

【作者】 范琳琳

【导师】 陈惠雯;

【作者基本信息】 西安音乐学院 , 民族音乐学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 “道情”渊源于唐代的《承天》、《九真》等道曲,原是道士传经布道和募化时所唱的歌曲,其名称最早见于宋代周密的《武林旧事》。北宋有承袭唐宫廷法曲歌舞形式的“法曲道情”,民间则有“俗曲道情”;南宋时,出现用渔鼓、简板等乐器击节伴奏的道情渔鼓,后由游方道士带入民间,逐渐发展成为世俗化的艺术形式,且在漫长的演化过程中南北分流形成了不同地域的音乐体系。其中一支流传北方为曲牌体,在山、陕、甘、豫等地发展演变为戏曲道情。本文所论述的是在甘肃陇东大地上孕育发展至今的道情——“陇东道情”。陇东地区文化历史悠久,受自然环境影响,使其形成以道情为音乐工具、皮影为表演工具,具有地方特色、群众喜闻乐见、通俗易懂的戏曲艺术体裁。陇东道情在形成之初蕴涵着浓郁的宗教色彩,在历史的长河中,虽早已突破道教思想的羁绊,成为深深扎根于民俗演唱内容无所不包的民间艺术形式。但从陇东道情的唱腔、表演形式、伴奏乐器和剧目中,仍可看到宗教文化的痕迹,这为陇东道情的研究提供了佐证。陇东道情与道教文化有着千丝万缕的联系,体现在其道德教化和审美品格中,作为仍存活于陇东民间有着鲜明乡野气息的地方小戏,由于地理位置的偏僻,在文化传播和艺术风格上产生了强烈的“大棚效应”。它的深层文化背景、宗教文化烙印和民俗文化特征至今无人全面探究,本文以实地考察资料为依据,文化研究为切入点,力求对陇东道情展开较为深入、细致、全面的研究,进一步认识道情与道教文化、陇东道情与陇东文化以及陇东道情的文化内涵和文化价值。

【Abstract】 “Tao Tsing”came from the ceremonial music such as“ChengTian”,”JiuZhen”in Tang Dynasty. It’s the song that Taoists sing when preaching or collecting alms, whose name was seen in“The Old Tile Of The Swords Men”of Zhou Mi as early as Song Dynasty. In North Song Dynasty there were“Fa Qu Tao Tsing”which followed the royal ceremonial music, and“Su Qu Tao Tsing”in society. In South Song Dynasty there were“Tao Tsing Yu Gu”with accompaniment of“Yu Gu”and“Jian Ban”. Taoists who peregrinate on the ground brought it to the mortal world, and it was gradually made into folk music. In the long way of developing, it formed different musical systems in different region. One of them is QuPai in the north of China,it turned into drama Tao Tsing in Shanxi,Shanxi, Gansu, and He‘nan. This paper will discourse upon the Tao Tsing which was gestated and now growing on the great ground of Gansu,“East Gansu Tao Tsing”.In the long history and the very nature environment of East Gansu, the Tao Tsing formed an art type with Tao Tsing as music and shadow puppet as performance which shows great region feature, and has been popular. At the early age of the East Gansu Tao Tsing, it contains deep religion feature, But along the time goes by, it broke through the bondage of religion and covered all the life of people. Yet the trace of religion is obviously in the aria, the musical instrument, and the list of plays. That provided stuff for the study on the East Gansu Tao Tsing.There are innumerability relation between Taoism and East Gansu Tao Tsing which is a local drama that still popular in the East Gansu. Because of the hinterland, the East Gansu Tao Tsing has much“greenhouse”effect in the spread and art style. Its deep background of culture, the brand of religion, and the folk-custom feature haven’t been investigated. This paper based on the field survey, discuss the East Gansu Tao Tsing from the point of culture. Through the deep, meticulous, and full-scale research to dig the connotation and the value of Tao Tsing, Taoist culture, East Gansu Tao Tsing, and East Gansu culture.

【关键词】 道情陇东道情道教文化
【Key words】 Tao TsingEast Gansu Tao TsingTaoist culture
  • 【分类号】J607
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】328

