

The Study of FENGSHAN in the Tang Dynasty

【作者】 张敏

【导师】 仝晰纲;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 专门史, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 作为古代帝王祭祀活动中最隆重的典礼之一,封禅有着深刻的时代背景和复杂的仪式过程,是中国古代礼乐文化的集大成。本论文在对封禅进行概念界定和溯源之后,勾勒出唐高宗、武则天、唐玄宗三位帝王封禅活动的轮廓,以此作为归纳唐代封禅特点、功能和影响的背景材料。最后概括出唐代封禅对泰山文化带来的影响。全文共分八大部分。《封禅概说》对封禅进行概念界定,同时区别了封禅与巡狩、郊祀的不同内涵,接着叙述了封禅的起源和定型,在此过程中,儒家思想渐渗其中,并最终将其纳入儒家思想体系之下。封禅之礼,自秦汉以后,旷世不修。魏晋至隋政局动荡,儒学式微,期间鲜有君主自信举行封禅。《唐太宗与封禅》将对魏晋至隋以及唐太宗封禅未遂的原因进行深入解析。唐高宗封禅的特色之处在于,禅祭时分别由皇后、诸王大妃行亚献、终献,且此次封禅染上一层淡淡的道教色彩。武则天代唐建周,这种政治变革在祭祀上的突出反映就是封禅嵩山。《唐高宗、武则天封禅》将从政治、思想、宗教、仪式上去解读这一历史上特殊的文化现象。唐玄宗拨乱反正,欲借封禅重树李唐国威。张说等儒臣伺机而动,复兴儒家礼乐文化。《唐玄宗封禅》将对开元封禅进行探因,并对《纪泰山铭》进行解读。最后是对玄宗欲封华山进行剖析。在对以上三位帝王的封禅活动进行爬梳后,本文将从封禅劝请次数增加、封禅礼仪反复讨论、封禅仪规不断变化、封禅地点的多元化、封禅意旨的前后矛盾以及封禅思想的演变提升等六个方面归纳出《唐代封禅的特点》。紧接着,第六部分又从政治、外交、礼制、文学等方面总结出《唐代封禅的功能和影响》。第七部分《封禅与泰山文化》从宗教、建筑、庙会、香社、神文化、碑刻与摩崖、诗赋与小说等方面概括出唐代封禅对泰山文化带来的影响。最后一部分《结论》从宏观上对唐代封禅的流变进行把握,分析儒、道、佛的消长对唐代封禅产生的影响。有唐一代,共有三位帝王成功举行封禅,这在历史上实属罕见。与秦汉封禅相比,唐代封禅有其自身的特点,这既与皇帝自身素质有关,更与当时的历史文化背景紧密相连。唐代封禅的功能和影响囊括政治、礼制文化、文学、外交等方面,泰山也因唐代封禅名声远播,泰山文化亦日益丰润。

【Abstract】 FENGSHAN, the most grand ceremonies of emperor’s sacrificial activity, has the profound background and the complex ritual process, and epitomizes the culture of LI and YUE in the ancient China.After defining and tracing to the source about FENGSHAN, the paper draws the outline of the activities of FENGSHAN by the three emperors Tang Taitsung, Wu Zetian and Tang Xuanzong, and takes it as material of background summarizing the characteristic, the function and the influence of FENGSHAN in Tang Dynasty. Finally, the paper makes generalization about the influence of the FENGSHAN in Tang Dynasty on the Taishan culture. The text is divided into eight parts.The part“Introduction to FENGSHAN”defines the concept of the FENGSHAN, simultaneously distinguishes the different meanings between FENGSHAN, XUNSHOU and JAOSI, then the paper describes the origin and the establishment of FENGSHAN, during this process, the Confucianism seeps gradually, and finally brings it into the Confucianism ideology.The Ritual of FENGSHAN didn’t hold since the Qin and Han Dynasty. Few emperors held the FENGSHAN during this period because of turbulence of the political situation Between Wei Jin and Sui and the declination of Confucianism.“The Emperor Taitsung of Tang And FENGSHAN”will analyze the reason why Wei Jin and Sui dynasty as well as the emperor Taitsung didn’t hold FENGSHAN.The characteristics of the emperor Tang Gaozong’s FENGSHAN were empress offer sacrifice to gnome in YAXIAN, princess in ZHONGXIAN, simultaneously, the FENGSHAN caught a light Taoism. Wu Zetian replaced the Tang by Zhou, FENGSHAN Mt. Songshan was the prominent reflection of this politic change.“The FENGSHAN of Tang Gaozong and the Wu Zetian”will analyze this special cultural phenomenon of history from politics, the thought, the religion and the ceremony.The emperor Tang Xuanzong brought order out of chaos, he wanted to draw support from the FENGSHAN to set up the national prestige of Tang dynasty renewedly. Zhang Shuo and other feudal officials waited for the opportunity to revive the Confucianist culture of LI and YUE.“The FENGSHAN of Emperor Tang Xuanzong”will try to find out the reason of KAIYUAN FENGSHAN and analyzes“the Discipline Taishan Inscription”. Finally, the paper analyzes the reasons for Xuanzong was to FENGSHAN Huashan.After narrating the FENGSHAN of three emperors above, this paper will induce“the Characteristic Of FENGSHAN In Tang Dynasty”from the increase persuations of FENGSHAN, the repeate discussions of FENGSHAN’s amenity, the unceasing changes of FENGSHAN’s ceremonial, the multiplication of FENGSHAN’s place, the contradiction of FENGSHAN’s intention and the evolution promotion of FENGSHAN’s ideology. Next, the sixth part will summarize“the Function and Influence Of FENGSHAN In Tang Dynasty”from the point of view of politics, the diplomacy, social institutions, and literature.The seventh part“FENGSHAN And Taishan Culture”will summarize the influence of FENGSHAN in Tang Dynasty on the Taishan culture from the point of view of religion, the building, the temple fair, incense society, the god culture, the stele inscription and inscription on the cliff, poetry and novel.The“conclusion”will macroscopically grasp the change of FENGSHAN in Tang Dynasty, analyze the influence of the increase and decrease of the Confucian, the Taoism and the Buddhism on the FENGSHAN in Tang Dynasty.In the Tang Dynasty, there were three emperors hold FENGSHAN successfully altogether, it is rarely in the history. Compared with the Qin and Han’s FENGSHAN, the FENGSHAN in Tang Dynasty has its own characteristics, which was not only related with emperor’s own quality, but also connected with the historical and cultural background. The function and influence of FENGSHAN in Tang Dynasty involve in such aspects as politics, social institutions, culture, literature and diplomacy. Due to the FENGSHAN in Tang Dynasty, the reputation of Taishan is far broadcasted, and the culture of Taishan is also abundant increasingly.

【关键词】 唐代封禅泰山文化
【Key words】 The Tang DynastyFENGSHANTaishanCulture
  • 【分类号】K242
  • 【被引频次】13
  • 【下载频次】906

