

Space Construction Bidding and Evaluation Research

【作者】 廖红兵

【导师】 郭波;

【作者基本信息】 国防科学技术大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 招标是建设市场的一种交易方式,随着我国加入WTO以及改革开放的进一步深入,建设工程日益增多,航天建设工程也是如此。本文首先对我国建设工程的招标评标现状进行了研究,分析了目前存在的问题,在此基础上为完善航天系统建设工程的招标工作,建立了招标评标指标体系,改进了定量的综合评标方法,对最低评分法应用过程中存在的问题进行了分析,最后结合招标流程的分析对航天建设工程招标如何进行风险规避提出了一些建设性的意见。本文的主要研究工作如下:(1)对现有的建设工程招标方法、制度以及评标方法进行了调查研究,分析了以往航天建设工程招标过程中存在的问题(如资格预审走形式、可能出现围标以及低价中标超额结算等),总结了可用于避免航天建设工程招标中产生问题的过程控制方法。(2)总结了建设工程评标因素的一般内容,结合航天建设工程的特点,提出了基于专家调查法的评标因素体系的选择、建立方法,避免了现有评标方法中指标体系固定不变的不足;(3)对比分析了现有的建设工程评标方法,针对定量综合评议法存在点不足,结合层次分析法和模糊综合评价方法进行了改进,提出了基于层次分析法和模糊评价的评标方法,分析了指标量化和规范化的原则和方法,并结合实例建立了航天建设工程评标模型;(4)结合工程实例,总结了在航天建设工程中使用合理最低价评标法的前提条件和评标价优化(考虑资金的现值成本和工期的经济折算)方法,使得合理最低价评标法在航天建设工程招标中更趋规范合理。

【Abstract】 Bidding is one bargaining way in construction market. With our country’s entry to WTO and the deeper reformation and opening, there are more and more construction projects in our country .it’s same to aerospace construction engineering. This paper firstly made some research on bidding actualities of construction engineering in China and analyzed the existed problems. Then in order to consummate the bidding in aerospace system, this paper established bidding system based on these researches and analysis, and improved the comprehensive quantificational bidding evaluation method and analyzed some problems which appeared in the process of applying the lowest method of evaluating bid price. Finally, considering the bidding flow, it gave some constructive suggestions in this paper about how to avoid the risk of bidding in aerospace construction engineering. The main contents of this thesis are outlined as follows:(1) It made some investigation and study on the present construction engineering bidding methods, rules and bidding evaluation methods, and analyzed the problems existing among the process of bidding presently. Then it summarized some technique of process controlling to evade the risks of bidding of aerospace construction engineering.(2) It summed up the universal content of bidding indexes in construction engineering, and proposed the means of choosing and building the bidding index system based on investigating to the experts according to the characteristics of a special engineering project. This method would help to avoid the lack of the constantly unchangeable indexes system in present bidding evaluation methods.(3) It analyzed the present bidding evaluation methods contrastively. To resolve the disadvantages of the present comprehensive quantificational bidding evaluation method, it made some improvement by integrating Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) and fuzzy Optimization. And then it proposed the bidding evaluation method based on AHP and comprehensive fuzzy evaluation, and analyzed the principles and methods to quantify and standardize the indexes. At the same time it found a biding evaluation model with a practical example of aerospace construction project.(4) With an example, it summed up the preconditions to use the lowest reasonable method of evaluating bid price in aerospace construction engineering, and it summarized the methods to optimize the bidding price (considering capital current-valued cost and economical converting of the time limit for a project).This work made the lowest reasonable method of evaluating bid price more standard and reasonable.

  • 【分类号】F426.5;F284
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】153

