

Research on Competitive Mechanism of Chinese Functionary Institution

【作者】 谭焱

【导师】 何正斌;

【作者基本信息】 国防科学技术大学 , 公共管理, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 竞争机制是公务员制度以及公务员管理过程的首要机制,它贯穿于我国公务员制度的始终,主要表现在公务员的考试录用、职务升降、职务任免、辞职辞退中。建立和完善公务员制度的任用和淘汰竞争机制是完善我国公务员制度的内在要求,是加强党的执政能力建设的客观需要,是中国特色社会主义市场经济发展的必然要求。研究我国公务员制度的任用和淘汰竞争机制对进一步完善我国公务员制度具有十分重要的现实意义。本文对我国公务员制度的任用和淘汰竞争机制的理论基础以及国内外公务员制度竞争机制的研究现状及发展趋势进行了论述。提出了公务员制度竞争机制是指在公务员制度框架下,竞争主体遵循一定的竞争规则,通过参与竞争规程来获取竞争客体(公务员职位),竞争主体、竞争客体、竞争规程之间相互联系、相互影响、相互作用而构成的体系。本文运用系统理论和历史的观点,对公务员制度竞争机制的组成要素、运行、作用、基本原则、特点和演变过程等进行了全面地分析研究;运用理论联系实践的方法,对我国公务员制度竞争机制的七种具体运行形式进行了介绍,对公开选拔、公务员考试录用进行了具体的案例分析。从竞争动力、竞争规程、竞争环节等方面分析了我国公务员制度的任用和淘汰竞争机制中存在的主要问题,并从观念、成本效益、利益和偶然等四个方面对制约竞争机制作用发挥的因素进行了分析。针对存在的主要问题和制约因素,提出了完善我国公务员制度的任用和淘汰竞争机制的相应对策,即完善竞争机制运行的外部环境,确保竞争规程的客观性,加强约束监督。本文的最终目的在于通过自身的努力,为我国公务员制度的任用和淘汰竞争机制的完善提供借鉴,以加强公务员队伍建设,提高公务员队伍素质,提高行政效率。

【Abstract】 As the initial mechanism in the functionary institution, competitive mechanism runs through the whole process of the functionary institution, mainly shown in the employment through tests, demotion and promotion, appointment and removal, abdication and resignation. Functionary mechanism is the requirement of perfecting functionary system, the need of enhancing the governance capability of the Party and the need of developing socialist market economy system with the Chinese characteristics. The research on competitive mechanism of functionary institution is of great importance to better our civil service system.The paper studies the theoretical basis of competitive mechanism in Chinese civil service system, the research in competitive mechanism home and abroad and in its developing trend. It proposes that functionary institution refers to the competitive subject complies with certain rules to acquire competitive objects (the positions) in the civil service system and the system formed by the relationship and impacts between competitive subjects, competitive objects and competitive rules. The paper fully studies the constitution, operation, functions, basic principles, features and evolutions of competitive mechanism in civil service system using systematic theory. The paper introduces the seven operating ways of competitive mechanism in Chinese civil service system, and analyzes the specific cases of pubic selection and civil servants’ employment through tests by linking up theory with practice. The paper analyzes the main problems in the competitive mechanism from the aspects of motivation, form and process, and from the four aspects of thoughts, costs and benefits, interests and accident which confines the functions of competitive mechanism. Focusing on existing problems and factors, the paper proposes the solutions to perfect competitive mechanism in functionary institution, which include perfecting the outer environment of competitive mechanism to ensure the objectiveness of the process and improving supervision. The ultimate goal of the paper is to improve construction of civil servants’ group, improve the civil servants’ quality and to improve the executive efficiency.

  • 【分类号】D630.3
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】678

