

Study on Diversity of Odonata in Hainan Island

【作者】 黄小清

【导师】 蔡笃程;

【作者基本信息】 华南热带农业大学 , 农业昆虫与害虫防治, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 为明确海南岛蜻蜓目昆虫种类资源和群落特征,丰富海南生物多样性信息,为海南蜻蜓目昆虫生物资源的保护和合理利用提供理论依据,本文在对海南岛蜻蜓目昆虫种类和数量调查的基础上,研究海南岛蜻蜓目昆虫的物种丰富度和区系组成特征,并采用物种丰富度(S)、种-多度数学模型、Shannon-Wiener多样性指数(H′)、种间相遇机率(PIE)、Pielou群落均匀度(E)研究海南岛不同生境蜻蜓群落多样性特征,运用系统聚类方法进行群落的数量分类和利用主分量分析方法进行群落的排序,研究海南岛蜻蜓目昆虫群落多样性的影响因素。物种丰富度研究结果表明,海南岛蜻蜓目昆虫共计2亚目4总科17科94属159种(含亚种),包括山蟌科Megapodagrionidae5属5种,扁蟌科Platystictidae2属4种,蟌科Coenagrionidae7属16种,丝蟌科Lestidae3属5种,色蟌科Calopterygidae5属8种,溪蟌科Euphaeidae3属3种,鼻蟌科Chlorocyphidae2属7种,丽蟌科Amphipterygidae1属2种,扇蟌科Platycnemididae3属7种,原蟌科Protoneuridae1属2种,春蜓科Gomphidae23属30种,大蜓科Cordulegasteridae1属1种,裂唇蜓科Chlorogomphidae1属2种,蜓科Aeshnidae8属13种,大蜻科Macromidae2属8种,伪蜻科Corduliidae2属3种,蜻科Libellulidae25属43种。其中海南岛新记录属5属:翠蜓属Anaciaeschna、新叶春蜓属Sinictinogomphus、施春蜓属Sieboldius、大春蜓属Macrogomphus和Zyxomma,新记录种7种:碧翠蜓Anaciaeschna jaspidea Burmeister、大团扇春蜓Sinictinogomphus clavatus (Fabricius)、亚力施春蜓Sieboldius alexanderi Chao、桂林大春蜓Macrogomphus guilinensis Chao、细腰蜻蜓Zyxomma petiolatum Rambur、黑背尾蟌 Cercion melanotum Selys、碧伟蜓Anax parthenope julius Brauer。区系分析结果表明,海南岛蜻蜓昆虫在世界陆地动物地理区系和中国地理区系中分别以东洋种(134种,占总数的85.35%)和华南区种(85种,占总数的54.14%)占主要优势,海南岛的热带山地雨林区在蜻蜓种类(占总数74.84%)、东洋种类(占总数64.78%)及特有种数量方面明显高于热带季节性阔叶林区和台地-滨海区,且三区域间蜻蜓种类分布相异性较大。海南岛和儋州宝岛新村蜻蜓群落的种-多度分布均符合Preston对数正态分布模型,模型分别为S(R)=17.7705exp-[0.1530(R-2)]~2和S(R)=6.5302exp-[0.1119(R-3)]~2,两者蜻蜓目昆虫总物种数的理论估计值分别为206种和104种。按蜻蜓在不同生境的分布状况,海南岛蜻蜓可分为广栖种、中栖种和狭栖种三种类型。广栖种主要有黄蜻Pantala flavescens (Fabricius,1798)、红蜻Crocothemis servilia (Drury,1770)、杯斑小蟌 Agriocnemis femina oryzae (Lieftinck,1962)、丹顶斑蟌 Pseudagrion rubriceps Selys,1876、黄狭扇蟌 Copera marginipes (Rambur,1842)、乌齿原蟌 Prodasineura autumnalis (Fraser,1922)和小团扇春蜓Ictinogomphus pertinax (Hagen,1854)等;中栖种主要有赤斑曲钩脉蜻Urothemis s. signata (Rambur,1842)、华艳色蟌 Neurobasis c. chinensis (Linnaeus,1758)和点斑隼蟌 Libellago lineate (Burmeister,1939)等;狭栖种主要有白尾野蟌 Agriomorpha fusca May,1933、丽拟丝蟌 Pseudolestes mirabilis Kirby,1900和海南扇蟌 Coeliccia scutellum hainanense等。对海南岛19类生境蜻蜓群落进行的多样性、数量分类和排序分析结果表明:物种丰富度和多样性指数从高到低依次为山地溪流群落、平原溪流-河流群落、池塘群落、稻田-蕉园群落、水库群落和人工河流群落。蜻蜓群落结构受多种环境因子如海拔、水域类型、水流速度、水质、生境面积、水底基质、植被丰富度及盖度和人为干扰等的综合作用,水质、植被丰富度及盖度和人为干扰是影响蜻蜓群落结构和多样性的主要限制因子。儋州宝岛新村蜻蜓群落多样性的月动态研究结果表明:蜻蜓目昆虫终年可见,其发生规律表现为双峰型,即蜻蜓种数及个体数量1月最少、6月达到高峰,10月出现次高峰。群落的多样性指数1月最低、6月最高,群落的均匀度则全年都比较稳定。

