

Analysis of the Justice-view of Workers in Modern Chinese State-owned Enterprises

【作者】 徐浩然

【导师】 黄岭峻;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 中共党史, 2007, 硕士


【摘要】 自从中国转入市场经济体制以来,亟待解决的一个主要问题就是如何在社会各阶层之间以及社会各阶层内部实现社会资源的公正分配,继而让社会成员普遍接受一种社会基本制度基于正义的结果性不平等。从根本上讲,这一问题关系到巩固执政党的社会政治基础。有鉴于此,笔者选择了利益受损程度相对较重的国企工人阶层作为实证研究的对象,来探讨一项关乎社会主义和谐社会之建立的关键课题。本课题主要以效益很差的L厂为个案,并且选择了效益很好的G厂作为对比样本。笔者在L厂的实地考察中,借助访谈法以及问卷调查方法获得了大量一手材料。综合各方面的资料可以表明,目前国企工人在中国社会急剧转型期处于不利的阶层位置上;并且,从“感知、评价、行为”三个社会心理维度来看,国企工人选择了拒绝不平等。在借助罗尔斯作为公平的正义原则对此现象进行分析之后,笔者发现国企工人正义观中有两个基本内涵:其一,与收入方面相关的价值属性的不平等分配应该有利于处在不利阶层位置上的工人,此类收入不平等才是公正的、可接受的;其二,与权利方面相关的价值属性的不平等分配应该有利于处在不利阶层位置上的工人,此类权利不平等才是公正的、可接受的。然而,在收入和权利的不平等分配都十分不利的情况下,作为权利不平等分配中的不利一方,工人们只有通过依附于企业管理层才能推进自己的合理期望;此外,国有企业组织中尚缺乏一种使不平等各方达致权益均衡的调节机制。所以,当不平等分配中两极之间的分化不断加重时,工人们一方面只能继续依附企业管理层,另一方面则是在期望不能得到及时满足后消极怠工,埋怨并责难企业管理层的无能与腐败。由此可见,与权利相关的价值属性的分配是国企工人正义观形成过程中的关键变量。最后,笔者认为,恰当地配置企业组织治理结构中工人在一定限度内享有的参与权利应当是当代中国国企改革的一项重要内容。

【Abstract】 Since China turned into a market economy system, there has been always an unavoidable problem is that how to achieving the fairness distribution to the community-related Source between all levels or sectors of society, and letting members of society to accepte generally resulting inequality in conditions of a social basic system based on justice. Fundamentally to speaking, the issue will have something to strengthening the social and political foundation for the ruling party. In the view of that, the author chose SOE workers class, whose damage of interests are relatively heavier, as a target of Empirical Study for discussing a key issue related to establishing the socialist harmonious society.This lesson selected the factory L whose performance is very bad for individual case, and chose the good G for a contrast sample.The writer acquired a large of one-hand materials by the way of interviews and questionnaires on the spot. And all datas can express that workers of state-owned enterprises are in a disadvantageous class-position in the social rapid transition of China. From the "perception, evaluation, action"3 social-psychologycal dimensions of view, state-owned enterprise workers chose to reject inequality. After analyzing this phenomenon in the use of justice principles as a fairness of Rawls, the author found that Justice-view of state-owned enterprises workers has two basic connotation: firstly, the unequal distribution of the income-related value attributes should help the workers class in a disadvantageous position -- just as acceptable income inequality; secondly, the unequal distribution of right-related value attributes should help the workers class in a disadvantageous position—just as acceptable right inequality.However, under the circumstances of unfavorable unequal distribution of income and rights, workers as an adverse party of unequal distribution of rights, depended only on the management of enterprises in order to promoting their legitimate aspirations. At meanwhile, state-owned enterprises of China were lack of regulatory mechanism achieving balance of inequality interests of all parties. Therefore, when the differentiation between two poles of unequal distribution has been increasing, workers can only continue to depend on the management of enterprises. On the other hand, they were negative in the working and complained or blamed the incompetence and corruption of the management of enterprises after not meetting expectations timely. Evidently, the distribution of right-related value attributes may be the key variables in the process of formation of SOE workers Justice-view.Finally, the author believe that it should be the main content of SOE reform in contemporary China that appropriating within a certain limit the distribution of participating rights of workers in the enterprise governance structure.

  • 【分类号】D412.6
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】135

