

An Investigation of the Application of ELSs by Junior Middle School Students in Jiangsu Rural Districts

【作者】 吴吉东

【导师】 方文礼;

【作者基本信息】 扬州大学 , 课程与教学论, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 本研究旨在调查实施了五年《英语新课程标准》后,江苏农村初中生英语学习策略使用情况。其研究问题如下:1、江苏农村初中生英语学习策略使用总体现状如何?2、江苏农村初中生英语学习策略使用在年级和性别上有何差异?3、导致江苏农村初中生英语学习策略这种现状和差异有哪些可能因素?本研究以认知理论和人本主义为理论框架,采用定量与定性相结合的研究方法,整群抽取苏南、苏中和苏北三所农村初级中学三个年级9个班级422名学生(其中男生217名,女生205名)做SILL问卷调查,又随机抽取这三所中学不同年级18名学生(其中男生9名,女生9名)进行访谈。用SPSS (10.0)处理问卷调查数据并将访谈的结果进行分类整理,得出主要成果如下:1.江苏农村初中生英语学习策略总的使用情况不令人满意,处于中等使用水平;他们仅仅自发地使用学习策略,其使用的频度由高到低分别为元认知策略、交际策略、认知策略、情感策略、记忆策略和补偿策略。2.江苏农村初中生英语策略使用存在年级差异,在记忆策略、元认知策略、情感策略和交际策略使用上,随着年级升高,使用的频度下降,但没有显著的差异。临近的升学考试和渐增的学习负担使他们改变了英语学习策略;而补偿策略正好相反,并且存在着显著的差异。3.江苏农村初中生英语学习策略使用在性别上也存在着差异,女生比男生更经常使用这六类学习策略,而且,在记忆策略、元认知策略和交际策略上,存在着显著的差异。女性的显著特征会影响英语策略使用,如女生更喜欢用想象策略记忆单词等。4.导致这现状可能因素还有江苏农村初中生没有受过专门系统的英语学习策略培训、现行考试为中心评价制度的限制、传统教学方法的负面影响以及不够理想的语言学习环境等。本研究揭示了江苏农村初中生英语策略使用总体现状,探究了导致这一现状和差异的可能因素,这给中国农村英语教学提供了一些启示。但它还存在着一些研究上的不足,需要在未来的研究中进一步改善。

【Abstract】 The present study was undertaken to investigate the current situation about the overall application of ELSs by junior middle school students after five-year implementing The Curriculum Standards of English Instruction for Compulsory Education, and General Senior Middle Schools (for short, The New Curriculum Standards). The research questions to be addressed in the study are the following:1) What is the current situation about the overall application of ELSs by junior middle school students in Jiangsu rural districts?2) What are the differences across different grades and between different genders in their application of ELSs?3) What are the possible factors which contribute to the current situation and the differences in their application of ELSs?The study, with cognitive psychology and humanism as its theoretical framework, was conducted both quantitatively and qualitatively. The qualitative research, through convenience sampling, involved 422 students (217 males, 205 females) of nine classes of different grades as the subjects of the SILL questionnaire in three junior middle schools in southern, middle and northern Jiangsu rural districts. And the qualitative research randomly sampled 18 students of different grades (9 males, 9 females) as the subjects of the interviews in those three schools. The raw data from the questionnaires was processed by SPSS (10.0) and their responses to the interviews questions were re-organized, translated into English and categorized by the researcher. The major findings of the study are summarized as follows:First, the current situation about the overall application of ELSs by those junior middle school students in Jiangsu rural districts is not satisfactory, with the mean range of 2.79-3.22 (on a five-point scale), which suggests their use is at the medium level. In their English learning, they only spontaneously use learning strategies in the sequence of Metacognitive Strategies, Social Strategies, Cognitive Strategies, Affective Strategies, Memory Strategies, and Compensation Strategies, with the first frequency to the last frequency.Second, the frequencies of some strategies vary with students of different grades. As those junior middle school students move from Grade 7 to Grade 9, the frequencies of their use of Memory Strategies, Metacognitive Strategies, Affective Strategies and Social Strategies decline. But the differences are insignificant. The approaching entrance examination and the ever-increasing learning burden force them to change their ELSs automatically. With regard to their use of Compensation Strategies, it is the opposite and there is a significant difference.Third, their choices of ELSs also vary with genders. The females are more frequent than males in the application of ELSs, and there are significant differences in the use of Memory Strategies, Metacognintive Strategies and Social Strategies. Female’s distinctive characteristics are responsible for the choices of ELSs. For example, girls are generally fonder of using image association strategy to memorize new words, etc. Fourth, there are also underlying factors leading to the current situation of their choices of ELSs, including lack of professional and systematic training of ELSs, the restrictions of current examination-oriented evaluation system, the negative effect of the traditional pedagogical approaches, the unsatisfactory English learning environment, etc.The present study has revealed the current situation about the overall application of ELSs by those junior middle school students in Jiangsu rural districts, and explored the possible factors of contribution to the situation and the differences, from which some pedagogical implications have emerged for English instructions in Chinese rural areas, but it has some limitations which need to be improved in the future research.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 扬州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 06期
  • 【分类号】G633.41
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】605

