

Study on the Stability and the Engineering Effect of JinJiang Landslide

【作者】 刘贵荣

【导师】 石豫川;

【作者基本信息】 成都理工大学 , 地质工程, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 近坝库岸滑坡的稳定性往往成为修建水电站的瓶颈问题。在我国西南地区,高山深谷,水流湍急,水能丰富,是水电开发的热点地区。但这些地区地质条件复杂,常常孕育大型滑坡体。拟建的白鹤滩水电站位于四川省宁南县和云南省巧家县交界处的金沙江下游河段,是金沙江干流攀枝花至宜宾河段梯级开发规划中的一个重要梯级水电站。该电站正常蓄水位825m,总装机容量12600MW,年发电量550亿kW·h。金江滑坡位于坝址上游5km,体积约2.50亿立方米,属特大型滑坡,其稳定性将直接影响到大坝的安全和水库的正常运营。因此,对该特大型滑坡进行合理的评价、科学的预测就显得非常必要。本文通过对金江滑坡环境地质背景及滑坡体物质组成、结构特征等方面的研究,分析了滑坡体的成因机制,并采用力学模型、物理模拟及离散元模拟进行一致性分析验证;结合滑坡体成因机制,采用极限平衡法及三维数值模拟方法分析了滑坡体整体及局部稳定性;采用静力法推导缓倾角滑坡滑速计算公式并应用于涌浪计算中;通过淤积量及涌浪计算分析了滑坡体对水库的工程效应。通过对上述问题的研究,为库岸近坝滑坡研究提供了一种模式和方法。

【Abstract】 The stability of landslide next to the dam often becomes a hard problem for hydro-power station’s construction. In China, the area of Southwest, with high mountains, rapid rivers and plentiful water, is a popular spot of hydro-power development. However, in the area, its geological condition is complicated. There is always pregnant with large-scale landslides.The intended BaiHetang hydro-power station which locates at the downstream of the Jin ShaJiang River, at the interjection of the NingNan in Sichuan province and Qiaojia in YunNan province, is an important rundle hydro-power station in the rundle development of the stem flow of Jin ShaJiang from Pan Zhihua to YiBin. The electricity station’s normal water level is 825 meters and has a total capacity of 12600 MW. The electricity station can generate electricity 55,000,000,000kWs per hour in one year.JinJiang landslide which volume is about 2.50 hundred million cubic meters lies to the upper reaches of hydro power station far away from 5 kilometers. It belongs to special large-scale landslide. Its stability will affect dam’s safety and reservoir’s normal function. So it is very necessary to do reasonable evaluation and scientific prediction for the large-scale landslide.The article analyses the mechanism of landslide, through the research into JinJiang landslide geological background, landslide object constituent and structure feature and so on. The article adopts mechanics model, physics and DEM mock to make consistent analysis and test. Combined with landslide Mechanism, it adopts limited balance method and 3D numerical value mock in order to analyze landslide whole and part stability. It adopts still force method to conclude slow landslide slipping rate’s calculation formula and apply it to surging wave’s calculation. It analyzes the engineering function for landslide to reservoir. By way of above research, the article provides a kind of mode and method for the research on the landslide next to the reservoir and the dam.

  • 【分类号】TV223
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】192

