

The Research on the Cultural Policy of the Southern Dynasties

【作者】 孙欣

【导师】 钱国旗;

【作者基本信息】 青岛大学 , 专门史, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 文化政策是国家发展政策的重要组成部分,是国家文化意志的集中体现。南朝时期,南北分裂,政局动荡。然而从文化史角度而言,当时儒、玄、佛、道等多元文化兼容发展,科技、史学、文学、艺术等领域成就斐然,南北文化激荡交融,中外文化交流互动。这种思想解放、文化繁荣的景象背后,必然有政策因素的推动。南朝文化统治体系由皇帝、文化大臣与相应的文化管理机构共同组成,这是南朝各项文化政策产生与运行的体制保障。面对南朝文化多元发展的态势,南朝统治者十分注重巩固儒学的正统地位,通过重用儒士、推崇礼治、倡导儒学教育等政策发挥儒家思想在国家政治生活中的主导作用。南朝统治者对宗教采取了较为宽容的政策,通过礼遇僧道人士、广建佛寺道馆、倡导宗教戒规仪式等措施支持宗教势力的发展,总体上使佛、道二教得以迅速发展。南朝统治者十分重视对社会舆论的利用与控制,或利用反佛言论、歌谣俗语调整统治政策,或控制社会舆论以维护统治地位。在对外文化交流上,南朝统治者既以宽容开放的文化心态开展与北朝和外国的文化交流,以文化输出为文化交流的主要方式;又注重保持文化优势,增强文化竞争力,谨慎选择聘使与接客担当文化交流媒介,并重视文化学术在文化交流中的作用。此外,南朝统治者还十分重视文化事业的发展,重视图书编纂,扩充和整理官方典藏,同时采取一定的行政手段干预史书编修工作。南朝文化政策具有一定的延续性和创新性,其形成与实施乃是内外多重因素所促成:既是南朝统治者加强政治权力的需要,也是士庶权力之争的结果,又得益于南朝多元文化发展的内力推动以及南朝统治者本身较高的文化修养。这种宽明与掌控兼具的文化政策,使文化权力与政治统治紧密结合,既达到了巩固政权的目的,使南方呈现相对安定的局面,又促进了学术文化的发展、交流与传播,并对后世文化政策的制定产生了深远的影响。

【Abstract】 Abstract: Cultural policy is a basic portion of a country’s development policy. It is an embodiment of cultural volition of a country. The Southern Dynasties were a time of much chaos, in which China was torn apart into the confronting north and south in Chinese history. However, from the point view of cultural history, this period was a flourishing era. During this period, Confucianism, Metaphysics, Buddhism, Taoism and other cultures were compatible with each other in development. Brilliant progress was also achieved in science and technology, historiography, literature, and art. At the same time, the Southern and Northem cultures merged into each other. The cultural intercourse and interaction between China andforeign countries also became increasingly pronounced. Behind the magnificent scene of ideological liberation and cultural prosperity, there must be the state policy that worked as a critical promoter. The reigning system of culture was made up of the emperors, cultural ministers and cultural organization of the Southern Dynasties. It was the safeguard mechanism for the establishment and implementation of cultural policy. In face of the. situation of multicultural development, the governors of the Southern Dynasty devoted much attention to consolidate the orthodox status of Confucianism. The government tried topromote the Confucianism’s dominant role in politics, by engaging famous Confucians, using Li in politics, and advocating Confucianism Education. At the same time, the government also adopted a more tolerant policy, such as respecting Buddhist and Taoist, building more Buddhist and Taoist temples, and advocating religious disciplines and ceremonies, which promoted the rapid development of religion as a whole. In addition, the dominators attached much importance to control or make use of public voice. They either adjusted policy by making use of the arguments or ballads against Buddhism or consolidated their dominateposition by controlling public voice. Meanwhile, the dominators developed the cultural intercourse with the Bei Dynasty and foreign countries with a tolerant and open-minded attitude. On the one side, the government took cultural export as the main way of communication, on the other side, the government paid much attention to maintain the cultural predominance and enhance its competitiveness. They carefully selected the envoys as medium for cultural communication, and also put emphasis upon the roles of culture and academic activities in the cultural intercourse. Furthermore, the dominators attached greatimportance to the development of cultural enterprises, including enriching and compiling books, and intervening historiography by administrative means. The cultural policies of the Southern Dynasties were continuous and innovative to certain extent. Its establishment and implementation were attributed to many inside and outside factors. It was not only the required by the governors to strengthen their political power, but also the result of fighting for power between the Shi and Shu estates. Furthermore, it was benefited from the internal promotion of multicultural development and the governors’ high cultural accomplishments. Such open-minded and rigorous cultural policy led to a great many outcomes. It closelycombined cultural power and politics to achieve the goal of consolidating regime and securing the peace of south. On the other hand, it promoted the development, intercourse and prevalence of academic culture and exerted a profound impact on the formulation of future cultural policy.

【关键词】 南朝文化政策文化史
【Key words】 the Southern DynastiesCultural PolicyCultural History
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 青岛大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 02期
  • 【分类号】K239.1
  • 【被引频次】15
  • 【下载频次】404

