

【作者】 王琨

【导师】 司继伟;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 发展与教育心理学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 随着素质教育的开展,我国越来越重视中小学生创造力的培养。为了使我国中小学生的科学创造力培养得以科学和顺利的进行,需要加强学生的创造力理论与实证研究,为教育提供理论指导。已有文献对创造力的研究,逻辑推断式的理论探索较多,针对性的实证研究较少,而且多数文献是针对一般创造力进行的实证考察,多是考察创造力单个变量特点或创造力与另外一个变量的关系等。因此,现有文献已难以满足当今教育实践的需求和理论发展的要求。因此,本文在创造力与思维风格等相关文献的基础上,以初中生为样本,施测科学创造力问卷、思维风格问卷以及创造力态度问卷,重点考察初中生的科学创造力与思维风格的特点及其相互关系,并实证分析思维风格影响科学创造力的程度与方式等。本研究主要得出如下结论。一是,初中生得分较高的思维风格类型为立法型、激进型与等级型等;得分较低的是平等竞争型与执法型等;且个体间差异最大的是审判型,个体间差异最小的无政府型;在其余类型的思维风格上,个体间差异并非很大;初中男女生在各类型的思维风格上没有显著的性别差异。二是,初中生在科学创造力测验各维度上的得分存在明显差异,表明该阶段的学生在各创造力维度上的发展不平衡。但是,初中男女生在科学创造力总分及其各维度上的差异并不显著。三是,在创造力态度得分上,初中生存在明显的性别差异,即女生高于男生。四是,在科学创造力总得分上,创造力高分组被试仅在等级型、整体型与外倾型等三种思维风格类型上的得分显著高于低分组的得分。在科学创造力的物体应用维度上,高分组被试在内倾型思维风格上显著低于低分组被试的得分;在问题提出维度上,高分组被试在审判型思维风格上显著高于低分组被试的得分;在产品改进与问题解决维度上,高低两组在各种思维风格类型上均没有显著性差异;在创造想象与实验设计等维度上,高分组被试仅在平等竞争型思维风格上显著低于低分组;在创造活动维度上,高分组被试在执法型、等级型与整体型等思维风格上显著高于低分组等。五是,整体型思维风格和创造力态度的交互作用是影响初中生科学创造力创造想象维度的重要因素,创造力态度作为调节变量,其调节作用显著;无政府型思维风格和创造力态度的交互作用是影响初中生科学创造力问题解决维度的重要因素,创造力态度作为调节变量,其调节作用也显著。

【Abstract】 With the advent of education for all-around development, the cultivation of scientific creativity to students of junior middle school and elementary school has been concerned by our country. In order to cultivate scientific creativity of the students favorably and scientifically, we need strengthen theoretical and empirical research on scientific creativity of the students, which will provide practice with theoretical directions or foundation. Previous research literature on creativity explored more on theoretical research, less on empirical research. And more empirical research literature was examined on basic creativity, less on specialized fields of creativity. More empirical research literature was examined on characteristics of single variable or relationships between creativity with another variable. Therefore, the literature has not been adequate for the education practice.So, on the foundation of the literature of scientific creativity and thinking styles, the dissertation or paper takes Grade three students of junior middle school as example, carries out the tests of Thinking Styles Inventory, Scientific Creativity and Creativity Attitude Survey, and investigates the characteristics of students’thinking style and scientific creativity, and the relationship between the thinking style and scientific creativity, and examines the way or mode of thinking style affecting scientific creativity. It draws following conclusion.First, the junior middle school students whose score are higher prefer legislative style, liberal style and hierarchic style, whose score are lower prefer oligarchic style and executive style. Among all thinking styles, in judicial style the distinction among the students is most or biggest, and in anarchic style the distinction among the students is lest or smallest, there is not significant distinction among the students in other styles. And there is no significant sex distinction in all the thinking styles. Second, there are significant differences among the scores of items of the student scientific creativity, which indicates that the development on items of the student scientific creativity is not synchronous. But there is no significant sex difference in total scores and each item score of the student scientific creativity. Third, on creativity attitude, there are significant sex differences among the junior middle school students, that girls’scores are higher than boys’. In addition, the inter-individual differences of girls’are less significantly than boys’on creativity attitude. Four, the students who belong to the high score group on the total score of scientific creativity have higher scores significantly than the students on three thinking styles, that is hierarchic style, global style and external style, who belong to the low scores group. The students who belong to the high score group on the item scores of Unusual Uses of scientific creativity have lower scores significantly than the students on internal style, who belong to the low scores group. The students who belong to the high score group on the item scores of Problem Finding of scientific creativity have higher scores significantly than the students on judicial style, who belong to the low scores group. But there is no significant difference between the two group students’scores of the items of Product Improvement and Problem Solving on all the thinking styles. The students who belong to the high score group on the item scores of Creative Imagination and Science Experiment of scientific creativity have lower scores significantly than the students on oligarchic style, who belong to the low scores group. The students who belong to the high score group on the item scores of creative imagination of scientific creativity have higher scores significantly than the students on three thinking styles, that is executive style, hierarchic style and global style, who belong to the low scores group. Five, anarchic style and the interaction between global style and creativity attitude are important factors which affect the item of creative imagination, and the interaction is significant. And anarchic style and the interaction between external style and creativity attitude are important factors which affect the item of problem solving, and the interaction is significant, too.

  • 【分类号】B842.3
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】885

