

【作者】 王英女

【导师】 谢琳;

【作者基本信息】 辽宁师范大学 , 学科教学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 在高中的立体几何的教学中,使学生系统地掌握空间图形的基本性质,一些简单的多面体的画法及两体积公式,发展学生的空间想象能力和逻辑思维能力,培养学生进一步应用这些知识发现问题﹑分析问题﹑解决问题的思维能力和认知能力是教学的最终目的.但多年来影响立体几何教学的突出问题恰是学生的空间想象能力差,空间感建立缓慢甚至无法形成.造成学生提起立体几何就“谈虎色变”,可以说学生的空间想象能力对于立体几何教学是至关重要的,同时也决定了立体几何教学的成败.本文旨在针对这一问题,在查阅了大量的文献和深入调查学生产生问题的事实基础上,从培养学生画图,识图和辩图能力;强化常见几何体的点、线、面的位置关系;反复挖掘基础知识;基本概念等方面入手,结合课堂教学实践,不断改进教学策略和方法,最后通过实验数据统计结果进行比较分析、研究,提出了培养学生空间想象能力的几点体会与建议.

【Abstract】 In the high school three-dimensional geometry teaching, our goal is to let the students systematically grasp the nature of spatial image, some simple polyhedron drawing skills and two volume formulas, so as to develop the students’spatial imagination ability and logical thinking ability. We are aiming at training the students to apply these knowledge further to finding, analyzing, and solving the problem. Because the power of thought and cognition is the ultimate objective of teaching.But for many years, what has mostly affected the three-dimensional geometry teaching is exactly that the students lacking in sense of space develop spatial imagination ability slowly, some even unable to form it.So the students feel terrible when someone mentions the three-dimensional geometry. We can say the student’s spatial imagination ability is very important and at the same time it determines the three-dimensional geometry teaching. This thesis is for the purpose of solving the above problems. On the foundations of consulting the massive literature and investigating the students, I attempt to train the students to draw and distinguish the figures, strengthen the position relations between points, lines and sides in common geometric figures and dig into basic concept. Combined with teaching practice, I unceasingly improve the teaching strategy and method. Finally, I come up with several inspiration and thoughts about how to improve the students’space imagination ability by comparing, analyzing and studying the experimental data.

【关键词】 空间想象能力认知方式教学策略
  • 【分类号】G633.6
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】763

