

【作者】 李祥睿

【导师】 周晓燕;

【作者基本信息】 扬州大学 , 课程与教学论, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 烹饪专业课这里泛指烹饪专业教学计划中列出的显性课程,例如烹饪专业基础课、烹饪专业课(包括专业技能课)、专业选修课等。烹饪专业课双语教学在我国通常理解为使用原版教材,用准确流利的英语语言作为媒介,进行烹饪专业知识的讲解以及传授烹饪技能的一种教学活动。当然,在双语教学过程中并不绝对排除汉语(母语),以避免由于语言滞后造成学生的思维障碍。本文通过分析烹饪专业课双语教学的实际状况,剖析了影响烹饪专业课双语教学的原因主要表现为:烹饪专业课双语教学目标不明确;烹饪专业课双语教材缺少;烹饪专业课双语教学师资缺乏;学生的英语水平不高;烹饪专业课双语教学方法陈旧;烹饪专业课双语教学氛围不浓;烹饪专业课程双语教学评价方法单一等方面。因此,如何在国家教育部“十一五”规划加大推进双语教学力度的新形势下,开展烹饪专业课双语教学,探索出一条适合本专业课程发展的双语教学之路,成为值得研究一个重要课题。本文主要采用文献研究法、问卷调查法、例证法等研究方法,并结合笔者烹饪专业课双语教学实践的体会,提出了改进烹饪专业课双语教学的策略,主要体现在:合理设置烹饪专业课双语教学的教学目标;创建烹饪专业课双语教学的氛围;统筹教学计划,使烹饪中、高职英语课程实现有效衔接;遴选双语教学课程,统筹烹饪双语教材;借鉴国外双语教学模式,改革我国烹饪专业课双语教学探索之路;采用信息化等教学手段,改善现有的烹饪专业课双语教学;因材施教,培养学生烹饪专业课双语学习兴趣;建立培训激励机制,提高教师的双语素质;架构烹饪专业课双语教学评价体系等方面,对烹饪专业课的双语教学起到很大的指导作用。但同时,也提出了烹饪专业课双语教学尚存在一些问题亟待改进,其中,最主要的是教师和学生的英语水平都需要进一步提高,还有待于后来者的研究和指导。

【Abstract】 Culinary courses refer to the dominance courses which are listed in the teaching programme of special field in general here, The basic course of culinary special field , the culinary specialized course (include special field technical ability class) , special field elective course etc. for instance. Bilingual teaching of the culinary specialized course is generally understanded that be using original edition teaching material and accurate fluent English language to be an intermediary, carrying out culinary professional knowledge explanation and training student’s culinary technical ability in our country. Certainly,We can use Chinese (mother tongue) to avoid affecting the thought of students in the process of bilingual teaching.By analysing the actual situation of bilingual teaching of the culinary specialized course, We analysed the cause of affecting bilingual teaching of the culinary specialized course : The target of bilingual teaching of culinary specialized course is ambiguous; bilingual teaching material is short ; bilingual teacher is short; student’s English level is difference; teaching method is old; teaching atmosphere is not strong; The method of teaching’s appraising is unitary and so on. Therefore , how to strengthen the bilingual teaching in“十一五”plans of Ministry of Education in our country , carries out the bilingual teaching of culinary specialized course , it is a important problem of worthing studying.Research method such as thoery method , question method and example method have been made use of in the article. According to author’s understanding of bilingual teaching, we have brought forward the tactics of improving the bilingual teaching of culinary specialized course : Designing the teaching target rationally; Establish teaching atmosphere; Making an overall about teaching programme; Selecting the courses of bilingual teaching; Writing bilingual teaching material; Using the bilingual education pattern abroad for reference; Adopting advanced teaching method; Teaching students according to their aptitude , training student’s studying interest; Improving teachers’ teaching level; Framing bilingual teaching appraises system,etc,It is good for bilingual teaching. But we have been suggested that still there exists a few problem waiting for improveing urgently at the same time in the bilingual teaching of culinary specialized courses. Among them be that the teacher and student’s English level needing improved further , We hope that the latecomer studies and guides.

【关键词】 烹饪专业课双语教学高等教育
【Key words】 culinaryspecial field coursebilingual teachinghigh education
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 扬州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 06期
  • 【分类号】TS972.3
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】172

