

The Music Research of Ban Lu Tune of Taoism Shadow Play in Huan County

【作者】 晏晓东

【导师】 康健民;

【作者基本信息】 西北师范大学 , 音乐学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 环县道情皮影戏(又名陇东道情)是承继中华优秀传统皮影戏的演出形式,结合古老的道情说唱艺术作为表演基础,吸收诸多周边地方剧种及当地民歌的一些特色曲调,并融合当地方言的声调作为其旋律基础,而流行于甘肃陇东的环县及周边地区的一种极具地方特色的民间戏曲剧种。板路唱腔是环县道情音乐的核心,也是最能体现其音乐特征的精华部分。本文以环县道情板路唱腔音乐本体的分析为出发点,结合音乐人类学的研究方法,着重探讨以下三个方面的问题:其一是通过与周边部分剧种及其他民间音乐元素的比较研究,来揭示环县道情皮影戏音乐概貌及发展轨迹,为揭开其形成之谜提供有力左证;其二是对环县道情音乐中最具特色的板路唱腔部分进行整理与分类,并分析不同板式形成的各种原因;其三是通过板路唱腔音乐形态研究,总结出环县道情板路唱腔部分与众不同的艺术形态和风格特征。

【Abstract】 Taoism shadow play in Huan county (also named Longdong Taoism) inherits the performance of Chinese traditional shadow play, synthesis the old Taoism singing style as the basic of performance, absorbs some special tunes of the local operas and folk songs, and melts the tunes of local language as its basic of tunes. Taoism shadow play is one of very special local folk operas. Ban lu singing style is the center of Huan county Taoism music and the essence parts, which can express the musical traits. So it has been popular in the Huan county of Longdong Gansu and the periphery area.At the basic of analyzing singing tunes of Huan county Taoism banlu, this paper connects the music anthropology, mainly talks about the below three questions: the first one wants to unfold the general pictures and developing paths of Huan county Taoism shadow play through comparing it with the other local operas and folk music, and give the proof for unfolding the secrets of its formation. And then, the second one mainly reorganizes and classifies the ban lu tune parts in Huan county Taoism music, and analyses the different causes of the different ban shi formation. Through researching the musical forms of ban lu tunes, the last one summarizes the different art styles and traits of Huan county ban lu singing parts comparing with other music.

  • 【分类号】J617.5
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】285

