

The Long March: Seen from the Perspective of Political Socialization

【作者】 李东方

【导师】 许法根;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 中共党史, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 政治社会化即是政治教育培训过程,是一定的统治阶级为了维护其政治统治,通过一定的渠道将其政治文化传授给其社会成员的过程。在这个过程中,政治社会化首先表现为政治传播过程,即把该政治统治体系所确认的政治思想、观念、意识、行为方式等传授给社会成员的过程;其次,政治社会化又是个人学习政治文化的过程,社会成员通过系统的或潜移默化的学习,建立起个人的政治观念、政治意志,形成个人的行为方式。政治社会化是这两个过程的辩证统一。发生在1930年代的长征,是红军第五次反“围剿”失败后,红一、二、四方面军等红军三大主力部队和红二十五军先后进行的军事战略大转移,在这一转移过程中,中国共产党在所经过的沿途广大地区领导并推进着政治社会化。长征的过程也是中国共产党政治社会化的过程。研究长征中的政治社会化,对于执政的中国共产党来说,具有重要的理论意义和现实意义。文章所分析的正是长征中政治社会化过程的两个方面:一方面是中国共产党的政治理念的传播过程,这一过程中包含政治传播内容的制定、所要借助的媒介以及传播过程中表现出来的特点等;本文通过研究发现,政治社会化过程中政治传播的内容并不仅仅是政治社会化主体单方面的灌输,它的制定体现了主体与客体的互动;在长征中,政治社会化的主要媒介诸如家庭、学校失去了原有的作用,而共产党各级组织、苏维埃政权及各人民革命团体尤其是红军在政治社会化过程中发挥了重要作用,这一政治社会化过程冲击了原有的政治文化,传播了一种新的政治文化——共产主义。这一政治社会化过程的特点具体表现为,共产党始终处于核心领导地位,政治文化的传播主要是靠党领导的各革命组织的灌输以及党和红军自身严明的纪律和优良作风的吸引,社会化手段也切合实际,丰富多彩。另一方面,是长征沿途群众对中国共产党的政治理念的内化过程,内化的结果表现为人民群众对共产党和工农红军的拥护与支持。文章对长征沿途群众拥护和支持红军的各种表现作了论述,得出结论:正是中国共产党在长征中成功的推进了政治社会化,赢得了沿途群众的支持,最终保证了红军长征的胜利。本文认为,长征中的政治社会化,给我们以下启示:要不断使马克思主义中国化,创新政治文化:要始终坚持共产党的核心领导地位:要联系实际,丰富政治社会化手段;要始终代表最广大人民群众的根本利益;要注重党和政府的自身作风建设。

【Abstract】 The political socialization is a process of education and training,through which the governing class publicize their political culture to thecrowds in order to ensure their governing. During this process, thepolitical socialization firstly turns out to be a process of politicalpropaganda, that is, the process of transportation of political thoughts,principle, mind, and the way of their behavior and so on to the membersof the society; moreover, the political socialization is also a process ofpersonal learning on political culture. The members of the society buildup their own political conception and political volition, and set up theirway of action under the exertion of a subtle influence from education.The political socialization is the local consolidation of these twoprocesses. In the 1930’s, the Long March is a military tactical transferundertaken by the Red Army after the failure of the fifth SuppressionCampaign. In this process, the CCP led political socialization in thesurrounding areas; The Long March is the political socialization of theCCP. It is significant to investigate the political socialization boththeoretically and practically to CCP, the party in power of our country.This article is analyzing the two aspects of the political socialization:first of all, it is the process of radiation of the CCP’s political discipline,including the establishment of the content, the useful media and the main character during the process. The author found that the contents of thepolitical socialization are not only the inoculation from the party, but alsoa mutual process between the two parties; during the Long March, theusual media of political socialization, such as families and schools, hadlost their formal effect. Instead, the form of CCP, the soviet government,and the folk’s revolution organization especially the Red Army playedvery important roles in the political socialization. Secondly, it is theinternalization of the political CCP’s political theory of people, whichbrings the support to the CCP and the Chinese Worker’s and Peasants’Red Army. This article discusses the support from the people and itsmanifestation, finding that it is the political socialization of the CCP thatinsures the ultimately success of the Long March.This article points out what the political socialization of the LongMarch inspires us: we should go on with the Sinicization of Marxism andthe innovation of political culture, insist on the nucleal leadership of CCP,enrich the ways of political socialization, pay more attention to theself-construction of the party and the government, and stand to the basicinterests of the general people.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 05期
  • 【分类号】K264.4
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】355

