

The Application of VEP and BAEP to Functional Appraisal of the Athletes

【作者】 朱玉珍

【导师】 赵敬国;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 目的:探讨长期体育运动对VEP、BAEP的影响及定量负荷运动前后VEP、BAEP的变化和足球、篮球运动员VEP、BAEP的专项特点。方法:采用NDI-200(海神号)神经电检诊仪记录并分析安静及定量负荷运动前后受试者的视觉和脑干听觉诱发电位。视觉诱发电位的测试:肥皂水清洗安放电极的部位并用酒精棉球脱脂,安放测量电极。测试在暗室、自然瞳孔下进行,选用头部双极导联方式。采用图形翻转方格刺激方式,令受试者单眼平视12英寸显示屏中央固视点,测试期间不得眨眼,视力近视者可戴眼镜加以矫正。刺激频率为2Hz,亮度为90cdp,对比度为80%,滤波范围为1Hz-100Hz,灵敏度为10μv,叠加100次。脑干听觉诱发电位的测试:肥皂水清洗安放电极的部位,用酒精棉球脱脂并安放测量电极,导联组合方式选取头部双极导联。单声道刺激左耳(对侧耳以白噪音掩蔽),经耳机将短疏音“click”传入受测耳,刺激强度为102db,刺激频率为30Hz,滤波范围为100Hz-3000Hz,灵敏度为5μv,叠加2000次。定量负荷(PWC170)的测试:采用Monark Ergomedic 839E功率自行车作为运动负荷的工具及心率测试工具。①给受试者讲解本实验的目的、意义及需要注意的事项,让其了解本次实验的具体过程。②给受试者佩戴心率表胸带。③采用BRUCE法依次输入受试者的人口学统计特征,包括年龄、性别、体重,并告知受试者在运动时功率车的转数必须控制在每分钟60圈。④开始增量运动。操作人员在运动过程中要时刻观察受试者的心率变化情况,至心率达到170次/分为止。对所得数据采用SPSS13.0进行统计分析。结果:①体育系学生各方格VEP的潜伏期和峰间期与普通系学生相比均缩短,且小方格刺激下VEP的P100潜伏期存在显著性差异(P<0.05),中方格刺激下的VEP各潜伏期均存在显著性差异(P<0.05);体育系与普通系学生相比,各方格刺激下VEP的峰峰值除小方格外均增大,且中方格及大方格刺激下VEP的N75~P100峰峰值均存在显著性差异(P<0.05)。②视觉诱发电位各潜伏期在一次定量负荷运动后即刻均缩短,且P100潜伏期在运动后即刻与运动前相比,差异极显著(P<0.01);VEP各峰峰值在运动后即刻均降低,且N75~P100峰峰值在运动后即刻与运动前相比,差异显著(P<0.05);运动后体温恢复时VEP各指标与运动前相比均无显著性差异(P>0.05)。③足球和篮球运动员安静时VEP各个潜伏期均不同程度的缩短,但篮球运动员的N75潜伏期最短,与对照组相比明显缩短(P<0.05)。篮球运动员安静时VEP的N75~P100峰间期明显长于对照组和足球运动员的,且与足球运动员相比差异显著(P<0.05);足球运动员安静时VEP的N75~P100峰峰值高于对照组和篮球运动员,与对照组相比,差异显著(P<0.05)。④篮球运动员的N75潜伏期、N145潜伏期在定量负荷运动恢复后与对照组相比明显缩短(P<0.05);足球运动员P100潜伏期最短,运动后即刻与对照组相比明显缩短(P<0.01),其N145潜伏期运动后即刻及恢复后均明显短于对照组(P<0.05)。足球运动员和篮球运动员在定量负荷运动后即刻N75~P100峰间期短于对照组,且足球运动员与对照组相比差异显著(P<0.05)。足球运动员VEP的N75~P100峰峰值在运动后即刻及恢复后均高于对照组和篮球运动员的,运动后即刻与篮球运动员相比,差异显著(P<0.01)。篮球运动员VEP的P100~N145峰峰值在运动后即刻及恢复后均最小,且运动后即刻明显短于对照组和足球运动员(P<0.05)。⑤体育运动可使BAEPⅢ波和Ⅴ波的潜伏期及Ⅰ-Ⅲ波和Ⅰ-Ⅴ波的峰间期显著延长。⑥足球运动员安静时Ⅱ波潜伏期、Ⅲ波潜伏期、Ⅳ波潜伏期明显短于对照组(P<0.05)。足球运动员安静时BAEPⅢ-Ⅴ波峰间期最长,与对照组相比,差异显著(P<0.05);Ⅰ-Ⅲ波峰峰值、Ⅲ-Ⅴ波峰峰值均最小,且Ⅰ-Ⅲ波峰峰值在运动前明显小于对照组和篮球运动员,差异显著(P<0.05);Ⅲ-Ⅴ波峰峰值在运动前明显小于对照组(P<0.05)。篮球运动员BAEPⅠ-Ⅲ波峰峰值最大,运动前与足球运动员相比,差异显著(P<0.05)。⑦足球运动员和篮球运动员BAEPⅠ波、Ⅱ波、Ⅲ波、Ⅳ波潜伏期在运动后即刻及恢复后较对照组均不同程度的缩短;且足球运动员Ⅰ波潜伏期在恢复后明显短于对照组(P<0.05),Ⅱ波潜伏期在运动后即刻明显短于对照组(P<0.05);Ⅲ波、Ⅳ波潜伏期在运动后即刻及恢复后均明显短于对照组(P<0.05)。篮球运动员Ⅲ波潜伏期在恢复后明显短于对照组(P<0.05),Ⅳ波潜伏期在恢复后明显长于足球运动员(P<0.05)。足球运动员BAEPⅠ-Ⅲ波峰间期在运动后即刻及恢复后均最短,且其在运动后即刻及恢复后明显短于对照组(P<0.05);在运动后即刻明显短于篮球运动员(P<0.05)。足球运动员BAEPⅢ-Ⅴ波峰间期在运动后即刻及恢复后均最长,与对照组相比,差异显著(P<0.05)。结论:①体育系学生在小方格刺激下VEP的P100潜伏期明显缩短,中方格刺激下VEP各潜伏期均明显缩短。中方格及大方格刺激下VEP的N75~P100峰峰值均明显增大。说明长期的体育运动可使VEP潜伏期缩短,峰峰值增大;也提示在运动员机能评定中更宜采用中方格刺激,以便对运动员的机能状态更好地予以甄别。②篮球和足球运动员VEP各指标呈现一定的项目特点。表现为相对安静状态时篮球运动员N75潜伏期显著缩短;足球运动员N75~P100峰峰值显著增加。定量运动后,足球运动员P100潜伏期、N145潜伏期显著缩短,N75~P100峰间期显著缩短;篮球运动员P100~N145峰峰值显著降低。③一次定量运动可使P100潜伏期、N75~P100峰峰值显著缩短,但这种改变表现为一过性改变。④长期运动可使BAEPⅢ波和Ⅴ波潜伏期及Ⅰ-Ⅲ波和Ⅰ-Ⅴ波的峰间期显著延长。⑤足球运动员在安静时Ⅱ波、Ⅲ波、Ⅳ波潜伏期显著缩短,Ⅲ-Ⅴ波峰间期显著延长,Ⅰ-Ⅲ波峰峰值、Ⅲ-Ⅴ波峰峰值显著降低。⑥一次定量运动对BAEP各指标均无显著影响。⑦建议进一步拓展运动项目的研究,以便更全面的了解BAEP、VEP的专项特点;在此基础上就某项运动对BAEP、VEP的影响进行长期跟踪观察并开展动物实验研究,以探讨运动对BAEP、VEP影响的机制。

