

【作者】 戴成兰

【导师】 严燕; 方洪锦;

【作者基本信息】 扬州大学 , 教育经济与管理, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 21世纪知识经济时代,人力资源已成为社会的第一资源,也成为影响各类组织发展的核心资源,有关人力资源开发与管理研究成为热点。作为人才汇集地的高校组织其人力资源开发与管理问题也越来越成为备受社会关注的重要课题。随着社会开放性不断增强,人才单位所有制的藩篱被打破。高校要形成自身的人才核心竞争力,就要在有效激活内部人力资源的同时,积极整合社会一切可利用人力资源,不求所有,但求所用,积极拓展高校人力资源的构成,丰富高校人力资源的内涵。结合高校人力资源的特点,高校人力资源开发与管理较之企业有其特殊性,比如开发范围更具广泛性、管理对象更具复杂性、运行机制更具灵活性等。这些使得高校人力资源开发与管理应遵从自身的规律及原则,首先,必须保持其外部一致性,即保持与高校发展战略的一致性以及与其它职能部门工作的一致性;其次,保持其系统内部各工作环节之间的一致性。目前,我国高校人力资源配制不合理、流动不规范、管理职能偏位等问题突出。这些问题的存在主要归因于以下四点:一是教育人才市场不完善;二是政府宏观调控不力;三是受高等教育领域内的观念、制度制约;四是高校自身定位不明等。我国高校人力资源开发与管理迫切需要理性指导与法规约束。首要的是进行制度创新,构建现代大学制度,增强高校人事自主权;深化高校内部人事体制及机制改革,包括改革用人制度、创新考评制度、完善分配制度及建立服务制度等。其次,转变观念,创新管理实践。有效实行人本管理、分类管理、职能管理、开发管理及依法管理是解决管理职能偏位等实践操作问题的根本出路。最后,培育与建设教育人才市场,建立高校人力资源管理信息系统及服务系统;完善社会保障系统;优化政策环境、学术环境以及社会大环境是解决高校人力资源开发与管理问题的外部保障。高校人力资源开发与管理是一个关系到高校自身以及高等教育发展的重要课题,相关问题的解决需要政府、社会、高校及高校人力资源自身等多方主体的共同努力,只有通过持续的理念创新、制度创新及实践创新以及外部支持系统的构建与外部环境的优化,才能不断开创高校人力资源开发与管理工作的新局面。

【Abstract】 During the 21st century,a knowledge economy time, human resources have become the first resource of our society and the essential resource which affects the development of various organizations. The study in human resources development and management has become a hot spot. The problems of human resources development and management in universities and colleges also have attracted the attention of the society.Along with the social openness, the talents belong to the society. In order to build their own talent core competitiveness, the high institutes must not only develop the interior human resources, but also develop all the valuable exterior human resources. In this way, the connotation of human resources in universities and colleges should be enriched.The human resources development and management in universities and colleges has its speciality compared with that in the enterprises because of the characteristics. Due to its wide scope development, complexity of members, mechanism flexibility and so on, the human resources development and management in universities and colleges should conform to two principles which are the external consistency and the internal consistency based on educational system.A series of problems such as unreasonable allocation, disorderly flowing and divergent function of human resources management are founded through the investigation and analysis of the present situation of universities and colleges in our country. There are many reasons of these problems. First, the educational talent market is imperfect. Second, the strength of the government macro-control is not enough. Third, the practice of human resources development and management is restricted by the ideas of management and systems of education. Fourth, the higher education orientation is unreasonable, and so on.The human resources development and management in universities and colleges needs rationality instruction. First, the system innovation is the foundation, including positively constructing the modern university system, enhancing the independent rights of personnel affairs determination; reforming the inner personnel system deeply, reforming the employment system, innovating the appraisal system, improving the distribution system, establishing the service system and so on. Second, the management practice innovation is the key point, including implementing the classification management, humanity management, function management, development management and legalization management effectively. Finally,building the external support system and improving the external environment are guarantee, cultivating and constructing the educational talent market, strengthening the macro-control of the government, reforming social security system and improving the political, academic and social environment.The issue of the human resources development and management is a very important subject which relates to the development of the higher schools and the higher education. The improvement of this practice depends on the joint effort of the government, the society and the universities and colleges through the unceasing innovation in the fields of ideas, systems and external guarantee.

【关键词】 高校人力资源开发管理
【Key words】 universities and collegeshuman recoursesdevelopmentmanagement
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 扬州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 06期
  • 【分类号】G647
  • 【被引频次】16
  • 【下载频次】1201

