

Studies on the Reproduction Diversities of the Dayflower

【作者】 何井瑞

【导师】 金银根;

【作者基本信息】 扬州大学 , 植物学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 通过田间试验、观察分析,比较研究了火柴头的多样性生殖方式,其结论如下:(1)火柴头种子有地上大种、地上中种、地上小种和地下大种、地下中种、地下小种6种类型。不同种子的形态特征、休眠萌发特性不同。(2)火柴头有气生生殖枝、地表生殖枝和地下生殖枝3种。地表生殖枝和地下生殖枝无叶片,地下生殖枝不具光合色素。(3)火柴头有气生的雄花、开花传粉型两性花和闭花传粉型两性花以及地表闭花传粉型两性花与地下闭花传粉型两性花5种不同特性的花。(4)火柴头气生花花期约5个月,盛花期在7~9月,开花高峰期近70天。通常气生花枝花序中的第一朵花为雄花,雄花伸出佛焰苞30~35min后完全开放,其后40~45min,开花传粉型两性花开放。雄花开花持续4~5h,开花传粉型两性花持续2.5~3.5h。阴雨天,火柴头花时和开花高峰期滞后1h以上,且开花时间延长。(5)气生的开花传粉型两性花通常柱头先伸出花苞,传粉媒介为宽带细腹食蚜蝇(Sphaerophoria macrogaster)等。气生的闭花传粉型两性花、地表闭花传粉型两性花和地下闭花传粉型两性花的自花授粉依赖于自身花柱的卷曲和缠绕花药、花粉挤出而沾黏柱头。(6)火柴头的正常生长植株和离体克隆独立生长时的雌雄功能组合变化较大。气生开花传粉型两性花、气生闭花传粉型两性花、地表闭花传粉型两性花与地下闭花传粉型两性花的P/O比值分别为5818、3532、558、546。(7)采用不同的培养基培养火柴头的花粉,萌发率差别不同。其萌发率大小为:固体培养基>看护培养基>液体培养基。花粉在柱头上的萌发率小于固体培养基,而大于液体培养基。(8)激素的种类或者激素种类与浓度两因素互作,火柴头地下有性生殖有极显著差异;四种不同颜色的薄膜覆盖对于火柴头六类种子植株的地下有性生殖的影响是不同的。(9)方差分析表明不同类型种子在不同播种密度下,火柴头六类种子后代植株的地下有性生殖存在极显著的影响;相关性分析表明,火柴头的有性生殖与密度和种子类型有显著或者极显著的相关性。(10)针对火柴头的生物学特性,提出综合防除该种杂草的有效措施。

【Abstract】 The dayflower (Commelina benghalensis L.)was the malignant miscellaneous grass extensive to distributes.Its reproduction diversities were 6 types of seeds,3 kinds of reproduction shoots,and 5 kinds of flowers with various biological characteristics. The results were as follows:(1)the 6 types of seeds,i.e. aerial and underground big,medium and small size of seed with various characters in their modalities ,dormancy and germination respectively.(2)the 3 kinds of reproduction shoots, i.e. the aerial reproduction shoot,the earth surface reproduction shoot and the underground reproduction shoot, and the earth surface shoot and underground shoot with no leaf lade, and the underground reproduction shoot with no chlorophylls .(3)the 5 kinds of flowers, i.e. staminate flower,chasmogamous hermaphrodite flower, cleistogamous hermaphrodite flower in the aerial reproductive shoot,and the earth surface cleistogamous flower and the underground cleistogamous flower.(4)the blooming period of the dayflower was about 5 months, with the full blooming period from June to September, and almost 70 days of the flowering peak. the first flower, always staminate flower in the aerial inflorescence, flowered after 30~35min peeping out of the spathe. the chasmogamous hermaphrodite flower blooms ( the second flower ) after the first flowering in 40~45min. the duration of staminate flowering mean 4~5h,the aerial chasmogamous hermaphrodite flower was about 2.5~3.5h. the flowering duration and the flowering peak in rainy and cloudy or rainy day were postponed more 1h than in sunny day.(5)the stigma of the aerial chasmogamous hermaphrodite, usually cross-pollination by some insects such as Sphaerophoria macrogaster, stretched out of the petals before the flower flowered,the type of fertilization of the aerial cleistogamous hermaphrodite flower,earth surface cleistogamous flower and underground cleistogamous flower showed us by the flower pillar tying up to round anther and resulting in self -pollination.(6)ovule-pollen association ratio value(P/O) of the normal plant and clone plant of the dayflower in chasmogamous hermaphrodite flower, cleistogamous hermaphrodite flower, earth surface cleistogamous flower and the underground cleistogamous flower was 5818,3532,558,546 respectively.(7)adopting different nutrient mediums to cultivate pollen grain of the dayflower, the germination ratio is very different for each other . the ratio cultivating in solid nutrient medium is highest.(8)the influence of category of hormone or two factors of hormone category and density occurred together on underground sexual reproduction of the dayflower was pole difference,with the same as the influence of four color plastic membrane on underground reproduction growth of the dayflower.(9)the influence together with the sowing-seed density and the types of seeds on underground sexual reproduction of the dayflower was pole difference, and the prominent or the pole correlation were here between the underground sexual reproduction and the sowing-seed density or the types of seed.(10)8 kinds of the strategies was put forward to prevent the crops from the dayflower .

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 扬州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 06期
  • 【分类号】Q945.5
  • 【下载频次】81

