

【作者】 王海梅

【导师】 徐继存;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 教育学原理, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 随着经济的发展,20世纪90年代以后,我国十分重视高等职业教育发展,出台了一系列政策和措施,推动高等职业教育的改革和发展。在这种形势下,我国高等职业教育的规模迅速增长,学校数量急剧增加。高等职业教育既是高等教育的一部分,又是属于高层次的职业教育,其教学内容、课程设置、培养模式、师资队伍等等和普通高等教育以及基础教育有着极大的不同。课程是实现高等职业教育目标的手段,也是决定高等职业教育质量的关键。课程改革是教育改革中的一个核心问题,也是教育改革中最为复杂的系统工程,其中校本课程开发是其重要的组成部分。高职院校校本课程开发是指在具体的高职院校环境中,学校根据当地经济与科技发展的要求、依据高等职业教育的培养目标和学生发展的需要,以教师为主体,企业行业人员和课程专家参与的课程开发,因此该课程开发能较好地根据自己院校的实际情况和周边地域经济的发展等情况进行课程改革,更能尽快地适应市场和经济的发展变化,体现出本校的特色,使培养出的学生具有竞争优势,从而也能促进学校的发展和壮大。伴随着科学技术突飞猛进的发展和经济全球化的趋势,高职院校校本课程开发的重要性日益凸显出来,其研究已成为高职院校重点研究课题之一。高职院校校本课程开发研究根据《国务院关于深化教育改革全面推进素质教育的决定》、《国务院关于大力推进职业教育改革与发展的决定》等文件精神,通过查阅文献对高职院校校本课程开发进行理论研究,并以山东科技职业学院外语学院校本课程开发为个案进行研究,着重探讨了如下几个问题:高职院校校本课程开发概述、山东科技职业学院外语学院校本课程开发的实践研究、高职院校校本课程开发的思考。本文共分三部分:第一部分对有关文献进行研究,从内涵、理念、意义、特点四个方面对高职院校校本课程开发进行概述。第二部分以山东科技职业学院外语学院校本课程开发为案例进行研究,通过观察和调查的方法,记录了该校校本课程开发的实践过程,包括开展校本课程活动的必要性和具备的条件、开展校本课程活动的方式和操作流程以及取得的成绩和问题分析,旨在总结概括该校的校本课程开发模式。第三部分对高职院校校本课程开发进行思考,借鉴山东科技职业学院外语学院校本课程开发的经验,提出高职院校校本课程开发的策略与程序,并针对山东科技职业学院外语学院校本课程开发提出几点策略性建议。本研究综合采用文献研究法、个案研究法、调查法以及观察法等多种研究方法,并以归纳、比较为基本分析方式。总体来看,它是基于充分的调查研究,就高职院校校本课程开发而提出的一种设想。高职院校校本课程开发问题,是当前我国高职教育教学研究的难题,还尚需继续研究和探讨。因为课程改革和开发是高职教育改革的核心,伴随着科技时代的快速发展和经济全球化的趋势,高职院校校本课程开发理论及实践必随之发展,盼望本研究能引起大家对校本课程开发的关注,启发人们的思考。

【Abstract】 As the development of the economy, our country has attached great importance to the development of the higher vocational education since 1970s, publicizing a series of policies and measures to enhance the reform and the progress of the higher vocational education. Owning to these policies and measures, the scale of our country’s higher vocational education has been developing very quickly, and the number of the vocational colleges has got a substantial increase.Although the higher vocational education is one part of the higher education, its teaching content, curriculum design, raising pattern, and the teaching team have a big difference from those of the higher education and the basic education. To some extent, the higher vocational education is the vocational educational in a higher level. The curriculum is the tool to realize the aim of the higher vocational education, and is the key of deciding the quality of the higher vocational education. The curriculum reform is the core and also the most complicated part of the educational reform, and the school-based curriculum development is an important component of the curriculum reform. The school-based curriculum development refers to the activities that according to the specific scientific and economical development situations the colleges organize the teachers which are the main part of the team, some professionals from the enterprise and experts of editing the curriculum to develop the curriculum system to meet the fostering aim of the higher vocational education and the need of the students’development. The higher vocational school-based curriculum development can carry out the curriculum reform according to the specific situations of the colleges and the specific development of the regional economy. So it not only can adapt to the changes of the markets and the economy but also can manifest the characteristics of the college, which can make sure the students are competitive after they graduate. So this is very important for the college to promote its development. As the rapid development of the science and the technology and the global trend of the economical development, the development of the school-based curriculum is becoming more and more important, and it has been one of the most important research topics in the vocational higher education institution.The research of the higher vocational educational school-based curriculum development uses the decisions of the state council about the deepening the educational reform and enchanging the quality-oriented education, the decisions of the state council about enchancing the reform and the development of the vocational education as the guiding ideology, through consulting the documents make the theoretic research on the higher vocational educational school-based curriculum development, and takes the studying on the research topic of the foreign language college of the ShanDong Vocational College of Science and Technology as the particular case to prove the theory. The thesis will discuss the four following questions: the outline of the higher vocational educational school-based curriculum development, the studying of the higher vocational educational school-based curriculum development using the foreign language college of the ShanDong Vocational College of Science and Technology as the particular case, the existing questions and the analysis for the higher vocational education school-based curriculum development, the strategy of the higher vocational educational school-based curriculum development. The whole thesis is divided into three parts:The first, from such four aspects as the connotation, significance, feature and idea ,the thesis summarizes the documents on the higher vocational education school-based curriculum development.The second, the thesis takes the studying on the research topic of the foreign language college of the ShanDong Vocational College of Science and Technology as the particular case to prove the theory. Through the means of watching and investigation, recording the whole process of the school-based curriculum development, including the necessity, the conditions, the mode, the procedures and the achievement and the questions of launching the thesis aims to make practical study on the higher vocational education school-based curriculum development.The third, through referring to the documents and absorbing the experience of the studying of the higher vocational educational school-based curriculum development made by the foreign language college of the ShanDong Vocational College of Science and Technology, the thesis raises the procedures and the strategy of the higher vocational educational school-based curriculum development, including the preliminary stage, design stage, implementing stage, and the judging stage, and the content of the studying. And this thesis also raises some constructive suggestions on activities of the higher vocational educational school-based curriculum development launched by the foreign language college of the ShanDong Vocational College of Science and Technology.Through integrating the research method of studying the documents, the research method of studying the particular case, the research method of investigation, and the research method of watching to study this research topic, and making use of the research method of induction and comparison, this thesis puts forward some new ideas on the higher vocational educational school-based curriculum development. On the whole, the ideas put forward in this thesis are based on the full investigation.The research on the higher vocational educational school-based curriculum development is a very tough topic in the study of the higher vocational education, we still have a long way to go. Because the reform and the development of the curriculum is the core of the reform of the higher vocational education, as the rapid development of the science and the technology and the global trend of the economical development, the studying on the theory of the higher vocational educational school-based curriculum development will absolutely get great achievement. I hope this thesis can catch your eye on the development of the higher vocational educational school-based curriculum, and can enlighten you on this research topic.

  • 【分类号】G712.3
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】781

