

Basic Research on Costume Design of Game Role

【作者】 高颖

【导师】 方兴;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 设计艺术学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 科学技术的不断突破,为数字娱乐注入了许多新生力量。在短短的数十年间,以电子游戏为代表的数字娱乐已经从当初的一种边缘性娱乐成为当今的主流娱乐。游戏角色的服饰源于游戏产业的多元化发展,现已经成为征服玩家的重要手段之一,同时也成为影响当代流行文化的重要因素之一。研究游戏服饰设计不仅能促使游戏设计不断深化,对拓展游戏产品周边也有着积极的推动作用。电子游戏,作为一种新兴事物来势迅猛,也正是因其迅猛,在基础理论研究方面难免不够全面、系统。尤其是在游戏角色的服饰设计方面的研究,远远没有在技术、制作技巧方面受到重视。从服饰艺术设计角度总结的关于游戏角色服饰设计基础理论的资料十分稀少而且散乱,国内外缺乏将游戏中角色服装设计完整、系统的研究。因此,本人希望通过对游戏角色服饰设计基础理论进行较为系统的归纳、整理,可以对国产游戏产业在此方面提供一些有益的启示。文章主要以游戏自身特点为基础,依据其独特的艺术魅力,借鉴影视、舞台服装设计理论以及动漫角色设计等方面的可取经验,从三个方面展开研究和归纳:首先:从国内外游戏角色设计现状出发,分析得出游戏服饰设计的重要性;对比分析了不同国家游戏服饰区别的成因和发展状况,归纳了国内外游戏角色服饰设计的艺术特点;明确国产游戏开发的个性化路线。第二:结合服装设计创作构思的经验及游戏美术设计自身的要求,系统的总结归纳了游戏服饰创作过程中的构思方法;强调敏锐的时尚捕捉力与游戏服饰设计相结合的创作方法。第三:从服装的三要素即款式、色彩、材质三方面对游戏服饰设计进行系统的分析总结,结合了游戏的特性阐述了服装三要素在游戏服饰设计中的重要作用,并结合国内外的游戏服饰设计作品,分析优秀游戏在服装要素设计中的方法与特色,提出通过款式的轮廓和符号化的局部装饰来表现不同文化下的角色特征;通过色彩的搭配和服装的材质表现角色的个性气质以及在游戏中的个人属性。

【Abstract】 In the last few decades, represented by electronic game, digital entertainment has become a main entertainment form. With the development of game design technique, many new elements have been used, and game role costume has become an important means of overcoming players. Research on game costume design is a new game design direction, which is significance for game industry.As a new object developing rapidly, research of game art design is not attached as important as technique execution, and there is only little information and complete research of game role costume design theory. In this paper, basic theory of game role costume design is concluded, for inspiring Chinese game industry.On the basic of game art characteristic, using movie and stage costume design for reference, three modules are researched as follow:First, the importance of game costume design is concluded from the information of domestic and overseas game role design. With analysis of the course of difference and developing level in different countries, the art characteristic of game role costume design is concluded; a distinctive costume design with Chinese style is proposed. And Chinese game development way should be different from other countries.Second, combined with experience of costume design and requirement of game art design, style and design method of game costume are concluded. Combinations of acute vogue capture and game costume design is emphasized.Third, three elements of costume: pattern, color and material are analyzed for game costume design, as well as their importance to game character. Combined with different countries’ game costume products, methods and characteristics of excellent clothes elements are analyzed. Character of game role in different cultures expressed by style figure and symbolic partial decoration is proposed, as well as its temperament and status in game expressed by color matching and material.

  • 【分类号】J523.5
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】1043

