

A Study of the Characteristics of Interpersonal Communication in Groups and the Influence on Society Development

【作者】 祝胜军

【导师】 邱新有;

【作者基本信息】 江西师范大学 , 传播学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 基于文化和社会的因素,中国的人际传播具有非正式组织形式圈子的显著特征,在对社会交往关系的权衡方面,中西方存在明显分歧,西方社会强调人人平等,在社会交往中人际亲疏关系并不像中国一般泾渭分明。中国人有恋圈情节,或处于自我保护、或出于社会交往、或出于谋求自身发展,在圈子中圈民遵循共同的行为准则,在圈主的领导下维护圈子的既得利益,对外排斥、封锁。形形色色的圈子共同构筑了现代社会的人际关系非正式组织形态。圈子栖身于具体的社会情境之中,对社会的发展产生着正面的促进作用或者负面的阻碍作用。通过圈子,我们可以清晰、直观地审视人际传播非正式组织的建构基础、组织结构、组织运行、组织变迁和组织之间关系等错综复杂的人际传播组织现象。正确认识圈子有利于人们凭借自身力量和外界合力影响圈子,利用圈子,驾驭圈子,使圈子为我所用,避免圈子的消极作用而发挥圈子的积极影响。相反,如果人们在圈子面前蒙蔽了心智,则会为圈子所累。因此,探究圈子旨在深入而全面地挖掘圈子的社会根源,洞悉圈子的本质和在情境中的具体体现,以期解读人际传播的非正式组织本原,丰富人际传播关系理论,趋利避害,服务社会。文中所引用材料主要来源于文献资料,辅以综合对比分析和观察。在统筹兼顾的基础上进行横向和纵向两个维度的对比分析,(1)对圈子的共时性分析。从同一时期的不同层面,从多个角度研究圈子的属性、特点、类型、及其相互关系,并将圈子置于情境之中,探讨圈子在具体情境中的属性和控制;(2)对圈子的历时性探究。在情境中从历史的角度研究圈子的在不同时期所表现出来的独特特点,分析我国人际传播非正式组织的历史变化和对现代人际传播非正式组织的影响。本文从人际传播的关系及其组织形式切入,以人际传播的内在动力为基础,揭示了人际传播关系的非正式组织形式——圈子的内涵和一般特征,并以交友圈、政治圈和商业圈等情境为例,系统阐述了圈子在交友圈、政治圈和商业圈等情境中的表现形式,正负效应和控制策略。进而从共时行和历时性两个维度总结了人际传播的非正式组织形式——圈子,对传播理论的贡献和社会发展的影响。

【Abstract】 Because of social and cultural factors, the interpersonal communication of Chinese has the notable characteristics of unofficial organization groups. There are differences between the eastern and the western countries in the balance of social relation. In western countries, the equal relation between people is emphasized, while in China, the relationship between people has clearly social classification. Chinese like keeping their own cycles for self-protection, social association, or for their own development. They obey the common behavior standards in the group and protect the benefit of the group, but exclude the things and people out groups. Various groups make up of the interpersonal relation as the unofficial organization in modern society. Groups are put into the social background, which exert a positive or negative effect on the social development. Through groups, we can survey the base and the structure of interpersonal unofficial organization clearly and know how the organization runs and changes and even the relationship between different organizations. Better understanding of groups can help people take advantage of self power and outside power to influence groups, decreasing the negative effect and increasing the positive effect of groups. On the contrary, if people are confused by groups, they will have some trouble. Therefore, the research of groups aims at probing into the social sources of groups, exploring the essence of groups and explaining the nature of interpersonal unofficial organization.The materials cited in the thesis are mainly from literature and are compared and contrasted comprehensively. There are two dimensions in comparison; (1) the synchronic analysis of groups; the nature, characteristics and types of groups and relation between groups are analyzed in different aspects in the same times. The research put groups in certain context to talk about their property and controlling in specific surroundings. (2) the diachronic analysis of groups; the research probes into different characteristics of groups in different times, analyzing the historical changes of Chinese unofficial organization in interpersonal communication and the effect on modern unofficial organization in interpersonal communication. The thesis begins with the relation of interpersonal communication and forms of its organization, basing on the internal motivation and reveals the unofficial organization in interpersonal communication---- the definition and the characteristics of groups. The research takes the groups of friends, the group of politics and the group of commerce for example to explain these different forms of groups, positive and negative effect of theirs, and strategies of controlling groups systematically. The research concludes unofficial organization in interpersonal communication---- groups in the diachronic and synchronic dimensions, which contributes to the communication theory and social development.

  • 【分类号】G206;C912.3
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】488

