

【作者】 刘文贞

【导师】 刘海燕;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 应用心理学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 情绪安全(Emotional Security)是指个体为了保持自身的安全及安全感,对压力情境做出的情绪、行为和认知表征反应的调节控制系统。它对儿童身心发展尤其是心理适应具有重要的影响。已有研究表明,情绪安全与儿童早期的家庭经历有关。初中阶段是儿童发展中一个特殊的时期,儿童逐渐脱离家庭参与到与同伴的交往中来,与同伴的交往过程中可能受到情绪安全的影响,并影响到他们的心理适应。而到目前为止,国内还很少有关于同伴情绪安全与心理适应的研究。鉴于此,本研究拟通过问卷法揭示初中生父母、同伴情绪安全的特点,并探讨两种情绪安全与心理适应的关系,为更好的进行初中生心理健康问题的教育实践提供依据。研究一以初中生为被试,采用问卷调查法,修订父母情绪安全问卷;并通过文献研究、广泛访谈和问卷调查,编制初中生同伴情绪安全问卷。研究二以初中生为被试,采用问卷调查法,考察山东省初中生父母情绪安全与同伴情绪安全的特点。研究三以初中生为被试,采用问卷调查法,探讨初中生父母情绪安全、同伴情绪安全与心理适应的关系。在本研究范围内,可以得出以下主要结论:(1)初中生的父母情绪安全结构包括7个纬度,即情绪反应、行为失调、行为回避、参与、积极的认知表征、消极的认知表征和冲突外溢。修订后的父母情绪安全问卷具有较好的信度和效度。(2)初中生的同伴情绪安全结构包括5个纬度,即情绪反应、行为失调、行为回避、积极的认知表征和消极的认知表征。自编的同伴情绪安全问卷的信效度均较好。(3)在中国文化背景下,父母情绪安全类型中,安全型所占比例最大,但是比国外比例略低。此外,在父母发生冲突时,女孩在情绪反应方面的得分高于男孩,而在行为失调方面的得分则低于男孩;农村初中生表现出更高的情绪反应、参与、消极认知表征,而城市初中生则更多的选择回避行为;初二年级的初中生情绪反应水平最高,初一年级则更多的参与到父母冲突中,且采取的回避行为最少。另外女生随着年级的增长,参与程度逐渐降低。(4)在中国文化背景下,同伴情绪安全类型中,冷漠型所占比例最大,安全型的次之,占有型所占的比例最低。此外,在与同伴发生冲突时,男生在行为失调方面高于女生,在行为回避方面低于女生;农村初中生在情绪失调、消极表征方面均高于城市初中生;行为失调方面,初一年级最突出,行为回避方面初一、初二年级均显著的高于初三年级。(5)父母情绪安全类型中,冷漠型最容易出现焦虑和心理健康问题,占有型最容易出现抑郁问题,安全型心理适应问题最少。(6)同伴情绪安全类型中,冷漠型和占有型较容易出现焦虑和心理健康问题,占有型最容易出现抑郁问题,安全型心理健康问题最少。

【Abstract】 Emotional security is a complex regulatory system in which the goal of security organizes responses to stress. It contains cognitive, affective, and behavioral components. Emotional security was identified as an explanatory mechanism for both internalizing and externalizing problems in children. The junior high school stage is a special period, children escapes from the family to come in the association of companions in gradually, with the association process of the companion also probably under the influence of emotional security, and affect their mental adjustment. But researches on the emotional security in junior high school now and not yet cause enough and thoughtful attentions , so this study aims at the constructions of the structure of emotional security, develops the questionnaire of emotional security at the same time ,and understand the general characteristics of junior high school student’s emotional security . It will facilitate to carry the quality oriented education system out and offer the reference to the research on the mental health of junior high school.In study 1, Security in the Interparental Subsystem Scale was revised by questionnaire and security in the companion subsystem Scale was developed. In the study 2, structure and characteristics of junior student’s emotional security were investigated by questionnaires survey. In study 3, the relations between emotional security and mental adjustment were investigated by questionnaire survey.The main findings in the above three studies are as follows:(1)The junior students’emotional security in the Interparental subsystem was investigated by the scale, which contain 7 dimensions: emotional reactivity, behavioral dysregulation, avoidance, involvement, constructive internal representation, destructive internal representation, and conflict spillover representations. Revised Security in the Interparental Subsystem Scale has high reliability and validity.(2)The junior students’emotional security in the companion subsystem was investigated by the scale, which contain 5 dimensions: emotional reactivity, behavioral dysregulation, avoidance, constructive internal representation, and destructive internal representation. Security in the companion subsystem Scale has high reliability and validity.(3)In the general distribution, the percent of parental secure style is higher than any other styles. At the same time, when facing parental conflict, girls were higher than boys in emotional reactivity, but lower in behavioral dysregulation. Country subjects show higher than city subject in emotional reactivity, involvement, and destructive internal representation. Moreover as the growth of age, junior students show more avoidance and lower involvement.(4)In the general distribution, the percent of companion dismissing style is higher than any other styles. At the same time, when facing companion conflict, girls were higher than boys in avoidance, but lower in behavioral dysregulation.Country subject show higher than city subject in emotional reactivity, and destructive internal representation. Moreover as the growth of age, junior students show lower avoidance and behavioral dysregulation.(5)The parental secure style’s mental adjustment is superior to the unsecure. Among them, dismissing style is easy to appear anxiety; preoccupied style is easy to appear depression.(6)The companion secure style’s mental adjustment is superior to the unsecure. Among them, preoccupied style is easy to appear anxiety; dismissing style is easy to appear depression.

  • 【分类号】G444
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】322

