

【作者】 陈序

【导师】 陈锐;

【作者基本信息】 西南政法大学 , 法学理论, 2007, 硕士


【摘要】 本文致力于对福柯生命政治理论进行一个简要的分析和探讨。福柯在其前期研究中着力于知识考古学和权力系谱学分析,到后期却渐渐转向生存伦理学研究,本文认为他整个一生的关注其实一直未变——主体在何种形式下进入真理游戏,如何使主体在权力的密网中到达艺术式的生存。《主体解释学》是米歇尔·福柯1981—1982年在法兰西学院的讲课记录稿,在这里我们看到的是一个完全不同于从前的福柯。在该书中他一反过去致力于对权力和知识的研究,开始将视野转向自古希腊至笛卡尔时代的修身实践问题,用福柯在该书中的一个中心词汇表述就是“关怀自身”。在福柯晚年的访谈中他一再声称他的所有工作都是在研究“在何种历史形式下主体进入真理游戏”,因此与其说福柯是一位精神分析学家、权力理论家,不如说他是一个以非传统历史分析的方法对主体与真理问题进行研究的伦理学家。在福柯前期的知识考古学和权力系谱学研究中,他将现代国家法律问题包含在其权力系谱学研究中,在福柯眼中法律只是一种宏观权力的表现或手段,同时法律也是近现代国家政权采取的一种真理形式,在法律中国家实现了对于权力和真理的很好的整合,这是一种治理术,属于福柯所讲的技术部分(当然这种技术是一种宏观技术,并非后期福柯所讲的个人自身治理术)。因此,本文试图在分析福柯前期思想的基础上,对他晚期的生命政治理论进行一个简要的梳理与分析,从法律人的角度看其中所隐含的法律问题和权力问题,从而指出在法律下生活的现代人如何实现对权力的抵抗,实现对自身的关怀。本文本着解读经典的态度对《主体解释学》进行了简要的解读,抽出其中的核心概念“关怀自身”进行分析,并结合福柯在《规训与惩罚》中所讨论的福柯式“微观权力”,期望提供一种福柯研究的法律视角。全文共两万五千字,由引言、正文和结论三部分构成,以福柯著作中所体现的权力、真理和生命政治理论为主线,从中提炼出在福柯各时期研究中所蕴含的法律理论。第一部分首先分析福柯的“权力”理论,对于福柯的这种“微观权力”进行一个梳理和归纳,内容主要涉及《规训与惩罚》中涉及的刑罚权力操作问题,探讨微观权力是如何在现时代渗透到社会的各个角落从而对人产生规训作用。这部份既可看作福柯生命政治理论的理论基础,也是本文的逻辑起点。第二部分在第一部分的基础上谈福柯的真理观和法律观,揭示福柯式的作为权力技术表现的法律,指出在现代国家政权下法律如何在某种程度上占据了真理的位置,同时法律如何成为了一种对人的身体和思想发挥规制作用的技术手段。第三部分沿着一、二部分的发展逻辑分析体现在《主体解释学》中的“关怀自身”修身实践以及在何种历史形式中主体如何进入真理游戏,指出福柯晚期转向“关怀自身”其实是为我们提供了一种反抗权力的形式和途径,这种基于单个人的反抗完全符合边缘化、个人化、碎片化的、分散化的精神,也符合福柯一直以来试图在宏大叙事之外寻求另一种可能的反抗形式的理路。从而得出结论指出现代人如何摆脱微观权力无所不在的规制,从法律的隙缝中挣脱出来成为既非客体亦非单纯主体化的个人。在结论部分,总结了福柯的微观权力下的法律观,并提出了从法学角度对福柯思想研究的方向和进路,提出福柯思想对于中国现时代法研究的启示与思考。

【Abstract】 This paper attempts to discuss the bio-politics theory of Foucault’s. Hefocused on the archaeology of knowledge and the genealogy of power at hisearlier stage. But he turned to the existence ethics at his later stage. The viewpointof this article is that he didn’t change his interest all his life——how the subject comeinto the game of the truth, and how the subject can get an artistic life beyond thenet of power.《Annotation of Subject》is a lecture of Foucault’s in France collegefrom 1981 to 1982. In this book he didn’t only focus on power and knowledge, butturned to the art of cultivating one’s moral character from ancient Greek toDescartes, that is "epimeleia heautou". He said again and again that all his work ison "how the subject come into the game of the truth", so he is an ethics scholarstudying about subject and the truth .He put the study of the law of moderncountry in his genealogy of power study. In his view, Foucault treated law as theexpression of big power, and law is only an expression of the truth. In the law, thecountry combines power and the truth well. Of course, this is only the technology.So this paper attempts to explore the law problem and power problem inFoucault’s bio-politics theory in the angle of a law learner, and also try to showhow the modern people who live under the control of law can resist the power.This article gives a simple analysis of《Annotation of Subject》and the importantconcept "epimeleia heautou" and the concept "micro-power" in《Discipline andPublish》.This article has about 25000 words, consisting of foreword、main body andconcluding remarks, with the clue of power、truth and bio-politics in Foucault’sworks, and try to find the law theory in his works.The first part of this article analyses the micro-power theory of Foucault’s,involving the penalty power and how micro-power control our people in modernsociety. This part is the theory basis and the logical basis.The second part is about the truth theory and law theory of Foucault’s,revealing the law as an expression of power technology, pointing out how the lawtake the place of the truth under modern state and how the law become atechnology controlling people’s body and head. The third part analyses the concept "epimeleia heautou" and how the subjectcome into the game of the truth, and also points out that "epimeleia heautou" is away to resist the power. This way is on the base of single person, and it’s of edge、personal、smashing scattered. This way also accords with Foucault’s usual studymethod.In the concluding remarks, I summarize the law theory of Foucault’s and givesome way about studying his works in the angle of law, and point out theenlightenment of Foucault’s theory to our modern China.

【关键词】 权力真理法律关怀自身
【Key words】 PowerTruthLawEpimeleia heautou
  • 【分类号】D90-05
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】334

