

A Study of Pattern Noun’s Formation、Development and Cause of Formation

【作者】 唐丽

【导师】 黄南津;

【作者基本信息】 广西大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 名词句是完全由名词或名词性短语组合而成的一种特殊句型,体现了汉语自身的特色。本文在时修先贤对汉语名词句研究的基础上和广泛收集六朝时汉语名词句语料的前提下,对之做计量分析,进而对之加以具体描写和比较,从而说明名词句的特点,揭示其形成原因。全文共分为七个部分:(1)引言,(2)名词句的界定及性质,(3)魏晋六朝时名词句的特点,(4)名词句形成的原因,(5)名词句的发展,(6)名词句的语用特点,(7)结束语。其中重点是第(3)至第(5)部分。名词句属名词性非主谓句,在综合前人的分类标准的基础上,可将名词句分为三大类,即半句是名词句类,名词并置类,整句是一个名词句类。名词句的表达内容非常丰富,常常一句之中能指称多方面的内容。它能用来描写,叙述,抒情和说明。它的形成既与汉语和汉字的独特性这些语言内在因素密切相关,也离不开汉民族思维特点和外来文化、创作心理和接受心理等外在因素的影响。通过综合研究,得出以下结论:名词句作为一种独特的句型,属名词性非主谓句,它有着较显著的特征,体现了汉语自身的特色;它的形成不是偶然的,而是汉语自身和其他因素综合作用的必然产物,我们有必要将它同把字句、被字句一样单独对待。

【Abstract】 Pattern noun is special sentential form .It is completely composed by nounor noun phrase. It embodies Chinese characteristic. This dissertation givesconcrete description and analysis of basing on others’ study and first handlanguage materials. Thus we can learn its characteristics and its cause offormation. It is made of seven parts: (Ⅰ) Introduction; (Ⅱ) define pattern nounand its nature ; (Ⅲ) noun sentence’s characteristic of the six Dynasty ; (Ⅳ)cause of formation; (Ⅴ) development of noun sentence (Ⅵ) pragmatics’characteristics of noun sentence; (Ⅶ) Conclusion. The dissertation puts itsstress on the part fromⅢtoⅤ.Pattern noun belongs to the noun’s non-subject-predicatesentences. We can divide it for three categories basing on others’ standard.Pattern noun can convey abundant content. It can be used to describe, narrate,express, illustrate. Not only its formation doesn’t depart from some internalfactors, such as Chinese characteristics and Chinese character, but also someexternal factors.The dissertation reaches conclusions as follows: As special sentential form,Pattern noun belongs to the noun’s non-subject-predicate sentences. Itsformation isn’t occasional. It is inevitable outcome. Chinese characteristics and other factors result in its formation. We should devote much attention to it.Weshould take it as other sentence, such as Pattern Ba、Pattern Bei.

【关键词】 名词句类别表达内容成因
【Key words】 Pattern nouncategorycontents of expressioncause of formation
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 广西大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 05期
  • 【分类号】H14
  • 【下载频次】153

