

【作者】 江新民

【导师】 周波;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 学科教学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 创造性阅读教学是指以学生原有的期待视野和认知结构为基础,以培养学生的创造性解读和建构意义的能力,进而培养学生创造力为旨归的一种教学活动。本论文立足于接受美学理论,并结合自己多年来创造性阅读教学的实践,主要从三方面探讨了创造性阅读教学的理论和实践问题:一是创造性阅读教学的理论依据及创造性阅读教学的内涵;二是创造性阅读教学的特点;三是创造性阅读教学的策略。全文共分三部分:第一部分,接受美学与创造性阅读教学。本部分介绍了接受美学的“读者中心论”、“期待视野”和“召唤结构”三个重要概念及创造性阅读教学的内涵。力图把接受美学的相关理论转换为阅读教学理论。用接受美学的理论指导阅读教学,从根本上改变了过去重视作者、作品而忽视读者的阅读观和教学观。接受美学尊重读者,把读者置于中心地位,重视读者主体的创造性,这与创造性阅读教学把阅读的主动权还给学生的理论是一致的。接受美学的两个核心概念为教师进行创造性阅读教学提供了理论支撑。他要求教师更多的关注并有效利用学生的“期待视野”,更好的引导学生填补本文的“召唤结构”,进行创造性阅读。第二部分,创造性阅读教学的特点。从接受美学的视点出发探讨创造性阅读教学的特点可以概括为:尊重主体性、弘扬个体性,提倡合作性、重视体验性、着眼创造性。尊重主体性强调了阅读中学生的中心地位。弘扬个体性关注学生阅读的个体差异。提倡合作性着眼于丰富学生各自的期待视野。重视体验性强调体验即创造,有了体验才会有智慧、发现和创造。着眼创造性是指阅读的过程实质就是创造的过程,阅读即创造。这里所说的创造,对学生个体来说,只要是学生读出了他原来所没有的意义即是创造。第三部分,创造性阅读教学的策略。创造性阅读教学策略是创造性阅读教学得以实施的重要保证。本论文以接受美学理论为指导探索出了可操作的教学策略。包括四部分,即:创设创造性阅读教学的生态环境;发挥教师创造性导读作用;利用本文的召唤结构;利用、拓展期待视野。

【Abstract】 Creating the sex reading teaching means with the student originally possessed of expectation visual field for foundation, then train a student creative power to return for the aim with the ability of the development student’s creation reading and construction or purchase meaning of a kind of teaching activity. This thesis has a foothold in accept esthetics theories, and combine the fulfillment that own many in the last hearses create sex reading teaching, mainly inquiry in to create theories and fulfillment problem of sex reading teaching from three aspects: Accept the related theories of esthetics namely while I sing the theories basis which creates sex reading teaching; Two is the content and the characteristics which creates sex reading teaching; Three is the strategy which creates sex reading teaching. The full text is totally divided into three part:The first part, accept esthetics and create sex reading teaching. This part introduced to accept "reader center theory", "expectation visual field" and" invoke structure" of esthetics three important concepts and create the content of sex reading teaching .Dint diagram accept esthetics of the related theories convert into read teaching theories. The theories which uses to accept esthetics guides reading teaching, changing by the root to value author, work but neglect the reader’s reading view and teaching view in the past. Accept an esthetics respect reader, place a reader in the center position, value the creation of reader’s corpus, this with create sex reading teaching read of active theories that the power returns to the student is consistent. Accepted two core concepts of esthetics to carry on to create sex reading teaching to provide theories to prop up for the teacher. He requests a teacher more of pay attention to also the effect make use of the student’s "expectation visual field", better leading the student fill up textual" invoke structure", carrying on creating sex reading.The second part, create the characteristics of sex reading teaching. From accepting seeing of esthetics a point to set out the characteristics that the study creates sex reading teaching can generalize for: Respect corpus and expand individual, promote a cooperation, value an experience and fix attention on to create sex .Respecting the corpus emphasized the reading high school student’s center position. The individual difference expanded individual concern a student to read. Promoting the cooperation fix’s attention on in enrich to expect visual field respectively. Valuing the experience emphasizes the experience creates namely, having an experience will have intelligence, detection and creation. Fix attention on to create sex to mean reading of the process substance is the process of creation, reading to create namely, here the creation said, to student individual to say, as long as is the student read him originally have no of the meaning is a creation.The third part, create the strategy of sex reading teaching. Creating the sex reading teaching strategy is create sex reading teaching can carry out of important factor. Include a four-part cent, namely: Establish ecosystem environment of creating the sex reading teaching; Develop to create a teacher; Make use of textual invoke structure; Make use of, expand expectation visual field.

  • 【分类号】G633.3
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】369