【Abstract】 Purpose:Probing into the influent laws of the sport events to the VEP , BAEP and the changes of the VEP , BAEP before and after the quantitative load exercises in addition of the characteristics of the VEP , BAEP in the soccer athletes and the basketball athletes.Methods: Adopt the neural electricity tester of NDI-200 to examine and record the VEP and BAEP when the subjects are in the rest state and after the quantitative load exercises.Measurement of VEP: Clean and degrease the positions to place the surface electrodes using the soap water and the alcohol cotton balls.ALL subjects with nude pupil seated comfortably in a dark room with bipolar electrodes on the head at the same time the subjects were instructed to gaze at the square shaped grey target in the middle of the 12 inch screen during the testing period and the monocular recordings of all cases were obtained while the other eye was closed and the myopic subjects may wear the glasses.Chessboard pattern reversal method was applied with a speed of 2Hz,the lighteness was 90cdb,the contrast was 80%,the bandpass filters were 1Hz-100Hz, the sensitivity was 10μv and 100 responses were averaged.Measurement of BAEP:Clean and degrease the positions to place the bipolar electrodes on the head using the soap water and the alcohol cotton balls.BAEPs were elicited by monaural stimulation with“click”though an earphone and the other ear was sheltered by the white noise.The click intensity was 102db,the stimulation frequency was 30Hz,the bandpass filters were 1000Hz-3000Hz,the sensitivity was 5μv and a total of 2000 sweeps were averaged.Measurement of quantitative load exercises (PWC170):Monark Ergomedic 839E ergomedic bicycle was used to test the exercise load and heart rate.①All subjects were instructed to the purpose and the attentive things of the test in order to understand the experimental process.②The subjects were worn the chest belt electrode of the heart rate.③Input the demographic characters of the subjects according to the BRUCE protocol and tell the subjects to control the velocity at 60 revolutions per min.④Begin with the experiment while the operator was observing the change of the heart rate to 170 per min.SPSS for windows version 13.0-computer program was used for statistical analysis.Results:①Comparing that of the non-physical education students,the peak latencies(PLs) and the inter peak latencies(IPLs)of every check of the students majoring in the physical education department are shorter and the amplitudes are higher except that of the little check.The P100 PLs of the little check is obviously shorter (P < 0.05) and each PLs of the middle check besides N75~P100 amplitude is obviously different(P <0.05),the N75~P100 amplitude of the big check is obviously different(P<0.05).