

Seismic Reservoir Predicting in Zizhou-Qinjian Area of Ordos Basin

【作者】 鲜强

【导师】 李仲东;

【作者基本信息】 成都理工大学 , 矿产普查与勘探, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 子洲地区是继榆林气田之后发现的又一个山2段含气富集区,储层由三角洲平原的河道砂体与前缘的河口坝砂体组成。储层厚度变化从几米到几十米不等,横向上河道迁移摆动频繁,垂向上多期砂体相互叠置,同时物性较差为低孔、渗非均质性强的储层。针对以上难点,本次以岩石物理分析和地震正演模拟为基础,研究含气储层地球物理响应特征。以地震反演和含气性检测为主体,预测了有利储层的展布,并分析了有效储层的成因与分布规律。主要取得了以下的认识和成果:1、岩石物理分析表明山2段砂岩具有高阻抗,纯的砂岩与泥岩和煤层存在着明显的阻抗差异,而砂质泥岩与泥质砂岩差异不大,伽玛和密度可以用于区分砂、泥岩是作为波阻抗的补充。2、通过地震正演模型分析,用波形反射特征将储层分为三类,定性预测储层厚度。3、使用有色反演进行波阻抗反演,适合于储层非均质很强的岩性油气藏预测。在波阻抗剖面上定量的预测了储层的厚度。使用了神经网络进行了饱和度的反演,对储层含气饱和度进行了解释。4、基于弹性波能量的吸收衰减性质,对储层进行了含气性预测。5、在波阻抗剖面上预测了砂岩厚度,在饱和度剖面和吸收衰减剖面上进行了含气性预测,结合三种剖面预测了含气砂岩,在平面上勾画有利储层分布并对其进行了评价。

【Abstract】 Zizhou area is another profitable area after discovery of Yulin gas field. Thesecond member of Shanxi formation is main reservoir which is composed of channelsand body of delta plain and mouth bar of delta front. Thickness of reservoir variedfrom several to dozens of meters. Channel migrated frequently in lateral. In vertical,Several times sand body lapped over. Meanwhile, porosity and permeability are prettylow, and this kind of reservoir belong to high heterogeneous reservoir.Object to these key-point, rock-physics analysis and seismic forward modelingare used as basic method to research geo-physics response of gas-bearing sand.Seismic inversion and hydrocarbon detecting are used as major tools to predict thedistribution of favorable area. The cause and distribution discipline are also analyzedin this paper. At last, following conclusions are got.(1)Rock physics analysis indicate that sandstone of second member of Shanxiformation’s impedance is high. There is a big impedance difference between puresandstone and shale, coal, however, impedance of shaly sand and siltstone are so close,it’s difficult to distinguish them by impedance. Density and GR are effectiveparameter to distinguish them.(2)Seismic forward modeling is used to simulate transmission of primary wave.Reservoir is divided into three types according to reflection of wave, and it canpredict the thickness of reservoir qualitatively.(3)Colored inversion is used to invert impedance, and it can predict lithologichydrocarbon reservoir with high heterogeneous. We circle the thickness of reservoiron impedance inversion section quantitatively. Neutral network is used to invertsaturation, We can interpret saturation of reservoir.(4)We interpret distribution range of hydrocarbon base on elastic wave’s energywill be absorbed and attenuate during transmission.(5)Thickness of sandstone is circled on impedance inversion section.Hydrocarbon is detected on saturation inversion section and absorption attenuationsection. We predict gas bearing sandstone combining three kinds of inversion section. At last, favorable zone is picked out on planand also evaluated.

  • 【分类号】P631.4
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】292

