

Changing Teachers’ Role to Facilitate Learner Autonomy of College English Majors in CALL Environment

【作者】 张薇

【导师】 刘书林;

【作者基本信息】 江西师范大学 , 英语课程与教学论, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 这个世纪是电脑科技的时代,特别是在多媒体技术和互联网技术方面日新月异。而由此引发的信息技术和自主学习相整合的大学英语课程改革也如火如荼。然而,现在许多研究只是关注了技术如何影响学生学习,对于在CALL模式下的学习中教师应该起什么角色的研究还是很少。本文就是探索解决这些问题的方法。调查对象为江西师范大学172名大二英语专业的学生,本文采用了定量和定性分析的方法,研究如下几个问题:1)学生需要教师做何种角色以促进他们的学习自主性? 2)在学习过程中教师要怎样做去提供策略?3)在英语专业的教学中,教师的真实行为和学生的期望值相符吗?4)在计算机辅助教学下的自主学习中,教师如何去帮助学生克服情感障碍和技术焦虑?5)教师在这样的教学模式中怎样做才能促进学生的自我发展和构建网络道德?本文发现:第一,在CALL环境下自主学习过程中,学生需要教师在心理上和技术上的帮助;第二,教师的责任是在唤醒策略学习的兴趣之前增强学生学习英语的积极性并且使得学生策略的采用和他们的英语学习相协调;第三,教师的真实行为在很多方面没有达到学生的期望值;第四,学生希望教师在克服情感障碍和技术焦虑方面做一个帮助者;第五,老师要对学生的自我发展给予灵感,并且构建适当的学习氛围。在CALL环境下改变教师角色促进英语专业大学生的学习自主性,就是要让教师做顾问,讲师,帮助者,组织者,设计者,协调者(伙伴,参与者,朋友),激发灵感的人,支持者,监控者,评估者,资源提供者,气氛建立者和克服技术焦虑的帮助者。

【Abstract】 The coming century is the era of using computer technology, especially multimedia and Internet. It has caused the feasibility and prosperity of the reform in the College English course by integrating information and autonomous learning into the class. However, most of current research focuses on students and how technology affects them, but less has been done to describe the role of the teachers, especially in the context of CALL. The thesis is to find the way to solve the problem.The participants, 172 students, are undergraduate sophomore students who studied at Jiangxi Normal University (JXNU) of China for the bachelor degree from the foreign language college. This thesis adopts both quantitative and qualitative methods to investigate: 1) What are students’needs about teachers’role in facilitating their learning autonomy? 2) What should teachers do in providing strategies during the process of learning? 3) Does teachers’actual behavior match students’expectations of college English majors or not? 4) What should teachers do in helping learners overcome affective barriers and technical anxiety of autonomous English learning in CALL context? 5) What should teachers do in helping learners’self-development in the CALL context of autonomy education and establishment of Internet morality?This study finds that firstly, Students need their teachers’help both psychologically and technically in the context of CALL. Secondly, it’s the teacher’s responsibility to enhance students’enthusiasm of learning English before trying to arouse their interest in strategy learning and make the strategies adopted by them in harmony with their English studies. Thirdly, teachers’actual behavior cannot match students’expectations in a lot of aspects. Fourthly, Students hope their teachers act as a facilitator in overcoming affective barriers and technical anxiety. Fifthly, the students hope that their teachers act as an inspirator in helping learners’self-development and appropriate atmosphere creator. In order to change teachers’role to facilitate learner autonomy of college English majors in CALL environment, teachers should act as counselor, instructor, helper, organizer, designer, cooperator, (peer partner, participant, friend), inspirator, supporter, monitor, evaluator, resource supplier, atmosphere creator, and technology anxiety helper.

  • 【分类号】H319
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】336

