

New Technique Application and Comprehensive Analysis of Fore Geological Forecast in Tongluoshan Tunnel

【作者】 朱劲

【导师】 李天斌; 李永林;

【作者基本信息】 成都理工大学 , 地质工程, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国经济快速发展和大规模的基础设施建设的不断深入,西部地区成为为完善国家高速路网的重要一环。但是西部地区地质条件复杂、山峦叠嶂、沟壑纵横给高速公路建设带来了极大的难度。特别是在山区修筑特长隧道,频发的地质灾害更是直接威胁到施工安全。因此,施工期超前地质预报是一项极为重要的工作。本文在收集前人研究资料,分析国内外技术方法的基础上,在铜锣山隧道试用了两种隧道超前地质预报的新技术,并且以地质分析为核心开展综合预报取得了良好效果。同时,在进行铜锣山隧道超前预报的实际工作中总结经验,探索性的将模糊判别方法引入铜锣山隧道超前预报综合分析,通过利用一些较为可信的解译原则和广泛的借鉴其他隧道的探测方面的成果,初步建立起对铜锣山隧道的基本地质情况进行超前预报综合分析的方法模型,通过研究获得的结论如下:1.通过BEAM超前预报新技术在铜锣山隧道的实际应用,详细评价了它的工作方法、解译方式和使用效果。BEAM对赋存水和较为破碎的地质体有良好的预报效果,但是其工作方法的繁琐也突出的限制了其在钻爆法施工隧道中的应用,在未来发展中对工作方式、解译原则都还需要完善。2.通过瞬变电磁法超前预报新技术在铜锣山隧道的实际应用,详细评价了它的工作方法、数据处理方式和使用效果。瞬变电磁法在对岩溶水的预报中凸显出极大的优势,但在其他地质问题的预报中瞬变电磁法预报效果不甚理想,并且其现场探测也受到诸多因素的干扰,影响了预报效果的准确性。3.通过地质雷达和TSP在铜锣山隧道的实际应用,详细评价了他们工作方法、使用效果、适用地质条件,总结雷达电磁波的综合反射特征与不同地质情况之间的对应关系。4.以地质分析为核心,整合了几种超前探测手段进行综合超前预报,在铜锣山隧道的实际应用当中取得了很好的效果。根据铜锣山隧道超前预报工作的经验和其他隧道超前预报中的专家意见,提炼各种超前预报方法的关键参数,提出以地质分析为基础,针对四种不同基本地质情况的综合分析预报工作流程。在此基础上初步建立超前预报综合判别的多因素集,利用模糊层次分析方法对各因素赋予权重,完成对基本地质情况的模糊综合判别,判别结果与开挖揭露情况吻合较好。

【Abstract】 With the rapid economic development and extensive basic construction of our country, the west part of china becomes an important link to perfect the network national highway. However the complicated geological condition of the west region:chain of mountains and a pile of screen-like mountain peaks,vertical and horizontal gullies, has brought the great difficulty to the construction of highway, particularly when building the long tunnel in the mountain area, because the geological disaster taking place frequently, it directly threatens the construction safety.So, fore geological forecast is a very important part during the construction time.This text is based on collecting the information of forthgoer and the analysis of domestic and international technological methods. Having tried out the new technology and the comprehensive forecast with geological analysis as the core in the Tongluoshan tunnel, it has made great effects. I summarize the experience in carrying on the leading real work that forecast the geological condition in the Tongluoshan tunnel at the same time, and brought the method of fuzzy assessment into the comprehensive analysis of fore geological forecast in Tongluoshan tunnel through utilizing some available principles, extensively referring to productions of other tunnel explorations, setting up some primary method of comprehensive analysis of fore geological forecast for basic geological in Tongluoshan tunnel and conclusion drawn from study as follows:1. Through the practical application of BEAM (Bore Tunnelling Electrical Ahead Monitoring) in the Tongluoshan tunnel it has amply evaluated its working way, the principle of interpretation and the practical effects o BEAM has made great effects for the fractured rock mass with water, but it has a little difficulty in tunnel with drill and blast drives because of the complexity of its survey mode. So, its working way and principle of interpretation need to be improved in future.2. Through the practical application of TEM (Transient Electromagnetic Methods) in the Tongluoshan tunnel it has amply evaluated its working way, the mode of data processing and the practical effects. TEM shows the great advantage in the forecast for karst water, but the effects is not very well in the forecast for other geological condition and its the veracity of forecast has been influenced because its exploration in tunnel is disturbed by many factors.3. Through the practical application of GPR (Ground Penetrating Radar) and TSP (Tunnnel Seismic Predication) in. Tongluoshan tunnel ,it has amply evaluated its working way, the practical effects and applicable geological condition, and has summarize the corresponding relationship between the composite features of electromagnetic wave and different basic geological conditions.4. With geological analysis as the core, combine several methods to carry on comprehensive forecast, which has achieved good results in the practice of the Tongluoshan tunnel. Depending on experience of a lot of work in Tongluoshan tunnel and the expert’s idea of fore geological forecast in other tunnel, It has abstracted the key parameter and put forward the method and process of comprehensive fore geological forecast for 4 kinds of basic geological condition. It primarily set up the multifactor set which are endued weight by analytical hierarchy process to do fuzzy comprehensive assessment for basic geological condition, which results mostly accord with drives circs.

  • 【分类号】U452.1
  • 【被引频次】40
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