

A Study of Compensation Standard of Land Expropriation and Requisition

【作者】 杨文静

【导师】 平惠敏;

【作者基本信息】 西北师范大学 , 马克思主义理论与思想政治教育, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 20世纪80年代以来,随着工业化、城市化的加速发展,大量的农业用地通过征收而转为建设用地。在大量农业土地转为城市用地的同时也产生了一批新的社会群体——失地农民。失地农民问题引发的社会矛盾不断加剧,真正原因并不是城镇化进程加快,而是中国土地征收制度存在重大缺陷。现在土地征收制度形成于计划经济时代,其主要特征是政府用行政命令代替市场机制,由集体土地变为国有土地的过程基本上是一个行政强制性的过程。低价征用农民的土地,是当前农民利益流失最严重的一条渠道。土地征收不仅没有富裕农民,而是造成了大批农民失地失业;不仅没有缩小城乡差距,而是扩大了社会不公。使我国本已存在的城乡差别、工农差别进一步固化,使得解决统筹城乡二元社会经济发展问题变得更加困难。大量的失地农民生活水平不断下降,土地信访案件大量增加,各种不稳定因素和极端事件时有发生。因此,探讨建立合理、公平、公正的土地征收补偿制度对于我国的社安定团结、建设和谐社会有着重大意义。本文通过对国内外土地征用补偿制度的比较分析,立足于我国征地补偿制度所存在的问题,借鉴国外较为完善的征地补偿机制,对我国土地征用补偿标准进行系统而深入的研究,得出了我国现行的征地补偿制度已经不能适应现阶段市场经济条件下征地的要求,因而我们应该根据目前的基本国情来改进相应的征地制度及征地补偿依据与标准,以优化土地资源的配置。本文在第一章阐述了选题的背景、意义及本文主要内容。第二章对土地征用补偿制度作了相关概念、理论基础的作了全面的论述。第三章是本文的重点和主体部分:首先介绍和评析了我国的征地补偿机制变迁,接下来对我国土地征用及补偿制度的现状进行分析。通过理论和现实相结合的方法,分析我国现行土地征用及补偿制度缺陷产生的原因。第四章通过对国内外土地征用补偿情况的比较分析,为我国完善土地征用补偿体系所带来的启示作用。第五章是在分析原因和现实可行的基础上,就如何完善我国的土地征用补偿机制,对未来土地征用及补偿制度改革的方向进行了展望。其中,特别对失地农民的出路进行探讨。

【Abstract】 Since the 1980s, with the development of industrialization and urbanization, a lot of agricultural land became construction land through the land expropriation. In the process of land expropriation, a large number of new social groups—farmers lost turned out. Social conflicts triggered by land farmers growing while the real reason is not the speed up of the urbanization. The real reason is that Chinese land expropriation system compensation mechanism errors. Current land expropriation system is formed in the era of the planned economy; the main feature is the use of executive orders to replace the market mechanism. The process of collecting land into state land is not an equal property rights transactions, and is basically an administrative enforcement process. Expropriating the land in a low price is a biggest loss channel of the current interests of the farmers. Land acquisition has not made the farmers rich, but created a large number of farmers unemployed. Did not narrow the gap between town and countryside, but expand the social injustice, making the urban and rural socio-economic development of integrated solutions more difficult. With the land-lost farmers living standards decline, a significant increase in cases of land visits, also various factors of instability and extreme events sometimes occur. Thus, to explore the establishment of a reasonable, fair and just land acquisition and compensation system for our stability and unity and building a harmonious society is of great significance.Though the comparison and analyses of foreign compensation systems for land expropriation, and based on many problems in the systems of land expropriation and comparison in China, the authority can use for reference a lot from the experiences of foreign nations’ experience. In order to solving land expropriation and compensation problems, Some suggestions, such as how to reform the compensation standards and to distribute the comparison, are given in the thesis.The first chapter introduced land expropriation related concepts, the theoretical basis of The current land expropriation and compensation system of China’s existing land expropriation and compensation system, to reflect the state of legislation and social situation and pointed out that the reform of the system of compensation for expropriation of the importance and urgency. Chapter 2 is the focus and the main part of this paper. Through a combination of theory and practical methods, the analysis of our current land expropriation and compensation system, the reasons why inadequacies occur then discussed. In the third chapter, after anglicizing the reasons and realistic situation, the paper give some recommendations on how to perfect the country’s land expropriation compensation mechanism in the coming future. Specifically, the paper explores the way to resettle the land-lost farmers.

  • 【分类号】F301
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】347