②Each PLs is shorter immediate the quantitative load exercise and comparing that of the pre-exercise,the P100 PLs is obviously shorter (P<0.01).Each amplitude is decreased immediate postexercise and comparing that of the pre-exercise,the N75~P100 amplitude is obviously different(P<0.05),but no difference is noted in VEP values when body temperature dropped to the pre-exercise(P>0.05).③Comparing that of the controls in the rest state,each PLs of the soccer athletes and the basketball athletes is shorter and the N75 PLs of the basketball athletes is the shortest ( P < 0.05 ) .The N75~P100 IPLs of the basketball athletes is obviously longer than that of the soccer athletes(P<0.05) and the controls ( P > 0.05 ) .The N75~P100 amplitude of the soccer athletes is obviously bigger than that of the controls(P < 0.05) and the soccer athletes(P>0.05).④Comparing those of the controls, the N75 PLs and N145 PLs of the basketball athletes until body temperature dropped to the pre-exercise level are obviously shorter(P<0.05).The P100 PLs of the soccer athletes immediate postexercise is the shortest(P<0.01) and the N145 PLs immediate postexercise and until body temperature dropped to the pre-exercise level are obviously shorter(P<0.05).The N75~P100 IPLs of the basketball athletes ( P > 0.05 ) and the soccer athletes ( P < 0.05 ) immediate postexercise are the shorter than the controls.The N75~P100 amplitude of the soccer athletes immediate postexercise is obviously bigger than that of the basketball athletes ( P < 0.01 ) .The N100~P145 amplitude of the basketball athletes immediate postexercise is shortest in that of the football athletes and the controls(P<0.05).⑤Athletic sports make the BAEPⅢPLs,ⅤPLs,Ⅰ-ⅢIPLs andⅠ-ⅤIPLs obviously longer.⑥In the rest state theⅡPLs ,ⅢPLs ,ⅣPLs of the football athletes are obviously shorter than those of the controls(P<0.05)and theⅢ-ⅤIPLs is obviously longer(P<0.05).TheⅠ-Ⅲamplitude of the football athletes is obviously shortest in that of the controls and the basketball athletes(P<0.05)and theⅢ-Ⅴamplitude is shorter than that of the controls(P<0.05).TheⅠ-Ⅲamplitude of the basketball athletes is obviously shorter than that of the soccer athletes(P<0.05).