

【作者】 武星

【导师】 赵大庆; 严铭铭;

【作者基本信息】 长春中医药大学 , 中药学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 东北刺人参(Oplopanax elatus Nakai)为五加科植物东北刺人参干燥根、根茎和茎。是我国长白山区特有珍贵药材。据报道,东北刺人参有类似于人参的功效,可治疗神经衰弱、低血压、阳萎、精神分裂症、心血管病、糖尿病和风湿病等。近年来研究表明东北刺人参主要含有皂甙、黄酮甙、香豆素甙以及蛋白质、糖类、酚类、有机酸、鞣质、挥发油和油脂等物质,但目前对刺人参有效成分的研究并不全面,尤其是大分子蛋白类化合物方面基本没有研究报道,药理研究也较为粗浅,本文以东北刺人参干燥根茎为原料,以中药化学及生物化学为理论基础,应用现代提取分离纯化技术研究其大分子化合物(蛋白成分),小分子化合物及挥发性成分。在大分子化合物分离方面,应用离子交换柱层析,凝胶层析等方法,分离纯化出一种新蛋白,命名为OENPⅠ,并通过质谱鉴定其分子量为26.65496KD,初步体外药理实验表明其具有抗真菌活性,这与其同科植物人参中蛋白所具有的抗真菌活性极具相似性,有关东北刺人参蛋白这方面的研究均未见报道,因此本文首次分离的这一蛋白成分可谓意义重大;在小分子化合物分离方面,采用大孔树脂层析,硅胶层析等方法,从东北刺人参中分离出六个单体化合物,并通过1HNMR、13CNMR、ESI-MS、DEPT、H1-H1 COSY等光谱分析,确定它们的结构为蔗糖,紫丁香苷,β—谷甾醇,大黄酸,其中大黄酸系首次从该植物中获得,化合物Ⅴ和化合物Ⅵ待鉴定;在小分子挥发性成分分离方面,本文首次采用超临界提取方法对东北刺人参小分子挥发性成分进行了提取分离,并通过GC/MS联用技术鉴定其化学成分,测定了其相对含量。

【Abstract】 Oplopanax elatus Nakai is the dry root, rootstock and stem of Oplopanax elatus Nakai(bge.)Baill, it is a rare medicinal material especially in Changbai Mountains of China. According to reports, its efficacy is similar to Ginseng; it can be used to cure neurasthenic, hypotensive, cardiopathy, sugar diabetes, rheumatism and so on. In recent years, reports show Oplopanax elatus Nakai is consisted of saponins, flavonoids, coumarins, proteins, glucides, phenols, organic acids, tannins, volatile, and grease, but the study on the active components in the Oplopanax elatus Nakai are not comprehensive, especially on protein, that have not bereported by now, and study on pharmacology is very poor. According to the previous research,we did much study on the protein, and we obtained a protein from Oplopanax elatus using gelfiltration chromatography of Sephacryl S-100 and ion-exchange of DEAE Sepharose Fastlow, which was named OENPI. Its molecular weight is 26.65496 KD. Its pharmacology of first step showed antibacterial effect. In the chemical component aspect, I have got four compounds from Oplopanax elatus by using macroporous resin chromatography, silica gel column chromatography and so on. They were identified by ESI-MS, 1HNMR, 13CNMR,ESI-MS, DEPT, H1-H1 COSY, which were determined as sucrose, syringoside, rhein,β-sitosterol. On volatility components aspect, I extracted by supercritical installation ,which was determined composition and quantity identifying by GC/MS. Protein and rhein are discovered firstly in this plant.

【关键词】 东北刺人参蛋白大黄酸
【Key words】 Oplopanax elatus Nakaiproteinrhein
  • 【分类号】R284.1
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】352