【Abstract】 For the purposes of making definite the category of species and the characteristics of communities of Odonata in Hainan Island, of enriching the information of biodiversity, and of a reasonable protection and utilization of Odonata resource in Hainan, the species richness, the fauna, the species-abundance and the diversity of Odonata communities in Hainan Island were studied based on surveys of the numbers of species and individuals. To make clear the relationship between environmental factors and the communities, a numeric classification and a ordination of the Odonata communities on 19 habitats were carried out by means of systematic cluster (SC) and principal componet analysis (PCA) respectively, using the species richness (S), the Shannon-Wiener diversity index (H’), the probability of interspecific encounter (PIE), the evenness (E) of the communities as attribute variables.There are 159 species and subspecies of Odonata in Hainan Island, belonging to 2 suborders, 4 superfamilies, 17 families and 94 genera. Among them, 5 genera including 5 species are of Megapodagrionidae, 2 genera including 4 species of Platystictidae, 7 genera including 16 species of Coenagrionidae, 3 genera including 5 species of Lestidae, 5 genera including 8 species of Calopterygidae, 3 genera including 3 species of Euphaeidae, 2 genera including 7 species of Chlorocyphidae, 1 genera including 2 species of Amphipterygidae, 3 genera including 7 species of Platycnemididae, 1 genera including 2 species of Protoneuridae, 23 genera including 30 species of Gomphidae, 1 genera including 1 species of Cordulegasteridae, 1 genera including 2 species of Chlorogomphidae, 8 genera including 13 species of Aeshnidae, 2 genera including 8 species of Macromidae, 2 genera including 3 species of Corduliidae, and 25 genera including 43 species of Libellulidae. Five genera (Anaciaeschna, Sinictinogomphus, Sieboldius, Macrogomphus, Zyxomma) and seven species (Anaciaeschna jaspidea Burmeister, Sinictinogomphus clavatus (Fabricius), Sieboldius alexanderi Chao, Macrogomphus guilinensis Chao, Zyxomma petiolatum Rambur, Cercion melanotum Selys, Anax parthenope julius Brauer) were first recorded in Hainan Island.The fauna analysis shows that oriental realm species and huanan realm species of Odonata are of dominance. There are 134 oriental realm species occupying 85.35% of species in Zoogeographic of the World, and 85 huanan realm species occupying 54.14% of species in Zoogeographic of China. The number of species in tropical mountain rain forest area is obviously greater than those in tropical monsoon broad-leaf forest area and in table-coase area. The categories of oriental realm species and endemic species are quite different among three areas, and so is the distribution of species.The species-abundance of Odonata communities in Baodao Xincun and that of in Hainan Island fit log-normal distribution model S(R)=17.7705exp-[0.1530(R-2)]~2 and S(R)=6.5302exp-[0.1119(R-3)]~2 respectively. The estimated numbers of Odonata species are 104 species in Baodao Xincun and 206 species in Hainan Island.According to the distribution of Odonata in different habitats, the species of Odonata in Hainan Island can be divided into three groups, the wide-adapted group, the mid-adapted group and the narrow-adapted group. The wide-adapted group consists of Pantala flavescens (Fabricius, 1798), Crocothemis servilia (Drury, 1770), Agriocnemis femina oryzae (Lieftinck, 1962), Pseudagrion rubriceps Selys, 1876, Copera marginipes (Rambur, 1842), Prodasineura autumnalis (Fraser, 1922), Ictinogomphus pertinax (Hagen, 1854), etc; the mid-adapted group consists of Urothemis s. signata (Rambur, 1842), Neurobasis c. chinensis (Linnaeus, 1758), Libellago lineata (Burmeister, 1939), etc; and the narrow-adapted group consists of Agriomorpha fusca May, 1933, Pseudolestes mirabilis Kirby, 1900, Coeliccia scutellum hainanense, etc.The studies of the community diversities, the numeric classification and the ordination of the Odonata communities on 19 habitats show that the species richness and the diversity indices descend in the following sequence: the mountain stream community, the plain stream-river community, the pond community, the paddy-garden community, the reservoir community and the artificial river community. This suggests that the structure of communities of Odonata be strongly affected by various factors, such as altitude, water body, flow speed, water quality, habitat size, substratum, vegetation richness and coverage, interruption from human, etc. Among them, water quality, vegetation richness, coverage and interruption from human were main key factors.Baodao Xincun was selected as the survey spot of monthly dynamics of Odonata communities. The results show that the occurrence of Odonata can be seen all the year round, and the numbers of species and individual are at the bottom in January and reach the peak in June, the second peak in October. The value of Shannon-Wiener diversity index (H’) is of minimum in January, and of maximum in June. However, the value of Evenness is quit stable all the year round.

【关键词】 蜻蜓目群落多样性海南岛
【Key words】 OdonatacommunitydiversityHainan Island
  • 【分类号】Q968
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】557

