

The Communication and Influence between Russian and China in 1689-1722

【作者】 赵相群

【导师】 赵汝清;

【作者基本信息】 西北师范大学 , 世界史, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 俄罗斯作为中国最大的邻国,与中国的交往不但影响到两国本身,而且对世界历史进程有很深影响。对中俄关系的研究向来是中外学者的研究重点。1689年是两国交往的第一分水岭,在这之前两国主要是间接交往,1689年中俄《尼布楚条约》签订后两国开始了直接交往。由于中俄两国所处的周边环境和各自的国情不同,1689—1722年两国交往以经济贸易为主,兼有文化交往。本文在论述俄中两国经济文化交往的同时,运用分析、比较的方法,着重探讨了两国交往与世界历史整体发展的相互联系。全文分为四个部分:第一部分:简要回顾自近代以来世界历史的发展以及俄、中两国面临的问题。第二部分:将中俄两国的经济文化交往作详细介绍并加以评述。以上两部分为探讨中俄交往与世界历史整体发展之间的关系作铺垫。第三部分:重点讨论了中俄两国交往与西欧世界资本主义体系之间的相互影响。第四部分:对以上内容做了补充延伸,表明中俄平等交往是历史所趋,对现今的中国与俄罗斯交往有借鉴意义。

【Abstract】 Russia is the biggest country which lies beside China .The communication between the two countries not only influences the two countries themselves, but also influences the course of the world history .So the study of Russia and China is always an abstract to the scholars home and abroad . 1689 is the first divide of the intercourse between Russia and China . Before 1689 the two countries communicated with each other indirectly. After 1689 the two countries communicated with each other directly. 1689-1722 Russia and China mainly communicated in economic and culture because the two counties had different circumstances in and out of nation. This thesis uses analysis and contract methods to discuss the communication of economic and culture between Russia and China, and at the same time, focuses on the influences between the two countries’ intercourse and the course of the whole world history.The article can be divided into four parts:The first part reviews the development of modern history and the position which Russia and China faced briefly.The second part recounts the process of the communication between Russia and China.This two parts made preparation for the discussion between the two countries communication and the whole world history .The third part discussed how the two countries’ communication and the Capitalist World System influenced each other.The forth part summarizes the past and future of the communication between Russia and China, and to draw lessons from communication of today.

【关键词】 中国俄国经济文化交往
【Key words】 RussiaChinathe Communication of Economic and Culture
  • 【分类号】K249
  • 【下载频次】163

