

【作者】 唐修君

【导师】 潘庆玉;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 学科教学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 《语文课程标准》明确指出:学生是语文学习的主人,是发展的主体,教育的终极目标是为了促进学生的发展。本文所探讨的“参与—发展”教学模式,就体现了这一理念。其中的“参与”是指学生自身进行的有教师指导或组织的目标学习活动,它贯穿语文教学的各个环节;“发展”是指促进学生全面的发展,包括知识、技能、情感、态度、价值观、合作、交往、创新等要素。只有“参与”才能“发展”;只有“发展”才能更主动的“参与”,“参与”的目的是为了促进“发展”。论文主要包括六部分:一、“参与—发展”教学模式的指导思想;二、“参与—发展”教学模式的理论基础;三、“参与—发展”教学模式的教学原则;四、“参与—发展”教学模式的探索和实施;五、“参与—发展”教学模式促进学生主体参与的教学策略;六、“参与—发展”教学模式的实施效果。第一部分主要从三个方面阐述了“参与—发展”教学模式的指导思想。在参与中促进学生语文知识的获得;在参与中培养学生的合作意识和合作能力;在参与中完善学生人格,促进学生良好个性的形成。第二部分阐述了“参与—发展”教学模式的理论基础。“参与—发展”教学模式在理念上把学生看作学习的主体,发展的主体。首先,体现了《语文课程标准》提出的“学生是语文学习的主人”“促进学生持续发展”等基本理念。其次,体现了建构主义主张的“学习者不是被动地接受外在信息,学习是一个主动建构的过程”的理论。再次,体现了马克思主义关于人的全面发展理论。另外,“参与—发展”教学模式符合“以人为本”的教育理念,真正从“目中无人”的教育转到“人的教育”上来,其目的是实现“培养学生的参与意识”,“为了每一个学生的全面发展”的教育目标。第三部分主要阐述了“参与—发展”教学模式的教学原则。在实施这一模式的教学中应把握的教学原则主要包括:要贯彻循序渐进的原则、增强语文教学的趣味性、体现语文教学过程的开放性、发挥学生的主动性、尊重学生的差异性、重视语文教学过程的生成性等。第四部分主要阐述了“参与—发展”教学模式的探索和实施。主要阐述了学生参与的具体方式,包括讲课、评教、语文活动课、口语交际、综合性学习、考试命题、创建语文教学资源库、学分评定等。本部分内容是笔者在具体的教学实践中,进行尝试后积累的一些经验和看法。在教学中进行了相应的探索和实施,取得了较好的教学效果,深受学生的欢迎。第五部分主要阐述了“参与—发展”教学模式的教学策略。结合语文学科的内容和教学过程的特点,尝试性地提出了创设“心里安全”氛围、提高自我效能感、提高学生的提问能力、设置开放性作业,给与充分的思考交流时间、尊重丰富多彩的参与结果等策略。第六部分主要阐述了“参与—发展”教学模式的实施效果。由于该模式正确处理了“教”与“学”的关系,主动参与语文学习已变成大多学生的内在需要,学生的语文成绩得到了提高,促进了学生各方面素质全面、和谐、主动地发展,为今后的终身学习打下了良好的基础。本论文在上述论述中通过理论与实践的结合,希望能更好的解决语文教学中实施“参与—发展”教学模式的有关问题,这些看法与探索希望能对中学语文教学有一点启示,帮助语文教师在圆满完成语文教学任务的同时,全面提高学生的综合素质。“为了中华民族的复兴,为了每一位学生的发展”。作为21世纪的语文教师,应该把眼光放远,为培养全面发展的人才尽一份自己的责任。

【Abstract】 “The Standards of Chinese Curriculum”explicitly points out that the student is the master of Chinese study and the main body of development, and the ultimate object of education is to promote students’development. The“participation-development”educational model discussed in the paper has manifested this idea. The“participation”refers to the goal-learning activities carried on by students themselves and instructed or organized by teachers, which impenetrate every part of Chinese teaching; the“development”means to promote students’every aspect to develop comprehensively including knowledge, skills, feelings, attitudes, values, cooperation, communication and innovation and so on. The relationship between“participation”and“development”is interaction, and the ultimate goal of“participation”is to promote“development”.The paper mainly includes six parts: First, the guiding ideology of“participation-development”educational model; second, the theoretical bases of“participation-development”educational model; third, the teaching principles of“participation-development”educational model; fourth, the exploration and implementation of“participation-development”educational model; fifth, the teaching strategies to promote students’participation of“participation-development”educational model; sixth, the implementation effects of“participation-development”educational model.The first part mainly elaborates the guiding ideology of“participation-development”educational model from three aspects: Promoting students to obtain Chinese knowledge from the participation, raising students’cooperation consciousness and cooperation ability in the participation, and consummating students’personalities and promoting their good individualities to form in the participation.The second part elaborates the theoretical bases of“participation-development”educational model. In theory the“participation-development”educational model regards students as the main body to study and to develop, firstly manifesting the basic ideas such as“The student is the master of Chinese study”and“promoting students to continue to develop”and so on pointed out in“The Standards of Chinese Curriculum”, secondly manifesting the idea that“the learner is not the passive receiver of exterior information, and study should be a initiative construction process”pointed out in the theory of construction, and thirdly manifesting the theory of Marxism about the mankind full-scale development. Moreover, the“participation-development”educational model conforms to the educational idea of humanist, truly changes the education from“being supercilious”to“being people’s education”, and its goal is to realize the education goal which is“raising students’participation consciousness”and“for each student’s full-scale development”.The third part mainly elaborates the teaching principles of“participation-development”educational model. The teaching principles which should be grasped in Chinese teaching mainly include: implementing gradually, enhancing the interest of Chinese teaching, manifesting the openness of the Chinese teaching process, using students’initiatives, respecting students’differences, and valuing the production of the Chinese teaching process and so on.The fourth part mainly elaborates the exploration and implementation of“participation-development" educational model. It mainly elaborates the concrete manners of students’participation, including teaching, commenting, Chinese activity class, the communication in spoken language, the comprehensive study, the proposition of tests, the foundation of Chinese teaching resources and the credit evaluation and so on. This part contains some experiences and views of the author who has accumulated them during the concrete teaching practice, and they have been carried on by some corresponding exploration and implementation in teaching and have obtained a good effect, and are deeply welcomed by students.The fifth part mainly elaborates the teaching strategies of“participation-development”educational model. Combined with the content of Chinese course and the characteristics of Chinese teaching process, the paper has tried to propose many strategies such as the foundation of security atmosphere in the heart, the enhancement of self-potency feeling, the enhancement of students’inquiry ability, the establishment of unlimited work, enough time for exchanging thoughts and respecting the colorful participation results and so on.The sixth part mainly elaborates the implementation effects of“participation-development”educational model. This model has dealt with the relationship between“teaching”and“learning”correctly, so the initiative participation into Chinese study has become many students’intrinsic need, the marks of students being enhanced, various aspects of students’quality developing comprehensively, harmoniously and actively, and has built a good foundation for the lifelong study.In the above, the thesis is hoped to solve some relative problems of Chinese teaching under the“participation-development”educational model by the combination of theory and practice. These views and explorations are hoped to give some revelation to the Chinese teaching in middle school and help teachers to improve students’quality comprehensively while completing the Chinese teaching task perfectly.“Our educational goal should be for the revival of Chinese nations and for the development of every student.”As a Chinese teacher in 21st century, we must be provident and do our duty to raise the talented persons who develop comprehensively.

  • 【分类号】G633.3
  • 【被引频次】12
  • 【下载频次】240

