

Development of Dielectric Loss Measuring Instrument Based on DSP with Variable Frequency Method

【作者】 梅茹

【导师】 黄洪全;

【作者基本信息】 广西大学 , 检测技术与自动化装置, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 本文在对传统介质损耗测量方法和一些现代介质损耗测量方法作了简要分析说明的基础上,针对现场测量电气设备的介质损耗时存在的工频强电场干扰问题,提出了介质损耗变频测量的方法,同时对介损变频测量装置的硬件电路及软件部分做了简要介绍。本课题以TI公司的TMS320F2810 DSP为控制核心,设计了介质损耗变频测量装置的硬件电路,其中包括变频电源、信号采集电路、液晶显示接口电路、打印接口电路、键盘接口电路、通信接口电路以及整个系统的直流工作电源等部分。软件部分,利用C语言编写了部分程序实现了控制、测量、显示、按键、打印、通信等功能。现场测量电气设备的介损参数时,由于工频强电场对测量回路存在同频干扰,使得测量精度受到很大影响。为了提高测量精度,可以改变加在设备上的电压频率,使同频干扰变为易于消除的异频干扰,然后结合傅里叶变换频谱分析的方法得到介损参数公式。本课题正是基于这一思想设计了介质损耗变频测量装置。本装置无论在硬件电路设计还是软件编程方面都采取了一些抗干扰措施,使整个系统的抗干扰性能好、测量精度高。

【Abstract】 In this thesis, traditional and some modern dielectric loss measurement methods were analysed and explained firstly, then dielectric loss variable frequency method was presented on the basis of considering the interference of strong electric field with the power frequency in local measurement. Meanwhile, the hardware and the software of dielectric loss measuring instrument with variable frequency method were introduced.In this subject, the controlling center of the hardware system was TMS320F2810. The hardware of this system mainly included variable frequency power, signal sampling, interface circuit of LCD( Liquid Crystal Display), printer, keyboard, communication, and the direct-current power supply etc. As to software, C language programs were designed to achieve the functions of control, measuring, display, key, print and communication etc.In local dielectric loss measurement, the measurement accuracy was influenced by the interference of strong electric field with the power frequency. In order to improve measurement accuracy, we changed the same-frequency interference to different-frequency interference, and combined with Fourier transform frequency spectrum analysis to get parameter of dielectric loss. Based on this theory, a dielectric loss measuring instrument with variable frequency method was designed.Anti-interference measures were considered in hardware and software of this design, which made the whole measuring system have good anti-jamming perforance and high measurement precision.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 广西大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 05期
  • 【分类号】TP274
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】144

