

【作者】 刘艳

【导师】 傅星寰;

【作者基本信息】 辽宁师范大学 , 学科教学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 当今时代是一个现代传声技术飞速发展的时代,形成了多渠道、多形式、灵活开放、自由竞争的态势,人们具有更广阔的活动空间,社会交际活动空前广泛、活跃和频繁。由此,口头语言这一最基本、最便捷的交际工具,便经常性地担起了人们社会交际成败的重任,较强的口语交际能力也成为了每个人适应现代社会交际最基本的能力需求。当前的中等职业院校学生对职业前途非常敏感,大多数人都在考虑今后的就业问题。凡是善于或敢于当众讲话的人将得到更多的关注和更多的机会,社会上不少用人单位已将良好的口语交际能力作为招聘和选拔人才的重要标准之一,学校应高度重视招聘前的面议工作、招聘前的竞职演讲等等。良好的口语交际能力不只是说说而已,它对一个人的社会地位、经济地位有着直接的举足轻重的影响。因此,作为培养未来社会应用型人才摇篮的中等职业院校,理应注重培养学生的口语交际能力。这已日渐成为职业院校语文教育研究的重要内容之一,已日渐成为职业院校专业技能进一步提升的重要课题之一。本文从五个方面展开论述:中职院校口语交际教学的提出背景及理论依据、学生口语交际能力现状分析、口语交际教学内容、培养学生口语交际能力的教学策略、以及培养学生口语交际能力应注意的五个问题。

【Abstract】 Today we have entered a time in which modern soniferous techinique is rapidly developing. A multi-channeled, multi-formed, flexible, open, free and competitive situation has come into being. People have a wider room for activity and the social communication has become abroad, active and more frequently. Therefore, spoken language, as the basic and convenient communication tool, is often of prime importance in people social communication. It has become a basic need for everyone to have better spoken language communication ability to adapt to modern social communication. Nowadays the students in technical secondary school are very sensitive to his future career. Most are considering what they would do after graduation. The one who is good at or dares to speak publicly will gain more attention and more chances. Many employers have made spoken language communication ability the standard for choosing employees. Schools should attach great importance to the interview and competition speech. Spoken language communication ability is not a matter of speaking, but it has a direct and important influence on people’s social and economic statue. Then as the cradle of future socialized intelligent, it is essential for technical secondary school to cultivate the spoken language communication ability of students. It has become an important part in Chinese education and research. It is also an important researching question for the promotion of professional skills in technical secondary school. The article discuss the question for five aspects: the background and academic support, the analysis of teaching situation, the teaching contents, the teaching strategies and the five problems which should be paid attention to.

  • 【分类号】G633.3
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】260

