

【作者】 殷彩霞

【导师】 唐烈英;

【作者基本信息】 西南政法大学 , 法律, 2007, 硕士


【摘要】 自20世纪90年代,随着住房制度的改革,具有计划经济色彩的福利分房制度逐渐淡出了人们的视野,商品房买卖呈大幅增长的趋势。老百姓不高的收入与巨额的购房款之间的矛盾也越发突出,担保贷款购房就成为个人购买商品房的重要付款方式。商品房买卖具有价值高、涉及法律关系复杂、专业性强等特点,银行在商品房买卖贷款中承担很大的风险,为确保信贷资金安全,银行通常要求买受人提供担保。商品房买卖贷款担保中,单纯的一种担保方式对于银行而言并非绝对安全,银行多要求采用几种担保方式共同担保来化解风险,通常采用商品房买卖按揭担保方式。商品房买卖贷款担保既包括以所购商品房为标的物的担保,也包括出卖人提供的人的担保。物保与人保并存的担保方式是商品房买卖贷款担保的主要特点,对促进我国商品房买卖市场发展具有积极的意义。贷款担保作为一项弥补市场信用的制度,在国外已有近百年的历史,在我国却仍处于创新阶段。房地产业的逐步发展,推动我国房地产信贷发展迅速,但我国相关担保制度仍比较落后。特别是在当前,我国房屋买卖货币化已纳入轨道,商品房买卖信贷的地位更加重要,建立完善的贷款担保制度势在必行。本文共分为四个部分,约30000字。第一部分,就商品房买卖贷款担保的相关基本概念进行了介绍与阐释,为商品房买卖贷款担保问题的分析进行了理论铺垫,并引出了商品房按揭担保的概念。“按揭”作为一种融资购楼方式,从香港传入我国内地后得到推广,虽然我国现行法律法规并未对按揭进行明确界定,但目前已经成为买受人购买商品房的首要方式。第二部分,对物保与人保两种担保方式进行了分别的论述。反驳了按揭中以所购商品房的担保为抵押、质押或让与担保,认为按揭中物保方式是一种新型的担保方式,不能为我国传统的物保方式所包容。另一方面,探讨了按揭中开发商承担保证责任的必然性与责任范围。开发商参与按揭制度,是我国内地商品房按揭的独有特色,对促进商品房买卖的发展起到了十分重要的作用。第三部分,着重分析了物保与人保并存的效力。物保与人保的并存是商品房买卖贷款担保的重要特点,物保与人保各有特点,并存时效力如何,属于学说上有名的争论。如果商品房买受人违约不按时支付应当偿还的贷款本息,通常先由保证人以回购的方式或者以银行扣收保证金的方式把银行的欠款一次还清,不管买受人的商品房所作的担保是否能够完全支付尚未归还的贷款本息。这一部分还分析了商品房买卖合同无效时,担保合同的效力。第四部分,对我国商品房买卖贷款担保制度存在的问题进行了分析,并提出了完善我国商品房按揭制度的建议。笔者认为,应尽快明确按揭的属性,将其纳入法制的轨道,避免纠纷的发生。同时,应尽量平衡按揭担保各方当事人的权利义务关系,并充分发挥按揭保险的作用。

【Abstract】 Since 1990s, along with the thorough reform of our country’s housing system, the flee housing system has become a part of the history, and the commodity building sales got a rapid developing. Facing to the risk of banks in the loan security on commodity building sales, the banks can take some protective measures to protect the creditor right. The loan guaranty is a legal system that assures the borrower to discharge the loan on the basis of the specified property of borrower or the third party or the credit of the third party. In order to transfer and disperse the risk, the banks demand the debtors to support all kinds of forms of guaranty. So the mortgage emerged, and it has become the first choice for the people who want to buy house. The way of guaranty not only includes the guaranty of property, but also takes in the joint duty of the real estate developing enterprise.The loan guaranty of commodity building sales have been growing rapidly in the China’s mainland, but because of many subjective and objective factors, a lot of problems of our existing loan guaranty need to be solved urgently. The legislation can’t be exact because of the lack of feasibility of the law. We should establish identity between theory and practice.This thesis is composed of 4 parts, with 30,000 words.The rust part: makes a brief statement of relevant law concepts concemed with the loan guaranty on commodity building sales. At the same time, the author introduces the mortgage on commodity building. As a financing guaranty, mortgage was introduced into our country’s inland from Hong Kong, since then it has been developing.The second part: introduction two categories of loan guaranty—guaranty of property and guaranty of person. The author focuses on the definition of its character by analyzing different views on mortgage’s legal character, and demonstrates that mortgage is a new way of guaranty which is different from charge, hypothecate right and remising guaranty. Meanwhile, the author pay attention to the joint duty of the real estate developing enterprise, and how to protect the three parties involved in the transaction as well as how to calculate the interests of loan issued by the loaning bank.The third part: relates to the legal nature and effect to co-existence on guaranty of property and guaranty of person. The author makes a detailed study of legal natures and foundation about the loan guaranty on commodity building, and then probes into interested parties to balancing their interests in this system. The author analyses the relationship of rights and responsibilities between the sellers, buyers and the banks.The forth part: analyses existing problems and contributing factors of our country’s loan guaranty on commodity building sales, and gives some detailed and constructive advice, including to further improve and specify the mortgage loan-related law and regulation, to amend and perfect the term and provision in the loan agreement, to strengthen the compliance supervision on the mortgage bank and the real estate developer, to construct appropriate mortgage loan-related insurance mechanism, and to try mortgage-backed securitization.

【关键词】 贷款担保按揭物保人保
【Key words】 loan guarantymortgageguaranty of propertyguaranty of person
  • 【分类号】D913
  • 【下载频次】292

