

A Comparison Research of the Chinese Elementary School Mathematics Teaching Syllabus in 1949~2000

【作者】 代婷

【导师】 吕世虎;

【作者基本信息】 西北师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 分析总结建国以来小学数学教学大纲的变化规律对《课程标准》的研制及修订有很大的帮助。因此本论文研究的总体问题是:1949~2000年中国小学数学教学大纲的变化历程及规律是什么?具体的又可以分为三个问题:1949~2000年小学数学教学大纲的教学目的的变化历程及规律是什么?教学内容与要求的变化历程及规律是什么?教学建议的变化历程及规律是什么?由于本论文是对历史文献的比较研究,因此采用文献法和比较法对建国以来正式颁布并实施的七部大纲的文本进行比较。按照大纲的文本结构,七部大纲大都包括教学目的和要求、教学内容的确定和安排、教学中应该注意的几点、各年级的教学内容和教学要求五个部分,为了减少不必要的重复,有一个清晰的比较框架,本研究确定从教学目的、教学内容与要求、教学建议三个方面分别进行列表比较。其中,教学目的又分为知识与技能目标、能力目标、思想教育目标三个维度分别比较;在教学内容与要求方面,按照大纲文本的结构,从教学内容确定的原则、教学内容的安排及具体的教学内容和要求三个部分来比较,把具体教学内容分成数与计算、量与计量、几何图形、数学的应用、统计与账簿、代数的初步知识六条主线分别比较;在教学建议方面,从教学建议包括的方面及建议的具体内容两个角度来分别比较。通过比较分析,得出以下结论:1.在教学目的方面,知识与技能目标由侧重于繁难的知识及运算速度、技巧转向“最基础”的知识和会运算的技能;能力目标由片面的追求运算能力和逻辑推理能力,扩展为运算能力、空间观念、思维能力和解决实际问题的能力相结合;思想教育目标由侧重思想教育目标的内容到侧重实现这些目标的途径,并逐步将学习兴趣和自信心等情感因素也列入了思想教育目标中。2.在教学内容与要求方面,逐步扩充数的范围,删减重复多余的循环圈,逐渐减少大数目的运算和运算步骤,减少了珠算的内容,增加了估算的知识;量与计量程度有所降低;几何图形方面,逐步增加了图形的种类,程度有所提高;数学的应用方面,逐步注意与生活实际相结合,增加了数学实践活动,应用题难度逐步降低;统计与账簿方面,逐步注重统计思想的渗透,降低对绘制统计图表及账簿知识的要求;代数的初步知识经历了从无到有的过程,逐步得到重视。3.历次大纲在教学建议中,对基础知识教学、教学方法及教学评价方面的建议变化较大。这些变化对《课程标准》提出以下建议:完善课程目标体系,继承特色表述方式;补充教师专业要求,增强《标准》示范功能;改造课程评价标准,提高方法可操作性。

【Abstract】 Analyzing and summarizing the changing regulars of the Chinese elementary school mathematics teaching syllabus has great help for the revisions of the Curriculum Criterion, so the purpose of the thesis is that find out the changing regulars of the elementary school mathematics teaching syllabus after 1949 .A detailed introduction can be divided 3 questions: what are the changes of the teaching object in the elementary school mathematics teaching syllabus after 1949? What are the changes of the teaching content and proposition? What are the changes of the teaching suggestions?Because the thesis is a comparative research about history document, so it uses the documental and comparative methods in the course of researching about 7 formally imposed elementary school mathematics syllabuses. According to the structure of the syllabus, most syllabuses include teaching object and request, the fixing and arrangement of the teaching content, some points paid attention in the course of teaching, in order to reduce the repetition and have a clear comparative structure, the thesis compared with the teaching object, teaching content and proposition, teaching suggestion in lists. The teaching object is divided into 3 parts: knowledge and skill object, ability object, ideological education object. The teaching content and proposition are also compared in 3 parts according to the structure of the syllabus: the ways of the fixing teaching content, the arrangement of the teaching content, the concrete teaching content and proposition. The contents can be divided into 6 lines: the number and its calculation, measurement, geometry, statistics and bank book, the applications of the mathematics, the rudiment of the algebra; the teaching suggestions compared in 2 angles: the parts included in it and the concrete contents of the suggestion.Lastly, the research draws some conclusions:1、In the teaching object respect, the "knowledge and skill object" turn focus from fussy knowledge and mathematical operation to the most basic knowledge and having the ability of operation; the "ability object" changes to composed with the ability of operation, the space conception, ideation and the ability of resolving practical problems from concerning the ability of operation and logical ideation; The "ideology object" changes from concerning the contents to concerning the ways to come true, and emotional quality is also contained in the later syllabus, such as interests and confidence.2、In the teaching content and proposition respect, the cognition of number cycles are gradually decreased, a sum and steps of operation are gradually fell off, the knowledge of abacus is gradually cut down , the knowledge of estimate is gradually increasing; In the measurement respect, the proposition of syllabus is gradually reducing; in the geometrical figure respect, the types of the figure are gradually increasing, the syllabus improves its proposition; in the application of mathematics respect, the syllabus paid more and more attention to the connection with the real life, and adds practical activities into it, the difficulty of the exercises of mathematics application is gradually decreasing; in the Statistics and BK respect, the syllabus paid more and more attention to the ideas of statistics, and reduced the knowledge of drawing diagram and BK; in the rudiment of algebra respect, it has grown gradually from nothing.3、In the teaching suggestion respect, it have great changes in the basic knowledge teaching, the method and the evaluation of instruction.All the changes put forward some suggestions for the Curriculum Criterion: improving the system of the object of the curriculum, and carrying forward traditional forms of expression; adding teachers’ professional requests, and bringing teachers into play their exemplary role; reforming the standard of the Curriculum evaluation.

  • 【分类号】G623.5
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】814

