

On Relationship between Human Activities and Environment from the End Stage of the Old Stone Age to the New Stone Age in the Area of the upper Reaches of Weihe River and Xihan River

【作者】 苏海洋

【导师】 李并成;

【作者基本信息】 西北师范大学 , 历史地理学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 渭河上游和西汉水上游是中国文明的重要发源地之一。考古发掘表明,本区保存有丰富的从旧石器时代晚期至新石器时代的文化遗存。文章从历史地理学的角度,以流域和文化板块为单元,全面、系统地研究了本区原始经济形态、历史文化景观格局以及环境变化与古文化变迁之间的互动关系。该区地处关陇交通枢纽,至迟在旧石器时代末期就成为陇右文化交汇的中心。其地形、地貌、气候、植物区系也具有多元交汇的特征。旧石器时代晚期,本区出现采猎经济。它们主要出现在更新世末期气候相对适宜时期,大多位于水热条件和植被条件优越、野生动物经常出没的黄土沟谷中。新石器时代早期(8200aBP-6900aBP),以种植黍、粟和油菜,饲养鸡、羊和狗为标志的原始农业经济兴起。这一时期的考古遗址呈散点状分布于河谷阶地。适宜的气候和良好的生态环境,为以采猎为主、农耕为辅的原始经济提供了优越的自然条件。本区新石器时代早期农业经济尚处于“刀耕火种”农业的初级阶段,它仅仅是农业起源中的一个环节,可能不具备农业独立起源的特点。但从社会经济条件、自然条件和考古资料看,这里应该是中国早作农业文明的传播中心之一仰韶文化时期(6900aBP-4900aBP),因为气候适宜、植被茂密,故农业经济的规模和空间不断扩大,至仰韶文化晚期(5500aBP-4900aBP)“刀耕火种”农业达到鼎盛。在仰韶文化中、晚期气候波动的背景下,农业开发重心逐渐由渭河干流以北的今庄浪县境内向渭河干流以南迁移,社会文明因素也加速形成,文化分异开始。“刀耕火种”的农耕方式也使局部生态环境遭到破坏,并加速了该地区的土壤侵蚀。龙山文化时期(4900aBP-3900aBP),本区原始农业经济由“刀耕火种”的农耕方式向锄耕农业转变,发展过程经历了三个阶段,即衰落期(4800aBP-4200aBP)、再度繁荣期(4200aBP-4000aBP)、再度衰落和消亡期(3900aBP以后)。由于气候相对暖干和人为的破坏,生态环境趋于劣化,从而导致了4800±100aBP-4200aBP期间“刀耕火种”农业的衰落和经济重心的转移。齐家文化中期和后期早段(4200aBP-4000aBP),锄耕农业占据主导地位,土质疏松、气候温凉干燥的渭河干流以北的黄土丘陵沟壑区农业增长速度最快。4000aBP前后,气候快速向干凉发展,受强烈干旱的打击,齐家文化衰落并消失,经济形态也由农业经济向半农半牧转变。此后北方游牧文化南下,侵入本区渭河以北地区;同时文化分异加速。

【Abstract】 The upper reaches of Weihe River and Xihanshui River is one of Chinese civilization important places of origin. The archaeology excavates indicated that, this area has richly remains from the end of the Old Stone Age to the New Stone Age.This article from the historical geography angle, as the unit of the basin and the cultural tectonic plate systematically studies interaction relations of primitive economy shape, between the historical early time culture landscape pattern as well as the environmental variation and the pre-historical culture vicissitude.The area of the area of Guanzhong and Longyou is in the traffic centre of the area of Guanzhong and Longyou, and it is the center of culture communication not latter than the earlier period of New Stone Age.The terrain, physiognomy, climate, vegetation and plants Province have multiplex characteristics.At the last stage of Paleolithic, Most of gathering and hunting economy in agreeable climate span of the closing stage of Peistocene was in loess valley, where water and heat conditions were superior, the vegetation was luxuriant, the wild animals were frequently met.During the early stage of New Stone Age (8200aBP-6900aBP), agriculture of Panicummiliaceum and Brassica growing, chicken and sheep raising, had started. The economy was mainly gathering and hunting, and agriculture was less important. primative agriculture of this period in the area was only one of links in the process of agricultural origination. Social economic conditions, natural environment and the archaeological excavation proved this is one of Chinese agriculture civilization dissemination centers.During the period of Yangshao culture(6900aBP-4900aBP), the scale and space of primitive agricultural economy increasingly expanded, and achieved in period of great prosperity in the closing stage of Yangshao culture(5500aBP-4900aBP),the climate had fluctuated since the middle of period of Yangshao, and the agriculture focus gradually moved from the area of northern Weihe River to southern one. At the same time, the factors of civilization formed. Yangshao culture in this area became two different kinds. The fire-farming destroyed ecological environment of some areas, and accelerated soil erosion.During Longshan culture(4900aBP-3900aBP), the fire-farming agriculture changed into hoe-farming agriculture; this period had three spans: the declining stage(4800aBP-4200aBP), the re-prosperous stage(4200-3900 aBP ),the re-declining stage(after 3900aBP).The ecological environment degenerated because of warm and dry climate, of human being’s violating, these are the reasons that fire-farming agriculture declined, and that the economic focus moved. In the area of loess valley and hills of northern Weihe River, where the soil texture is loose, the climate is dry and cool, the agriculture increased faster than other place.The climate became dry and cold quickly in about 4000aBP, Qijia culture declined and died out because of strong drought, semi-pastor and semi-agriculture economy appeared. From Spring and Autumn Period to Warring period, nomdic tribe in northern china permeated in area of northern Weihe River. At the same time, the agricultural civilization changed into varieties.

  • 【分类号】K871.1
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】306

