

The Research and Preliminary Study of Taoism Shadow Play in Huan County

【作者】 何丽

【导师】 张君仁;

【作者基本信息】 西北师范大学 , 艺术学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 皮影戏,又称弄影戏,它是历史悠久并广泛流传于民间的艺术,甘肃环县道情皮影戏就属这庞大艺术宗族中的一支。甘肃省环县道情皮影戏是古老的说唱艺术与皮影戏相互融合、完美结合的产物,属俗曲道情。在当地特殊的自然、人文、环境等因素的影响下,造就了被人们喻为“东方摇滚乐”的环县皮影道情戏。环县道情皮影戏分文场戏和武场戏。场面是指演出时所使用的各种伴奏乐器,分“文场”和“武场”的两个部分;文场由弦、管乐器组成,“武场”由鼓、板以及铜器击乐组成。文场乐队主要指管弦乐所演奏的曲牌和前奏、间奏音乐。追溯环县道情皮影文场乐队的源流,首先要从环县道情皮影戏的起源说起。环县道情皮影戏文场乐队的功能有演奏曲牌和演奏前奏、间奏音乐等。曲牌分为丝竹曲牌和唢呐曲牌两大类,丝竹曲牌和唢呐曲牌在整个道情戏中起着丰富剧情,渲染气氛等重要作用。文场乐队包括拉弦乐器(四弦、二胡)和吹管乐器(笛子、笛呐、唢呐)。由于当地相对闭塞的原因,使大多数乐器都为当地艺人自制,形成当地皮影道情戏的一大亮点。目前现有对环县道情皮影戏文场乐队的研究主要集中在对乐器的大体介绍,而缺少对乐器的制作材料、制作过程、演奏方法及特点的细致描述。对文场乐队的音乐功能的研究主要集中于音乐的记录,而缺乏对其的整理,更缺乏对生态环境和演出、生存现状的调查和阐述。本文通过大量的田野调查和已有相关成果的研习,对环县道情皮影戏乐队中管弦乐的源流、乐器制作、乐器演奏、乐队配置、曲牌使用、曲牌分类、音乐特点、生态环境、生存现状等进行初步调查和研究。全文共分三章。第一章,环县道情皮影戏文场乐队的源流;对文场乐队的渊源、发展历程做了初步的推断,并描述了文场乐队的现有形式。第二章;文场乐队中的乐器介绍及功能。对四弦、二胡、笛子、笛呐、唢呐五件管弦乐器的制作材料、制作方法、演奏技法、定弦定调等做了详细的阐述:对文场乐队演奏的前奏、间奏音乐进行整理;对道情曲牌的源流做了初步分析,统计了曲牌的数量、类别、联套规律,从音乐本体的角度了解环县道情皮影戏文场乐队。第三章,环县道情皮影戏文场乐队的现状。对乐队乐赖以生存的地理环境,现实状况作了较为详细的描述,以立体、全面地展现环县皮影道情戏乐队中管弦乐的现实状况。

【Abstract】 Shadow play,also called Leather-Silhouette show,has been a very popular folk opera.Taoism shadow play in Huan county Gan su province belongs to one of the great religion operas.Taoism shadow play in Huan county,which is the production of the connection between old story singing and shadow play,is a folk Taoism.The effect of special nature, literature,environment and etc makes Huan county Taoism shadow play, which is named "east rock music".Looking for the origin of orchestral music in Huan county Taoism shadow play,Firstly,we should look the origin of Huan county shadow play.Orchestral music plays two roles in the whole play,one is performance qu pai,and the other is performance prelude.Qu pai can be divided into si zhu qu pai and suo na qu pai by the playing musical instruments.Both of them play very important roles in the Taoism plays,they can enrich and exaggerate this plot.Orchestral musical instruments,which include bamboo flute,flute,suona and bugle, have the Pulling string instruments and the blowing pipe musical instruments.Most of these musical instruments were made by there local entertainers because of relatively seal.This is a big luminescent spot of the local shadow play.The present research and study about orchestral music in Huan county Taoism shadow play mainly focuses in the introduction of orchestra,but lacks of the detailed description on the manufacture material,manufacture process,performance method and characteristic of orchestra.The study of the function of orchestral music mainly focuses in the musical record,but lacks of the investigation and elaboration on its ecological environment and performance,and survival present situation. Through lots of field investigation and studying the related achievement, this article makes a preliminary investigation and research on the source and course of orchestral music,the musical instrument manufacture,the musical instrument performance,the orchestra disposition,qu pai use,qu pai classification,and the musical character,the ecological environment and the present survival situation.The full text can be divided into three chapters.The first chapter mainly focuses in the source and course of orchestral music in Huan county Taoism shadow play,makes a preliminary inference on the orchestral musical origin and development course.The second chapter mainly talks about the introduction and musical function of orchestral instruments,and makes a detailed elaboration about the manufacture material,the manufacture method,the performance technique and designing strings and tunes of six orchestral instruments including four strings,er hu,bamboo flute,flute,suo na and bugle.It also reorganizes the roles of prelude,plays,accompaniment music which are played by orchestral music in orchestra,makes a preliminary analyze on the source and course of qu pal,and statistics the number,kinds and connecting regulations of qu pai.In a word,this chapter mainly makes people better understand the orchestral music in Huan county Taoism shadow play from the angle of music ontology.The third chapter,the present situation of orchestral music in the Huan county shadow playing Orchestra.It makes a detailed description for the survival geographical environment and present situation of orchestral music in the orchestra,and comprehensively unfolds the realistic condition of Taoism shadow play in Huan county.

【关键词】 道情管弦乐源流乐器曲牌现状
  • 【分类号】J617.5
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】249

