”个人信用制度的内涵进行了界定。在此基础上,本部分按“美国式”个人信用制度发展的历史轨迹,详细的论述了其萌芽、创建、发展最后成熟完善的整个过程。“美国式”个人信用制度在漫长发展演变过程中受多种要素的支撑,得以建立、发展、完善。个人信用制度作为美国社会制度的重要组成部分,它的建立和有效运行同美国经济的快速发展密切相关。美国人的契约之道、信德文化、基督教文明,成为“美国式”个人信用制度建立的内在驱动力。而美国的民主政治制度、健全的法制社会以及对私人财产权的保护,为个人信用制度建立提供了有力的政治法律保障。第二部分:市场化运作的个人征信公司完全市场化运作的美国个人征信公司是整个个人信用制度得以运行的润滑剂。目前,美国的个人征信行业由三大个人征信公司所垄断,它们是:Trans Union、Equifax和Experian。这些公司形成了从个人信用资料的收集登记、产品与服务的开发到销售一体化的社会化大生产模式。市场化是个人征信公司的主要运行模式;独立性和中立性是公司的立身之本;美国消费者较强的信用意识成为个人征信公司发展的动力;产品与服务的不断创新是个人征信公司的重要利润源泉;庞大的数据库和先进的软件系统是公司业务发展的保障。第三部分:完善的法律规范及监管机制在美国,同个人信用相关的法律规范有17项之多,其核心是《公平信用报告法》。这些法律规范是在个人信用交易的实践中产生和发展的,形式多样,并具有深厚的文化基础。个人信用的监管机构主要有政府的相关部门和一些专业协会。它们对个人信用管理的基本作用主要体现在:促进与个人信用相关立法的出台,及相应细则的不断完善;监督个人征信公司,使其合理、合法地利用和传播征信数据。美国个人信用的监管机制多元、分散,这一特征有自身的优势也由其不足处。第四部分:“美国式”个人信用制度的功能及局限性个人信用制度对整个美国社会的发展产生了巨大作用,它有助于扩大内需、拉动市场有效需求;节约交易成本;确保市场经济健康有序的运行;增进公民道德建设醇化社会风气。但事物都有其两面性,虽然“美国式”个人信用制度很健全,但它也面临着许多问题:日益膨胀的消费信用使信用风险不断加大;在实际操作中个人信用制度也存在着一些技术性缺陷;而且不断出现的造假丑闻使“美国式”个人信用制度受到了严峻的挑战。结语:在这一部分本文指出了我国个人信用制度建设面临的主要问题:人们的社会信用意识尚未形成;与个人信用相关的法律缺失;个人信用隐私得不到保护;个人信用数据难以收集;个人征信公司得不到大力发展。最后针对我国个人信用制度建立所存在的问题提出了一些建议。

【Abstract】 In a national modern economic life, personal credit system is essential. It is the basis of the entire market economy movement. The Unite States has a perfect personal credit system, and it is used as the basis to create a large-scale credit transactions. This paper introduces the historical evolution and its contents of“American-style”personal credit system and analyzes its characteristics, influencing factors and the role and the limitation of the personal credit system. Finally, this paper profits from its experience and puts forward several proposals to our country’s personal credit system. The full text can be divided into four parts:The first part: the historical evolution and its influencing factors of“American-style”personal credit systemIn the introduction, it defines the concept of credit, system, personal credit system and the connotation of“American-style”personal credit system . On this basis, according the historical path of“American-style”personal credit system, this part discusses the entire process of its germ, foundation, development and finally mature.“American-style”personal credit system is supported by a number of factors in the long evolutionary process, which make it was able to establish, develop, perfect. As an important component part of the American society system, personal credit system’s estabilishment and effective operation is closely related with the rapid economic development of the US. American’s contract theroy, credit and moral culture, the Christian civilization become the internal driving force of the establishment of“American-style”personal credit system. The perfect legal system society and the perfect property rights have provided the powerful political law safeguard for the establishment of personal credit system.The second part: personal credit bureau is a market-oriented operationThe entire market-oriented operational personal credit bureau is the lubricant by which the entire personal credit system can move. At present, the American personal credit trades are monopolized by three big personal credit bureaus, they are: Trans Union, Equifax, Experian. These companies have formed from the collection of personal credit information register, the development of products and services to the social-oriented large-scale production model of sale integration. The market-oriented is main operational model of the credit bureau, independence and neutrality is the foundation of the company, American consumers’strong sense of credit become the driving force in the development of credit bureau, the innovation of product and service is a major profit source of credit bureau,the huge database and advanced business software system is the guarantee of credit bureau’s development.The third part: the perfect legal standard and supervising and managing mechanismIn America, it has 17 items laws which related with personal credit, its core is Fair Credit Repoting Act. These laws are produced and developed in the practice of personal credit transaction,it has various forms, and has a profound cultural foundation.The personal credit supervision is composed of relevant government departments and some of the professional associations. Their basic function to personal credit management mainly embody: it promotes the appearing of the personal credit’s relevant laws, and the consummation of the corresponding regulation, supervise credit bureaus, and they can make reasonable and lawful use and dissemination of credit information. The American personal credit monitoring mechanism is pluralistic, decentralized, this feature has its own advantages, and also has its shortcoming.The fourth part: the functions and limitations of“American-style”personal credit systemPersonal credit system plays an important role in the whole development of American society, it promotes expanding domestic demand, stimulating market demand, saving transaction costs, ensuring the healthy and orderly operation of the market economy, promoting the citizen moral reconstruction and purifying social convention.All things have its dural character,“American-style”personal credit system is very perfect, but it faces many problems: expanding consumer credit increased credit risks,in the practical operation, personal credit system has some technical flaws, and the emergence of fabricated scandal has caused“American-style”personal credit system to receive the stern challenge.Conclusion: In this part, the paper points out some main problem of China’s personal credit system: pepole’s social credit awareness has not been formed, the relevant laws with personal credit loss, personal credit privacy can not be protected, personal credit information is difficult to collect, the credit bureau can not be developed. Finally, the paper makes some suggestions to the problems of our country’s personal credit system.

  • 【分类号】F279.2
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】576

