

A Research into Chinese Teaching Teaching Aimed at Emotional Perception under the New Curriculum

【作者】 孙玉清

【导师】 王景科;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 学科教学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 《全日制义务教育语文课程标准(实验稿)》指出:“语文学习具有重情感体验和感悟的特点。应让学生在主动积极的思维和情感活动中,加深理解和体验,有所感悟和思考。”可见,“感悟”与语文及语文教学有着极为密切的联系,“感悟”一词所揭示的心理特征真实具体地反映了学生在语文活动中的心理过程,因此,学生感悟能力的培养至关重要。本文首先从厘定感悟的概念入手,在充分研读领悟新课标关于语文教学新理念的基础上,结合中国人传统的思维方式,语文学科教学的特点,以教育学、心理学和美学等理论为依据,借鉴已有感悟理论的相关成果,试图建立语文感悟教学的基本理论框架,并结合自己的教学实践,探索语文感悟教学的实施方略。全文共分五个部分。第一部分:感悟与语文感悟教学。此部分先介绍了感悟的基本内涵,并从不同的理论视角对感悟作了分析,然后阐述了语文感悟教学的内涵和特点。感悟就是阅读主体在阅读过程中,通过感受、体味、想象获取知识、提高能力、完善自我的思维活动,是学习者通过人际间的协作活动而主动实现的意义建构过程。因此,从教师的角度来说,要注意调动学生已有的感知经验,激发学生的情感想象,来培养和升华学生的感悟能力。感悟具有形象性、整体性、多元性、直觉性、情感性五个特点。第二部分:语文感悟教学的现实依据和价值分析。现实依据有三:即语文学科教学的特点、汉语言的特点和中国人传统的思维方式。价值分析主要从语文感悟教学对培养学生的生命意识和塑造学生完美人格的意义以及对学生内心的体验和生活世界、对学生未来发展的影响展开论述的。第三部分:感悟与西方理论视界的融合。搞好语文感悟教学,就必须打通西方理论与中国经验之间的间隔,穿透传统经验资源与西方现代理论之间的壁障,进行中西对话,在主客观融合中获得新的生命和新的意义。在体验理论视野中,体验是在对事物的真切感受的基础上对客体产生情感并生成意义的活动,它是感悟的基础,而感悟是体验的升华,二者互不分离,彼此交融,存在着许多共同的特点。在对话理论的视野中,对话的过程就是从一个感悟到又一个感悟的积累过程,是养成灵气、悟性和才华,全面充实人的内在素质的过程。在建构理论视野中,感悟是一种完形心理过程,是一种意义建构的过程,感悟既是主体对文本的加工改造,同时也是对文本的有效吸纳和接受。第四部分:语文感悟教学的实施策略。一是诵读涵泳,以诵读促感悟。诵读是感悟的基本方法,是发展语言的重要手段,没有相当的语感积淀,语文素养肯定不会太高。具体措施有范读范背,以情激情,课内诵读,课外积累等。二是创设情景,激发感悟。在一定的情景氛围中,学生会在不知不觉中心智得以激活,情感得以熏陶,人格得以修炼。创设情景是引发感悟的重要一环,这里的情景包括形象情境、愤悱情境、实验情境、体验情境、迁移情境、尝试情境等。三是联想想象,深化感悟。联想是思维大厦的基础,想象是在联想基础上的升华。感悟学习是一种创造性学习,主体只有通过联想和想象才能把握文本的“言外之意”,才能填补文本的未定点和不确定之域。联想的方式有相关联想、相似联想、对比联想三种。四是鉴赏点评,升华感悟。鉴赏点评是感悟的最高形式,这个层次的感悟已不再停留在文字表面,而是通过比较判断发掘文字背后蕴涵的思想情感、文化内涵及与同类文本的联系和区别。鉴赏、点评对文本美学特征的揭示,也就是对文本整体意义的更深层的揭示。第五部分:语文感悟教学应注意的问题。本部分主要从教师的引导和避免几种错误倾向两方面进行了论述。总之,论文的侧重点在于学生内心体验世界的意义建构,着力点是学生人文素养的提升,并指向学生未来的发展。

