

A Study on Neural Plasticity of Music Perception Ability

【作者】 苏洁

【导师】 王沛;

【作者基本信息】 西北师范大学 , 应用心理学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 音乐是探究人脑高级认知能力的有效窗口,目前有关人类音乐感知能力是否具有神经可塑性的研究还具争论。鉴于国外学者对接受不同音乐训练程度被试的对比研究,以及不同注意水平条件下被试音乐知觉神经模式研究,认为在对音乐感知能力的神经可塑性研究中,在探究音乐训练程度这一因素影响的同时,不同注意水平这一因素作用的有无,以及作用程度的大小都是值得探讨的。因此,本研究运用事件相关电位(ERP)技术进行了三种注意水平下音乐专家和普通人对和声不规则和弦脑电反应的对比研究,目的在于探讨音乐感知能力的神经可塑性,为我国音乐教育及音乐人才的培养和选拔提供基础。本研究分为三个实验进行:实验一即在非注意实验条件下进行音乐感知能力的研究;实验二即在前注意实验条件下进行音乐感知能力的研究;实验三即在注意实验条件下进行音乐感知能力的研究,研究结果表明:1)类似于前人的研究,不规则和弦在音乐专家和普通人中都产生了右前负极性(简称ERAN),音乐专家的ERAN比普通人的振幅更大,潜伏期更早。2)伴随着ERAN,不规则和弦在音乐专家和普通人中还产生了晚期负极成分(简称N5),它反应了音乐的整合。音乐专家的N5比普通人的振幅更大,潜伏期更早,表明在时间维度和程度上,专家的整合程度要优于一般被试,专家更加注重对音乐的整体知觉。3)通过违例和弦出现位置的不同,如违例和弦分别出现在第三位置和第五位置上的对比研究,发现第五位置上产生的ERAN和N5比第三位置上产生的振幅更大,表明这两种成分受违例位置的影响,揭示了音乐知觉不同阶段认知神经模型的差异。4)这两种成分在三种注意水平下(非注意、前注意、注意)没有显著性差异,表明这两种ERP成分在非注意条件下就能够产生,人类的音乐加工是自动的。总之,普通人对违例和弦的辨别说明了人类的音乐感知能力是普遍具有的,是内隐地获得的,并且这种能力经过后天的训练会进一步提高,音乐家以更快更自主的方式进行着音乐的加工,这表明了音乐感知能力具有神经可塑性。这一结论进一步为我国的音乐教育及音乐人才的培养提供了可资借鉴的基础。

【Abstract】 Music is a valid window way to investigate our human beings’ high level cognitive abilities. So far as we know, we still not sure that the music perception ability has its own plasticity. According to the studies abroad, which compared the subjects with different music training levels, and the studies concerning different music perception neural modes at different consciousness levels, it is quite necessary to discuss whether, and to which extend different consciousness levels has its own effect, while investigating the effect of different music training levels. Therefore ERP technique was applied to study the brain reactions of music experts and ordinary ones to harmony/irregular chords at three different consciousness levels, with the purpose of investigating the plasticity of music perception ability, offering some suggestions for our music education and music talents’ raise.Our study contained three sub experiments: First, we looked into the music perception neural mode under the un-attention condition, then pre-attention condition, and attention condition at last. It suggested that:1. Similar to the past studies, ERAN was also acquired when irregular chords was played to both music experts and ordinary persons, with the former swings larger than the latter ones, and the former delitescence earlier than the latter ones.2. N5 was also acquired in the same condition, and it reflected the conformity process of music perception. The swings of experts’ N5 were lager than the ordinary ones, and delitescence earlier. It reflected the conformity of music expert better than ordinary persons. And experts paid more attentions to integer perception while listening to music.3. It also showed the position effect, that was irregular chords appeared at the third or fifth position, and the swings and the delitescence were quite different. It uncovered the different neural modes at different music perception phases.4. The two components had no significant differences with their swings at the three attention levels. It meant that these two ERP components could be acquired under non-attention condition, and music processing was automatic.In conclusion, the reactions of ordinary persons’ perception to music meant the universality and implicity of human beings’ music perception abilities, which could be bettered by training. And music experts could process music with a more fast and independent way, this fact suggested the plasticity of music perception ability. And this result could be helpful to our music education and music talents’ raise.

  • 【分类号】J60-05
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】342

