

The "Divine Writer" Writing Rural Area

【作者】 司余娟

【导师】 邹忠民;

【作者基本信息】 江西师范大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2007, 硕士


【摘要】 本文试从文化人格、身份认同、文坛沉浮三个方面,对赵树理展开综合研究。文化人格研究从地域文化的角度探讨赵树理的文化人格的特质与构成,考察其晋地文化与晋人心态、作为“山药蛋派”宗师与农村书写的关系;身份认同研究则从赵树理的身份属性切入,分析他身兼农民、知识分子和革命者三重身份的复杂关系,进而对其与创作的关系进行阐释;文坛沉浮研究则综观他不平常的创作生涯——从“赵树理方向”到“赵树理现象”的沉浮不已,从而反思那个时代的文学与人生。通过这三个方面的结合,以期形成对赵树理其人其作这一复杂现象的综合把握,并尽力做出自己的价值判断。

【Abstract】 Zhao Shuli is studied in this thesis from culture personality , dignity acception , the literary circles floating and submerging. Culture personality studies Zhao Shuli personality particularity and formation from culture of region culture angle, inspects Shanxi culture, people’s psychology and relation "the potato faction " master and rural area written. Dignity acception studies the dignity attribute from Zhao Shuli, analyses both farmers, intellectuals and revolutionaries triple identity of the complex relationship, and explains their relationship with the creative. Ups and Downs of literary research is not unusual Generally judging his creative career from "Zhao Shuli direction "to "the Zhao Shuli phenomenon " and reflects on Literature and Life profoundly thereby. By this three aspect union, it’s the synthetical assurance doing this one complicated phenomenon, and the author tries to make own value judgment.

  • 【分类号】I207.42
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】178

