

Study on a Type Division of Superior or Inferior Tourism Regions and a Developing Model in the Inferior Regions

【作者】 杨晓峰

【导师】 石惠春;

【作者基本信息】 西北师范大学 , 人文地理学, 2007, 硕士


【摘要】 旅游非优区是指在特定的时期内,由于受到区域经济背景、区位条件、旅游资源禀赋、区域文化与旅游认识、客源市场等因素的制约,旅游业发展比较落后,而导致旅游业对国民经济的贡献较低,对社会的发展不能起到很大促进作用的地区。在中国,旅游非优区是广泛存在的,加强对这些地区的旅游开发研究,有着极其重要的理论和现实意义。第1章-第3章属理论探讨,从旅游优越区和旅游非优区形成的影响因素出发,以甘肃省与中国其他30个省(市、区)作参照对比,通过聚类分析方法,将其定位为旅游资源禀赋较好,但区位条件差、旅游开发的经济基础薄弱、游客的认知度偏低,客源市场占有率较低的旅游非优区类型,找出了其成为旅游非优区的主要影响因素,所以甘肃省在旅游开发中必须选择以旅游资源为主要驱动力,充分发挥旅游资源的比较优势,通过集中有限的资金和争取国家扶持资金加强区内交通、通讯等基础设施建设、改善生态环境,通过旅游形象整合设计,加大旅游宣传促销力度,增强人们的旅游认知度、逐步拓展客源市场。并通过判别分析方法,将我国的31个省(市、区)划分为绝对优越区,相对优越区、相对非优区和绝对非优区四种基本类型。甘肃省属于绝对非优区,这为以甘肃省为例旅游非优区实证开发研究提供了理论支持。第4章-第5章属实证研究,进一步结合甘肃的实际情况,通过旅游开发的SWOT分析,尝试探讨适合甘肃省旅游业发展的开发战略和开发模式。适合甘肃省旅游非优区特点的开发战略有:旅游精品战略、政府主导开发战略、PPT战略、旅游产品创新战略;旅游开发模式有:区域联动开发模式、旅游扶贫开发模式、旅游圈层开发模式、生态保护和旅游开发相互促进的开发模式。本文以甘肃省作为进行旅游非优区旅游开发研究的典型实例,通过对甘肃省旅游非优区其基本特征的全面分析研究,总结此类地区的共性与特殊性,探索其旅游开发的一般原则和道路,以及旅游开发应该选择的开发战略和开发模式,以期对当地旅游业的发展有所贡献,也希望能为其它旅游非优区的开发提供借鉴。

【Abstract】 Inferior tourism region refers to in a specific period of time, due to regional economic background, geographic conditions, tourism resources, regional culture and tourism awareness, tourist market and other factors, the development of the tourism is relatively backward, which led to a lower contribution to the national economy and play a trivial role in promoting the development of the region. In China, inferior tourism region - has been in existence. Strengthening the research and the development of these areas is extremely important in a practical significance.The article is based on the affected factors of formation in superior and inferior regions, comparing Gansu province with the rest 30 provinces (municipalities. district) by cluster analysis method, orientate that there are good natural resources and conditions as well, but its location condition is poor, the foundation of tourism development is weak, tourists’ awareness level is low,the possession ratio of tourist source market is lower and find out the main factors which make it become inferior tourism region. By discriminant analysis method, Chinese 31 provinces (municipalities and autonomous regions) are divided into perfect, comparative advantage, comparative disadvantage and absolute inferior region-four basic types. Gansu Province is an absolute inferior tourism region. It provides a theoretical support for the research and development of an inferior tourism region—Gansu Province. Combining the reality of tourism history of Gansu province, by its SWOT analysis, sum up the developing strategy and pattern which is suitable to a state of China and realize the continuous development of tourism in Gansu province. The article takes Gansu as a typical example to go on with the research and development of inferior tourism region, by the overall analysis and research of its basic characters, sum up the common character and the specific character of this kind of region, explore the general principle and method and discuss the basic train of thought and tactics of its tourism development to achieve the sustainable development of tourism in Gansu province and provide reference to the tourism development of other inferior regions.

  • 【分类号】F592
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】324

