

【作者】 罗怀成

【导师】 李开国;

【作者基本信息】 西南政法大学 , 民商法, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 人格权法独立成编,并且置于民法典分则之首位,将是中国未来民法典的独创。其深远的价值意义不容低估。本文以民法上的人格为逻辑起点,以人格权——人格权法——人格权法的地位为主轴,探讨了人格权法独立成编并且置于民法典分则之首位的内在逻辑。本文共分为三个部分:第一部分,首先分辨人格概念,确立宪法上人格与民法上人格的区别与联系,有条件地接受学者关于人格在民法上的三层含义的定义,并且以形式上的“人”和伦理学义上的“人”相互分离为基础,认定人格权的客体是具有伦理价值的人格。其次,认为可以将具有伦理价值的人格民事权利化,有历史的必然性和实证依据,也有哲学基础、法理支撑,符合民法的内在逻辑。再次,对人格权的概念和特征进行了简要的分析,并且与财产权、身份权作了区分,目的是论证人格叔是一项独立的民事权利。最后,论证人格权的本质和民事权利体系,指出人格权应当放在民事权利体系的首位。第二部分,本部分目的是论证人格权法自成体系,成为民法典独立一编应当具备的条件。首先追溯大陆法系、英美法系、中国大陆民法具体人格权类型的发展,揭示人格权具有自身的权利体系。其次,分析人格权法调整对象,认为人格权法调整对象为人格关系。人格关系是特定的权利主体与不特定的义务主体之间的法律关系调整对象的确定,即部门法地位的确定。再次,分析人格权法基本原则,认为人格权法应当具有三大基本原则:人格尊严原则、身心完整原则和人格安全原则。其理由在于:部门法都有自己独特的基本原则;再次,分析人格权法的功能,认为人格权法有两大功能。确认人格权功能和保护人格权功能,目的时论证人格权存在的价值。最后,分析人格权法的救济方法,确立人格权请求权和侵权请求权相互配套的权利救济方式,肯认人格权请求权的作用。第三部分,论述人格权法与民法本质的联系,进一步论证人格权法的私法性质,同时,认为民法的本质决定民法典的结构。其次,论述传统法国、德国民法典的宏观结构及其对人格权制度的处理,指出民法典结构与人格权制度的地位密切相关。再次,以二十世纪以来的法国法系和德国法系民法典的结构及其对人格权制度的处理为参照系,说明中国当今四部民法典草案的来龙去脉,并且指出中国人大民法典草案对人格权法地位的处理的创新意义。再次,分析中国当今四部民法典草案结构及其对人格权制度的处理,认为基于民法典总则——分则的思维模式的客观要求和人格权法自身发展的需要,人格权法应当独立成编。认为基于人格权为最基本最重要的民事权利和凸显人的伦理价值意义,应当将人格权法放在民法典分则之首位。

【Abstract】 Personal right system consist of an separate plait in civil code and isput the primacy of civil code subprovision.This is an original creation of thefuture civil code and has far-reaching meaning.As the logic starting point of civil personality and the clue of personalright to personal system to the position of personal right law .this textdiscussed the internal logic acted as an separate plait of personal rightsystem in civil code.PartⅠ, firstly difference and relationship between personality inconstitution and one in civil code is established and the concept ofpersonality is defined. At the Same time as the foundation of the relativeseparation of formal personand ethics person, personality in possession ofEthic value is determined as the object of personal right. secondly thatpersonality with ethic value is converted to personal fight is deem to behistoried in evitability real evidence philosophical basis doctrinal evidenceand conform to the internal logic of civil law .Thirdly the concept andcharacter of personal right is briefly analyzed and is distinguished fromproperty right and identity right. Finally the essence of personal right and thesystem of civil fight is fully demonstrated and personal right is put to be theprimacy of the system of civil rightPartⅡ, In the first place, this section traced back the history ofconcrete personal right and disclosed that personal rights have the systemof rights themselves. In the second place the object, basicprinciples, functions and means of relief of personal right system arediscussed. Personal right system should possess three basicprinciples(personal dignity principle integrated body and mind principle andpersonal safety principle), two functions (verification and protection ofpersonal right )and two means of relief (personal right claim and tortusclaim )PartⅢ, The essence of civil law answers for the responsibleframework of civil code the construct of civil code is the close relation with the position of personal right system. Compared to the conventionalcivil code, the Chinese civil code should make personal right system anindependent plait because the civil general provision subprovisions modeand the self-development of personal right system requires an separate plaitof personal right system. What’ more for displaying personal ethics valuethe personal right system should be put the primacy in the subprovisiions ofcivil code because personal right is the most essential and the mostimportant civil right.

  • 【分类号】D913
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】406

