

Research and Application on University Computing Grid Middleware

【作者】 范胜波

【导师】 罗省贤;

【作者基本信息】 成都理工大学 , 计算机软件与理论, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 近些年来,计算网格技术在国内外的迅速发展,对计算资源的共享利用产生了巨大的推动作用。本文以建设成都理工大学校园计算网格为目标,在结合现有技术和成功案例的基础上设计了成都理工大学校园计算网格框架,为了能够快速地设计和实现一个具体校园计算网格平台,研究和开发了校园计算网格中间件,并且在校园计算网格中间件上开发了成都理工大学校园计算网格应用平台。本文的重点研究对象是校园计算网格中间件,中间件从应用层面封装了计算网格的操作,搭建了计算网格应用与Globus Toolkit之间的桥梁。在校园计算网格中间件的设计开发过程中,提出并实现了计算网格对象、计算网格对象池、计算网格插件等一系的数据管理和业务逻辑实现的概念和规范。计算网格对象、计算网格对象池用于数据管理,使得数据的操作具有统一的模式,此外按不同的数据域创建不同的计算网格对象以及对象池,又可达到数据在一定域内的独立性。计算网格插件是完成计算网格操作的引擎,按一定的功能分块,分别实现不同的计算网格插件,不仅使得每个插件的功能相对简单和独立,而且计算网格插件可“插拔”的特性将大大地提高适应新增和扩展计算网格业务功能的能力。另外,在校园计算网格中间件的安全认证体系以及资源组织管理方面,利用“计算网格社区”这一思想进行了初步的探索和实现。

【Abstract】 The computing grid technology is rapidly developing in domestic and foreign, and is of a huge impetus function for the computing resources sharing. This paper takes building ChengDu University of Technology (CDUT) University Computing Grid (UCGrid) as a goal. First, based on the current computing grid technology and the success case research, design the CDUT University Computing Grid framework. Second, in order to achieve the goal of the fast design and develops a concrete university computing grid platform, design and develop a middleware of university computing grid. Finally develop the CDUT UCGrid Application Platform on the middleware of UCGrid.In this paper, the key research object is the middleware of UCGrid which has encapsulated UCGrid operations and built a bridge between the UCGrid application and Globus Toolkit. In the UCGrid middleware design process, the UCGrid object, the UCGrid object pool, the UCGrid plug-in and so on has be proposed and implemented. The UCGrid object, the UCGrid object pool uses in the data management, enables the data the operation to have the same pattern, simultaneously create the different UCGrid object and pool found the different data field so that the UCGrid data has the localization independence. The UCGrid plug-in is the engine of the UCGrid operation. Separately realizes the different UCGrid plug-in according to the certain function piecemeal. The result is not only that make each plug-in function to be independent, but also that the UCGrid plug-in "insert and pull" characteristic enhances the ability to increase and expand UCGrid function. Moreover, as the aspect in the university grid middleware security authentication system as well as the resources organization, "computing grid community" theory has carried on the preliminary exploration and the realization.

【关键词】 计算网格中间件GT插件对象池
【Key words】 computing gridmiddlewareGTPlug-inObject pool
  • 【分类号】TP311.52
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】131

