

An Introduction to Student Evaluation Through Holography

【作者】 杨会萍

【导师】 刘志军;

【作者基本信息】 河南大学 , 课程与教学论, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 学生评价问题是一个古老而永恒的话题,一直为教育理论与实践界所关注。世纪之交,世界正经历着全方位的变化,我国建国以来的第八次基础教育课程改革正以令人瞩目的迅猛之势在全国各地顺利开展,学生评价改革是其中的重要组成部分。如何从实际出发,根据评价理论与实践发展的要求,探索出未来学生评价研究的新思路,是时代交给我们的重要任务。全息化学生评价作为立足现在、面向未来的学生评价研究,正是在这种理论与实践的背景下应运而生的。本文在考察全息理论在学生评价领域运用状况的现实背景出发,结合评价、学生评价的概念,认为全息化学生评价是指以达到提高学生的综合素质为目的,收集一系列能反映学生发展过程与结果的全方位的关键信息,也就是包容整体所有信息内容、且富有代表性的全息元,以此对学生的综合素质发展状况进行系统分析,作出总的价值判断和发现新的价值的过程。全息化学生评价的提出存在着深厚的理论底蕴。本文通过对全息理论、多元智能理论的分析,提出了全息化学生评价的五个基本特征:从整体出发;以部分把握整体;在判断价值的基础上,不断地发现价值和提升价;多元主体有效参;与实际的教学情境结合在一起。学生成长记录袋评价作为一种典型的质性学生评价方式,因其能够反映学生综合素质发展状况的信息,能够真正实现多元主体的有效参与,能够在判断价值的基础上,不断地发现价值和提升价值,能够与日常教学紧密相连而有可能成为全息化学生评价的具体运作方式。但是,并不是说当前的或者任意一种学生成长记录袋评价都是全息化学生评价的具体运作方式。而只有根据全息化学生评价的基本特征、依据全息原理、结合成长记录袋的基本原理创建而成的全息型成长记录袋评价才是全息化学生评价的具体运作方式。本文对创建而成的全息型成长记录袋评价从概念、内容结构、封面设计、收集的作品、评价、反思、交流、支撑条件与辅助措施进行了详尽的论述。最后,结合全息化学生评价的有效性实验,对如何有效地实施全息化学生评价进行了尝试,用实践证明了全息化学生评价的合理性与科学性。

【Abstract】 Student evaluation, being an old but eternal topic, has long been a great concern for educational theory and practice. At the turn of this century, the world is undergoing great changes in all walks of life. The eighth curriculum reform in the field of basic education has been carried out rapidly and smoothly throughout the country. Student evaluation is an important part of the curriculum reform. We are now confronted with a new duty in which a new approach to the research on student evaluation has to be discovered according to the demands of the development of both evaluation theory and practice. It is under such a theoretical and practical background that student evaluation by using holography, which can relate the present with the future, has come into being.The thesis examines the application of holography on the field of student evaluation and combines the conception of holography with the concepts of evaluation and student evaluation. It argues that student evaluation through holography refers to collecting a whole series of key information which can reflect the whole processes and products of students’development with the aim of improving their comprehensive qualities. It intends to include all the information and the typical holographic units, and thereby evaluate systematically our students’development of comprehensive qualities so as to make a judgment on value and find out new value.Student evaluation through holography has profound theoretical background. Through the analysis of the theory of holograph and the theory of multi-intelligence, the thesis argues that there are five characteristics concerning student evaluation through holography. They are as follows: a holistic way of looking at things; knowing the whole through the parts; on the basis of making judgments on value, continuing to find out value and enhance value; the participation of all the shareholders; the combination with real teaching circumstances. The portfolios of student’s growth, as a typical qualitative way of student evaluation, can make sure all shareholders can participate effectively by examining all the information concerning the development of students’comprehensive qualities. And also it can keep on finding out the value and enhancing the value on the basis of making judgments on value. Therefore, it can mix the regular job of teaching together to eventually become a specific way of implementing student evaluation through holography. But that doesn’t mean that the present or any kind of portfolios can all be put to this use. The portfolios cannot be put to such a use until they are consistent with the characteristics of student evaluation through holography, the theory of holography, and the basic principles of portfolios for students’growth. The thesis constructs the portfolios for students’growth through the theory of holography by explaining in detail the concept, the content and structure, the cover design, the collected works, the evaluation, the reflection, the interchange, the supporting conditions and the auxiliary measures.Finally, a practical research is made to demonstrate the rationality and appropriateness of student evaluation through holography. An experiment for its validity is made and it is also made clear how this kind of student evaluation can be implemented effectively.

【关键词】 全息化综合素质学生评价
【Key words】 holographycomprehensive qualitiesstudent evaluation
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 06期
  • 【分类号】G633.8
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】290

