

【作者】 康峰

【导师】 辛寅昌;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 物理化学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 随着高新技术的不断发展,对材料性能的要求越来越高,在对材料的表面保护和表面强化研究不断深入的过程中,逐渐形成了表面改性技术。表面改性是通过有目的地改变表面物理化学性质来实现的,通过改进功能、改善或提高材料的应用性能以满足当今新材料、新技术的要求。同时,表面改性也是节约能源和资源的重要途径,例如仅通过对建筑装饰材料的表面进行改性就能使其摩擦力发生变化,达到要求的标准。材料的疲劳断裂、磨损、腐蚀、氧化、辐射损伤等,一般都是从表面开始的,因此表面改性可以以最低的经济成本来提供优质的产品。此外,各类改性剂的开发合成、改性剂与基体间的作用研究、各种评价方法对不同材料不同改性剂的适应性问题也正在做更深入的研究和探讨。表面改性不仅已成为表面化学中的热门课题,也是界面工程中的重要研究课题之一。表面化学改性通过表面改性剂与材料表面进行化学反应或化学吸附的方式完成改性,改变固体表面的润湿性、界面张力及电性质等使固体表面性质得到提高,以增强材料性能。这是目前生产中应用最为广泛的改性方法。本文固体改性研究内容分为两个部分:第一章,磨光花岗岩表面化学改性与摩擦力改变的相依性;第二章,地表黏附石油的无污染分离。第一章主要是以磨光花岗岩为例研究坚硬的固体表面的防滑、增强,主要内容如下:(1)合成了一种用无色无味水溶性的复合有机硅材料。该复合有机硅材料能与主要成分是硅酸盐的花岗岩磨光表面反应形成烷基硅氧结构,在基材表面上生成一层几个分子厚的不溶性防水透气膜,逐渐形成化学吸附膜。(2)采用表面接触角、红外光谱、透射电子显微镜、电渗等方法对经复合有机硅材料改性后的花岗岩表面性质作出了表征评价,结果表明改性后花岗岩表面憎水性明显提高,微观形状趋于颗粒变小、均匀,表面电负性降低。(3)通过测定改性前后花岗岩磨光表面的摩擦系数和抗冻融性,表明改性后防滑、增强效果显著。(4)我们认为复合有机硅材料提高见水就滑的花岗岩表面摩擦力,增加光滑硬表面的防滑能力是由于反应形成的膜具有很低的表面张力,以及改变了花岗岩的表面势能。第二章主要是以粘土(砂)为例研究疏松固体表面无污染油砂分离。主要内容如下:(1)研究并合成了一种油-土分离处理剂。(2)通过脱油效率实验证明油-土分离处理剂能够有效分离黏附在砂子表面的石油,并且使油中不含水,水中不含油,土壤中不含油。(3)通过岩心稳定性实验,测定岩心试样的溶失率、水敏性及渗透率表明油-土分离处理剂对土壤不会造成伤害,能够防止粘土膨胀。(4)对比普通的使用表面活性剂的化学洗涤处理的机理,探讨了油-土分离处理剂的脱油机理。

【Abstract】 Along with the development of high and new-technology, requirement on characteristic of material becomes higher and higher. Surface modification technology has been developed during the study on surface protection and surface strengthening. Surface modification technology includes changing on physical property and chemical property of material, the aim is to improve characteristic of material. Surface modification technology is one kind of methods of economizing energy sources and resource. Generally speaking, it is take place from surface such as corrosion, oxidation, abrasion and wear. Surface modification technology is more and more important not only in chemical but also in interphase engineering.Surface modification is accomplished by chemical reaction and chemical adsorption. This is the common method in production now.The paper consists of two sections:I. Relationship of change in friction and chemical reactions of polished granite surface.The polished surfaces of granite would become slipper in contact with water. The reaction between a colorless, odorless, water-soluble composite organic-silicon compound and the polished surface of granite would improve the anti-skid property and increase friction without changing the polished surface of granite. Because of it s low surface tension and surface energy, various waterproof agents can be made from the composite organic-silicon compound. Composite organic-silicon waterproof agents can form a waterproof film by reacting with the granite surface. With the change of granite surface property such as wetting, counter freezing, electrical property and micro-appearance, the friction force of granite surface also changed.II. Separation without pollution on contaminated soil by oil There are many attempts been made to stabilize the contaminated soil. It was found that the pollution and damage with different degree were occurred in the treatments. The active agent was made in order to avoid damage or pollute. The effects of this treatment including: displacing oil, anti-swelling and demulsify. At last,the oil had no water,the water had no oil,and there were little oil in clay.

  • 【分类号】O647
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】381

