

Study on Risk Assessment and Prevention Countermeasures of Dangerous Rock Mass

【作者】 张伟锋

【导师】 黄润秋;

【作者基本信息】 成都理工大学 , 岩土工程, 2007, 硕士


【摘要】 危岩体是20世纪80年代以来工程地质领域研究的热点和难点之一。随着社会经济的飞速发展,人类生存空间不断向山区扩展,尤其是山区高等级公路、铁路和大型水利枢纽工程的大量兴建,使得近年危岩体灾害的发生越来越频繁,人们对危岩体灾害的重视程度日益增强。近20多年来,国内外学者对危岩体进行了较多有益的探索研究,并取得了一定的研究成果。本文在前人研究成果的基础上,以雅砻江锦屏一级水电站枢纽区高位边坡危岩体为例,对危岩体进行了系统的工程地质研究。研究成果既满足了危岩体防治设计的要求,又在危岩体危险性分析等领域取得了一定的进展,取得的主要成果如下:(1)首先对危岩体这类地质灾害体的概念进行了定义,并对其涵义进行了较为深入的阐述,这对于界定危岩体并阐明其与其它灾害体的区别和联系具有重要的意义;同时,分析了危岩体的形成条件和影响因素;并根据危岩体分类的常用方法,建立了危岩体分类系统。(2)通过对研究区工程地质环境条件和危岩体特征的调查研究,查明了危岩体的发育特征和分布规律,并总结出危岩体发育与部分地质条件的关系。(3)在对危岩体发育过程三阶段研究与分析的基础上,对危岩体的五种基本变形破坏模式进行了详细的分析说明,对危岩体失稳后的运动特征进行了研究与总结;通过现场滚石试验进一步阐明了危岩体的运动规律和影响因素。(4)根据危岩体的稳定状况把危岩体分为不稳定、基本稳定和稳定三种状态,建立了相应的量化判断标准和定性判断标准;通过对研究区典型危岩体稳定性的定量计算分析,进一步说明静力解析法,三维(3DEC)离散元和不连续变形(DDA)数值模拟计算分析方法在危岩体稳定性分析评价中的应用。(5)危岩体危险性评价是论文研究的重点。在对危岩体危险性评价基本理论与概念分析说明的基础上,依据危岩体危险性的影响因素,建立了危岩体危险性评价的两类方法,分别为模糊综合评判法和三要素法。其中,三要素法仅用危岩体的规模、危岩体的稳定状态和危岩体失稳后的运动路径能否到达受灾区等三个指标就能对危岩体的危险性做出很好的评价,该评价方法思路明确、简单、实用,对其它类型地质灾害的危险性评价也具有一定参考价值。(6)根据危岩体灾害的发育程度和危险性高低相应地,将危岩体的危险性划分为Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ级三个等级,危险性由高到低。危岩体危险性等级的划分与危岩体防治措施的选择有直接的关联性。(7)危岩体防治对策研究是危岩体研究的最终目的。本文把危岩体防治的工程措施分为主动加固措施和被动防护措施两大类进行详细说明,在对危岩体进行防治时可以是单一的防治措施也可以是多种措施的联合应用。基于上述危岩体防治的原则,明确了研究区危岩体的防治思路,对研究区危岩体进行了防治措施研究,并对最终的防治效果进行了预测与评价。

【Abstract】 The dangerous rock mass has been thought of as a hot and difficult issue in the field of geological studies since 1980s. As the rapid development of the economy, human living space has been extended to the mountain area. Especially, with the building of highway, railroad and large-scale hydropower station in mountain area, the disaster of dangerous rock mass occurred more and more frequently during the past few years. Recognition of dangerous rock mass disaster has been focused on. In recent 20 years, many researchers did plenty of researching and got some achievements. Based on these researched results, this paper takes sample for the dangerous rock mass of Jinping I hydropower station, and studies the geological nature of the dangerous rock systematically. The main conclusions were represented as follows:(1) The dangerous rock mass definition and its implication was studied. Meanwhile, the formation condition, influencing factors, and builds classification system about the dangerous rock were analyzed.(2) Based on the investigation of the geological condition and the features of dangerous rock, distribution characteristics and relationship between geological conditions and dangerous rocks had been studied.(3) Based on the study and analysis of three-stage development process of the dangerous rock, five types of failure model of the dangerous rock were illustrated. Meanwhile, by studying the movement of the dangerous rock rolling stone experiment, this paper illustrated the dangerous rock’s movement rules and influencing factors were studied.(4) The standard methods of stability evaluation and forecasting of dangerous rock mass were illustrated, which laid the foundation for stability analysis and evaluation. And based on the stability conditions, the dangerous rock masses were classified, into three categories: instable, basically stable and stable, and created relevant quantitative and qualitative evaluation criteria. By quantitative calculation and analysis of typical dangerous rock mass in the research area, the dangerous rock mass stability static analysis, UDEC, 3DEC and DDA numerical simulation were further explained for their usage of evaluation.(5) The dangerous rock’s hazard evaluation methods were studied. Based on the analysis and illustration of the basic theories and concepts on dangerous rock mass evaluation, considering the influence factors, two index systems, about hazard evaluation were advanced: fuzzy integrated judgment, and 3-factors method. The later could evaluate dangerous rock mass only by analyzing the scale, stability condition and the movement path after destabilization of the dangerous rock mass. It was clear-guided, simple and practical, which would also shed light on the other types of geological hazards evaluation.(6) According to the development stages and risk grades, the risk of dangerous rock mass was divided into three degrees:Ⅰ,Ⅱ,Ⅲ. The grading scheme was related to the choice of prevention countermeasures.(7) The ultimate purpose of studying the dangerous rock was to carry out prevention countermeasures. Firstly, this part expounded the principles of prevention systematically, which was important to the guidance of work. The project prevention measures of the dangerous rock were divided into active prevention and passive prevention, and detailed explanation was put forward. To prevent from dangerous rock mass, measurements could be taken either separately or combined together. Finally, based on the studies mentioned above, the prevention-and-cure method, prevention measures, and forecasting and evaluation to the prevention effectiveness were studied.

  • 【分类号】TV223.1
  • 【被引频次】12
  • 【下载频次】813

