

The Design of MCS-51 IP Core and Expanding Research Based on EDA Technology

【作者】 何琦

【导师】 范延滨;

【作者基本信息】 青岛大学 , 计算机应用技术, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 伴随着微电子技术的进步,集成电路设计正在不断地向超大规模、极低功耗和超高速的方向发展,电子设计自动化(EDA)技术逐渐成为重要的电子设计方法,已广泛应用于模拟与数字电路系统设计等许多领域。本论文主要进行了基于EDA技术的MCS-51IP核设计及其扩展研究,应用EDA技术设计实现多个接口控制器IP核和基于MCS-51的单片机IP核,在此基础之上,提出了一种基于MCS-51的可扩展多功能单片机IP核。主要包含下列内容:首先介绍了EDA技术的概念、特点、构成要素、应用形式及其设计方法,对设计所用的语言、实现载体、设计工具进行了展开。其次,在QuartusⅡ6.0开发环境下采用VHDL语言,设计实现了4个接口控制器IP核,即:可编程定时/计数器8254、可编程中断控制器8259、可编程通用并行接口8255、可编程通用异步收发器8250。更进一步,设计实现了MCS-51单片机IP软核。同时,以Altera公司FPGA(FLEX10K)系列产品为载体,验证了各部分功能。在设计中,对各接口控制器和MCS-51做了部分功能的改进和优化。最后,本文针对FPGA的可重构性及IP软核的可修改性,提出对MCS-51单片机IP核进行扩展,实现可扩展多功能单片机IP核的设想,即根据系统功能与需求增减MCS-51软核指令集和外围设备,以实现硬件结构与系统功能最佳匹配、硬件结构与工程应用要求最佳匹配的可编程片上系统。

【Abstract】 With the development of microelectronics technology, the design of IC is ceaselessly developing in the direction of extra-large, ultra-low power consumption and super-high speed. Electronic Design Automation (EDA) technology has become an important electronic design method. And it has been widely used in analog circuits design, digital circuits design and many other fields. In this dissertation, a MCS-51 IP core has been designed based on EDA technology, furthermore, a research of the extension of the MCS-51 IP has been made. Specifically, four computer interface controller IP cores and one SCM IP core are designed based on EDA technology, on this basis, an expansible, multifunctional SCM IP core is presented. This paper mainly includes following content:Firstly, the paper introduces the concept, characteristics, elements, applications and design techniques of EDA. Design language, FPGA and IDE which are used in this paper are respectively introduced.Secondly, in QuartusⅡ6.0 IDE four interface controller IP cores, which are programmable interval timer 8254, programmable interrupt controller 8259, programmable peripheral interface 8255 and universal asynchronous receiver/transmitter 8250, are designed using VHDL. Further, a MCS-51 IP core is designed. At the same time, some functions have been validated on the FPGA. Some improvement and optimization are made in the design of interface controller IP core and MCS-51 IP core.Finally, according to reconfigurable nature of FPGA and modifiable nature of IP, this dissertation presents a thought of making a multiple MCS-51 IP core, in which instructions and peripherals can be added easily to this core through standard interfaces.

【关键词】 EDAIP核接口控制器MCS-51可扩展
【Key words】 EDAIP coreinterface controllerMCS-51expansible
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 青岛大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 02期
  • 【分类号】TN402
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】344