⑦BAEPⅠPLs ,ⅡPLs ,ⅢPLs ,ⅣPLs of the soccer athletes and the basketball athletes immediate postexercise and until body temperature dropped to the pre-exercise level are shorter.BAEPⅠPLs of the soccer athletes is obviously shorter than that of the controls until body temperature dropped to the pre-exercise level ( P < 0.05 ) andⅡPLs immediate postexercise is obviously shorter than that of the controls(P<0.05)andⅢPLs,ⅣPLs immediate postexercise and until body temperature dropped to the pre-exercise level are shorter than that of the controls ( P <0.05).BAEPⅢPLs of the basketball athletes is obviously shorter than that of the controls until body temperature dropped to the pre-exercise level(P<0.05)andⅣPLs is obviously shorter than that of the soccer athletes until body temperature dropped to the pre-exercise level(P<0.05).BAEPⅠ-ⅢIPLs immediate postexercise and until body temperature dropped to the pre-exercise level of the soccer athletes is shorter than that of the controls(P<0.05)and immediate postexercise is shorter than that of the basketball athletes(P<0.05).BAEPⅠ-ⅢIPLs of the soccer athletes immediate postexercise and until body temperature dropped to the pre-exercise level is longer than that of the controls ( P <0.05 ) .Conclusions:①The P100 PLs of the little check of the students majoring in the physical education department is obviously shorter and each PLs of the middle check besides N75~P100 amplitude is obviously different,the N75~P100 amplitude of the big check is obviously bigger.Those show that long-time sports make VEP PLs shorter meanwhile make amplitude bigger and point out that we should adopt the middle check when we use it to assess the function of the athletes so as to distinguish the states of the athletes well.②VEP each index shows the event characters of the basketball and soccer. For example,the N75 PLs of the basketball athletes is obviously shorter and the N75~P100 amplitude of the soccer athletes is obviously bigger.After the quantitative load exercises VEP P100 PLs, N145 PLs and N75~P100IPLs of the soccer athletes are obviously shorter and P100~N145amplitude of the basketball athletes is obviously shorter.③The quantitative load exercises only make the P100 PLs and N75~P100 amplitude transient changes.④Long-time sports make BAEPⅢPLs,ⅤPLs,Ⅰ-ⅢIPLs andⅠ-ⅤIPLs obviously longer.⑤In the rest state theⅡPLs,ⅢPLs,ⅣPLs of the football athletes are obviously shorter and theⅢ-ⅤIPLs is obviously longer andⅠ-Ⅲamplitude,Ⅲ-Ⅴamplitude is obviously shorter.⑥No difference is noted in BAEP values after the quantitative load exercises.⑦Suggest to further study more sport events so as to find out the event characters of BAEP,VEP and on the basic of them we observe the influence of one event to the BAEP,VEP for long term and develop a study to the animals so as to probe into the mechanism of the sports to BAEP,VEP.

  • 【分类号】G804.2
  • 【被引频次】3
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