【Abstract】 “Full-time compulsory standards for Chinese curriculum”states: Chinese learning emphasizes emotional experience and perception and therefore students should be ensured the chances to deepen their understanding and experience which lead to further perception and thought in the active mental and emotional activities. this shows that understanding has very close ties with the language and language teaching and the mental characteristics it uncovers sincerely reflects student’s mental process in learning Chinese . therefore, it’s essential to develop the ability to perceive .On the basis of a through understanding of the concepts about Chinese teaching and mixed with Chinese traditional ways of the field, this paper begins with the definition of the word understanding. Psychology and aesthetics and using the existing theories and achievements related to it,the passage tries to establish a basic framework for teaching Chinese emphasizing understanding and explores a new teaching strategy.The whole text is divided into five parts.Part I : Understanding and language comprehension teaching. This section introduces the basic content of insights and perspectives from different theoretical analysis of sentiment, It then describes the contents and characteristics of the teaching language comprehension. Reading comprehension is the main reading process, through experience, appreciate, imagine acquire knowledge, and enhance our ability, improve self-thinking, interpersonal learners through collaborative activities and initiatives to achieve the process of constructing meaning. Therefore, from the point of view of teachers and students have to pay attention to mobilizing the perceptual experience and stimulate students to imagine the feelings, nurturing and raising student comprehension. Sentiment is the image, wholeness, diversity, intuition, emotional five features.Part II : the reality of the language teaching and the practical basis for value analysis. Third reality : that language teaching is based on the features and characteristics of the Chinese language and traditional Chinese way of thinking. Value mainly expounded language comprehension teaching students to cultivate awareness and shaping the lives of students and the significance of the perfect personality Students living in inner experience for the students and the future development of the exposition.Part III : Its integration with Western theory. Do a good job teaching language comprehension, we must get through the gap between the experience of the West with China. resources and experience to penetrate the traditional wall between the theories of modern Western support for Western dialogue the objective is the integration of new life and new meaning. The experience and theoretical vision, experience in the real feelings of things on the basis of the emotional and generate meaningful objects, It is the basis of sentiment and sentiment is the distillation of experience, not two separate mingle with each other, there are many common features. Theoretical vision of the dialogue, the dialogue process is the accumulation of insights from one another stood process is to develop the spiritual energy of the universe, techniques and talents and to enrich the quality inherent in the process. Construction of vision in theory, the sentiment is a Gestalt psychology process is a kind of sense of the process sentiment is the main text of the transformation process, but also to effectively absorb and accept the text.Part IV : Language comprehension teaching strategies. First, Han Yong delivered to recite promote comprehension. The basic method is to recite the sentiment is an important means of developing the language, not quite feel for the language, heritage, Language certainly not high quality. Reading specific measures Fan Fan back with feelings of passion, and teach reading aloud, extracurricular accumulation. The second is the creation scene inspired sentiment. In a certain atmosphere of the scene, students will be able to activate unknowingly center chi, can influence emotional personality to practice. Sentiment triggered the creation of the scene is an important element here, including the scene of the image scene, Angle context, the experimental context, the experience therein, Migration situation to try other situations. Third Legend imagination, deepen comprehension. Lenovo is thinking of building the foundation for the distillation of imagination is the basis of the association.Understanding learning is a creative learning and imagination can take hold only through the main text of the "implication" ,not positioned to fill the text field and uncertainties. Legend in the way of association, which is similar to Lenovo, Lenovo contrast three. Fourth Appreciation Comments elevated sentiment. Comments sentiment is the highest form of appreciation, the sentiment is no longer remain at the level of literal, Instead, by comparing the judge to explore the emotional implication behind words, culture and the relationship and differences with a similar version. Appreciation, commented on the aesthetic features of the text reveals that is the deeper meaning of the text reveals a whole.Part V : Understanding Language Teaching attention. From a teacher’s guide and the main part of several erroneous tendency to avoid two aspects in the paper. In short, the focus is on students papers inner experience the world of sense, the focus is to enhance the quality of humanities students. students and the future development direction.

  • 【分类号】G633.3
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】327

